同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Venous and Lymphatic Drainage of lower limb

Venous and Lymphatic Drainage of lower limb
Venous and Lymphatic Drainage of lower limb

Deep inguinal lymph nodes Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (superolateral) Femoral vein Superficial veins Saphenous opening Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (inferior) Great saphenous. vein Patella 品a Small saphenous vein Medial cuta 6eu Medial malleolus Dorsal venous arch p8 Digital vein Anteromedial view
Superficial veins Small saphenous vein

Deep veins of the lower limb Femoral vein->External iliacvein Internal iliacvein Common iliacvein Inferior vena cava It accompanies deep artery and has the same name with accompanying artery, receiving venous blood from the same region where artery supplies
Deep veins of the lower limb It accompanies deep artery and has the same name with accompanying artery, receiving venous blood from the same region where artery supplies. Femoral vein External iliac vein Internal iliac vein Common iliac vein Inferior vena cava

Varicose veins In the healthy vein, valves allow blood to flow toward the heart,preventing the reflex of blood Gravity Great saphenous vein Valves in varicose veins are incompetent, causing blood flow inferiorly. Medial- malleolus 静脉瓣 Dorsal venous arch of foot
Varicose veins In the healthy vein, valves allow blood to flow toward the heart, preventing the reflex of blood. Gravity Valves in varicose veins are incompetent, causing blood flow inferiorly

Lymph Drainage of the lower limb 1 Superficiallymph vessels and nodes Superficial inguinal nodes External pudendal veins 2o7 g Adductor longus Fig.1328 Superficial lymphatic vessels and venous trunks of right groin [inguinal regionl:anterior aspect. superficial inguinal nodes superficial popliteal nodes It receives lymph from entire superficial structures of the lower limb
Lymph Drainage of the lower limb superficial inguinal nodes 1 Superficial lymph vessels and nodes superficial popliteal nodes It receives lymph from entire superficial structures of the lower limb

Deep popliteal nodes Popliteal- Anterior fossa superior ac spine Popliteal vein fascia Inguinal Deep inguinal gament nodes Femoral artery Small saphenous Femoral. vein vein Fascia lata Lateral malleolus URE 6.12 Femoral sheath and contents.Superior end of the anterior ve is external and lateral to the sheath. Deep inguinal node receives lymph from all the entire lower limb
Deep popliteal nodes Deep inguinal nodes Deep inguinal node receives lymph from all the entire lower limb

Lymph from deep inguinal node drains into the external iliac nodes
Lymph from deep inguinal node drains into the external iliac nodes

Joints of lower limb
Joints of lower limb

Hip joint Articular surface the head of the femur, acetabulum of the hip bone Ball-and socket type transverse acetabular Structures ligament 1 transverse acetabular ligament a fibrous band that bridges the acetabular notch
Hip joint Articular surface the head of the femur, acetabulum of the hip bone Ball-and socket type Structures 1 transverse acetabular ligament a fibrous band that bridges the acetabular notch transverse acetabular ligament

3 Acetabular labrum,a rim of fibrocartilage Deepens the acetabulum and increases stability of the hip joint. Acetabular 4 The ligament of head of femur Head of femur labrum Extends acetabular fossa to fovea of The ligament of femoral head.It contains a small artery head of femur to the head. 、transverse acetabular ligament The joint capsule has been opened
3 Acetabular labrum, a rim of fibrocartilage Deepens the acetabulum and increases stability of the hip joint. 4 The ligament of head of femur Extends acetabular fossa to fovea of femoral head. It contains a small artery to the head. The ligament of femur Transverse acetabular ligament Acetabular Head of femur labrum The joint capsule has been opened The ligament of head of femur transverse acetabular ligament
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