同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Brainstem


Brainstem Cerebral hemispheres (telencephalon) Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe Cerebellum (metencephalon) Pons(metencephalon) Medulla oblongata(myelencephalon)
脑 脊 髓 Brainstem

Brainstem Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus 。Telencephalon Cerebellum Diencephalon (metencephalon) Midbrain(mesencephalon) Pons(metencephalon)- 。Cerebellum Medulla oblongata(myelencephalon) ●Brain stem
Brainstem • Telencephalon • Diencephalon • Cerebellum • Brain stem

Ventral view
Ventral view

Lateral view
Lateral view

10 pairs of the cranial nerves are attached to the brain stem Ollactory bulb (olfactory nerves [CN I]ond in bulb) cerebral fissure Oltactory tract Temporal pole Latera sulcus (fissure) Optis nerve (CN II) Anterior perlorated Optic tract substance Oculomotor nerve (CN Il MMamillary bodv Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Sensory root Trigeminal Motor root nerve (CN V) Abducent nerve (CN VI) Middle cerebella Facial nerve (CN VI) pecuncle Intermediate nerve Vestibuloccchloar norvo (CN VIlI) Chorod plexus of 4th ventricle Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX) Lateral recess of Vagus nerve (CN X) 4th ventricle Hypogossal nerve (CN XIl) Cranial roo Cereballum Spinal root cord
10 pairs of the cranial nerves are attached to the brain stem

The brainstem ▣Midbrain ▣Pons ▣Medulla oblongata
Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata The brainstem

Medulla oblongata ventral aspect External structure Pyramid:contain pyramidal tract (corticospinal tract) Decussation of pyramid:formed by crossing fibers of corticospinal tract Olive:produced by underlying inferior olivary nucleus Anterolateral sulcus:rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from it Posterolateral sulcus:rootlets of glossopharyngeal,vagus and accessory nerves emerge from it
Medulla oblongata ventral aspect Pyramid: contain pyramidal tract (corticospinal tract) Decussation of pyramid: formed by crossing fibers of corticospinal tract Olive: produced by underlying inferior olivary nucleus Anterolateral sulcus: rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from it Posterolateral sulcus: rootlets of glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves emerge from it External structure

Pons ventral aspect ▣Basilar part Basilar sulcus basilar artery Middle cerebellar peduncle Trigeminal nerve Bulbopontine sulcus:from medial to lateral,the abducent,facial and vestibulocochlear nerves appear Pontocerebellar trigone the junction of medulla,pons and cerebellum, containing facial,vestibulocochlear and glossopharyngeal N
Pons Basilar part Basilar sulcus : basilar artery Middle cerebellar peduncle Trigeminal nerve Bulbopontine sulcus: from medial to lateral, the abducent, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves appear Pontocerebellar trigone : the junction of medulla, pons and cerebellum, containing facial, vestibulocochlear and glossopharyngeal N. ventral aspect

ventral aspect Midbrain ▣Cerebral peduncle Crus cerebri Interpeduncular fossa Oculomotor nerves emerge Posterior perforated substance
Midbrain Cerebral peduncle Crus cerebri Interpeduncular fossa Oculomotor nerves emerge Posterior perforated substance ventral aspect
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