同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Bones of Upper Limb

Bones of Upper Limb ·Should girdle clavicle,scapula Bones of free upper limb -Humerus Radius and ulna Carpal bones,metacarpals and phalanges
Bones of Upper Limb • Should girdle clavicle,scapula • Bones of free upper limb – Humerus – Radius and ulna – Carpal bones, metacarpals and phalanges

Clavicle “S”shaped,medial23 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward. Acromial end Sternal end Transmits shocks from upper limb to axial skeleton
Clavicle “S” shaped, medial 2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward. Sternal end Acromial end Transmits shocks from upper limb to axial skeleton

A commonly fractured bone
A commonly fractured bone

Scapula a triangular flat bone ·Three borders Superior:coracoid process, scapular notch Lateral (axillary)border Medial (vertebral)border ·Three angles Superior:opposite to the 2nd rib -Inferior:opposite to the 7th rib/intercostals space Lateral:glenoid cavity supra-and infraglenoid tubercles ·Two surfaces Anterior surface concave: subscapular fossa -Posterior surface: supra-and infraspinous fossae spine of scapula,acromion
Scapula • Three borders – Superior: coracoid process , scapular notch – Lateral (axillary) border – Medial (vertebral) border • Three angles – Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib – Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib / intercostals space – Lateral: glenoid cavity supra- and infraglenoid tubercles • Two surfaces – Anterior surface concave: subscapular fossa – Posterior surface: supra- and infraspinous fossae spine of scapula, acromion a triangular flat bone

Supraspinous fossa scapular notch coracoid process glenoid cavity acromion subscapular fossa spine of scapula Infraspinous fossa
coracoid process glenoid cavity spine of scapula acromion scapular notch Supraspinous fossa subscapular fossa Infraspinous fossa

Humerus ●Upper end head of humerus anatomical neck greater and lesser tubercles intertubercular groove surgical neck ●Shaft deltoid tuberosity groove for radial nerve ●Lower end lateral and medial epicondyles capitulum trochlea olecranon fossa coranoid fossa coranoid fossa radial fossa Radial fossa olecranon fossa, medial epicondyle sulcus for ulnar nerve capitulum trochlea
Humerus Upper end head of humerus anatomical neck greater and lesser tubercles intertubercular groove surgical neck Shaft deltoid tuberosity groove for radial nerve Lower end lateral and medial epicondyles capitulum trochlea coranoid fossa radial fossa olecranon fossa, sulcus for ulnar nerve trochlea capitulum Radial fossa coranoid fossa olecranon fossa medial epicondyle

Radius ·Upper end: head of radius neck of radius radial tuberosity radius. Shaft:interosseous border ·Lower end: radial styloid process ulnar notch carpal articular surface Radial Styloid
Radius • Upper end: head of radius neck of radius radial tuberosity • Shaft:interosseous border • Lower end: radial styloid process ulnar notch carpal articular surface Radial Styloid radius

olecranon Ulnar Radial notch -trochlear notch coronoid process ·Upper end: UInar tubersity olecranon coronoid process trochlear notch(large curved articular surface) radial notch ulnar ulnar tubersity ·Lower end styloid process of ulnar head of ulna
Ulnar • Upper end: olecranon coronoid process trochlear notch (large curved articular surface) radial notch ulnar tubersity • Lower end styloid process of ulnar head of ulna trochlear notch olecranon Ulnar tubersity coronoid process ulnar Radial notch

Fracture of the distal end of the radius
Fracture of the distal end of the radius

carpal bones Bones of hand metacarpal bones phalanges of fingers
carpal bones metacarpal bones phalanges of fingers Bones of hand
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