同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Cerebellum


Developmental sequence of brain Three primary vesicles Five secondary vesicles Adult derivatives of Wall Cavity Walls Cavities Cerebral Lateral Telencephalon hemisphere ventricles Prosencephalon (forebrain) Diencephalon Thalamus Third Hypothalamus ventricle Mesencephalon Mesencephalon Midbrain Aqueduct (midbrain) Pons Upper- Rhombencephalon -Metencephalon portion (hindbrain) Cerebellum of fourth ventricle Myelencephalon. Medulla Lower oblongata portion. Spinal cord Fourth week Fifth week
Developmental sequence of brain Fourth week Fifth week

Location of cerebellum Cerebral hemispheres (telencephalon) Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Lies above and behind the medullar Temporal lobe and pons and occupies posterior cranial fossa Cerebellum (metencephalon) Pons (metencephalon) Medulla oblongata (myelencephalon)
Location of cerebellum Lies above and behind the medullar and pons and occupies posterior cranial fossa

Location of cerebellum Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebellum (metencephalon Midbrain(mesencephalon) Pons (metencephalon) Medulla oblongata(myelencephalon)
Location of cerebellum

External structures Superior surface Anterior cerebellar notch Anterior lobe Quadrangular lobule (H IVV) Central lobule (II Ill)- Primary fissure Horizontal fissure Culmen(IV V)- -Simple lobule(H VI) Superior vermis Declive (VI)- Posterior lobe Postlunate fissure Folium(VIl A) Superior semilunar (anseriform)lobule(H VII A) Horizontal fissure Inferior semilunar Posterior cerebellar notch (caudal)lobule(H VII B) Consists of two cerebellar hemispheres united in the midline by the vermis Primary fissure
External structures Consists of two cerebellar hemispheres united in the midline by the vermis Primary fissure

External structures Central lobule Anterior lobe Inferior surface Superior vermis -Wing of central lobule Lingula(I) -Superior Superior medullary velum Middle Cerebellar peduncles Inferior Flocculus (HX) Flocculonodular lobe 4th ventricle Posterolateral(dorsolateral) Inferior medullary velum fissure Nodule (X) Retrotonsillar fissure Inferior Uvula(IX)- Posterior lobe vermis -Tonsil Pyramid (VIll) Biventer lobule (H VIlI) Tuber(VII B) Secondary(postpyramidal) fissure Posterior cerebellar notch Horizontal fissure Inferior semilunar (caudal)lobule (H VII B) Lobules of cerebellum:Anterior lobe,posterior lobe,flocculonodular lobe. Posterolateral fissure
External structures Lobules of cerebellum: Anterior lobe, posterior lobe, flocculonodular lobe. Posterolateral fissure

External structures ·Tonsil of cerebellum two elevated masses on inferior surface of hemispheric portion, just nearby foramen magnum 。 Cerebellar tonsilar hernia
External structures • Tonsil of cerebellum two elevated masses on inferior surface of hemispheric portion, just nearby foramen magnum • Cerebellar tonsilar hernia

Internal structures Cerebellar cortex-gray matter Granular layer,piriform(Purkinje)cell layer,molecular layer Cerebellar medulla-white matter Superior Middle Inferior cerebellar peduncles ● Cerebellar nuclei-gray matter within white matter Fastigial,globose,emboliform,dentate nuclei Interposed nucleus
Internal structures • Cerebellar cortex – gray matter Granular layer, piriform (Purkinje) cell layer, molecular layer • Cerebellar medulla – white matter Superior / Middle / Inferior cerebellar peduncles • Cerebellar nuclei – gray matter within white matter Fastigial, globose, emboliform, dentate nuclei Interposed nucleus

Cerebellar cortex Molecular layer Stellate cel Piriform urkini cell layer Granular layer White matter Climbing iber
Cerebellar cortex Molecular layer Piriform cell layer Granular layer White matter

Cerebellar nuclei Decussation of Cerebral crus superior cerebellar peduncles Medial longitudinal fasciculus 4th ventricle Nuclear layer of Superior medullary velum medulla oblongata Fastigial- Superior cerebellar peduncle Globose Cerebellar nuclei Lingula (I) Dentate- Vermis Emboliform. Fastigial,globose,emboliform,dentate nuclei
Cerebellar nuclei Fastigial, globose, emboliform, dentate nuclei
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