同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)head neck thorax abdomen pelvis and perineum back upper limb lower limb

head neck 6 thorax abdomen Hand Hand pelvis and perineum Thigh back Loimb upper limb lower limb Foot
head neck thorax abdomen pelvis and perineum back upper limb lower limb

The Bone of Lower Limb hip bone femur patella Skeleton of tibia free limb fibula bones of foot
hip bone Skeleton of free limb femur patella tibia fibula bones of foot The Bone of Lower Limb

ilium (yellow colour) At puberty,three bones are hip bone ischium separated by cartilage.At adult. cartilage ossifies into bone pubis (red colour) lliac crest Anterior superior lliac tuberosity iliac spine ilium posterior lliac fossa superior iliac spine pubis ischiun Auricular surface Lateral aspect Medial aspect
hip bone ilium (yellow colour) ischium pubis (red colour) Lateral aspect Medial aspect Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Iliac fossa Auricular surface Iliac tuberosity ilium ischium pubis posterior superior iliac spine At puberty, three bones are separated by cartilage. At adult, cartilage ossifies into bone

Posterior superior anterior superior iliac spine iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine Acetabulum (a cup-shaped Posterior inferior iliac spine cavity) Ischial spine acetabular notch body of pubis Ischial tuberosity Ramus of pubis Ramus of ischium
Acetabulum (a cup-shaped cavity) acetabular notch Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Ischial tuberosity anterior superior iliac spine Ramus of ischium Ramus of pubis body of pubis anterior inferior iliac spine Ischial spine

ischium Ischial spine- Obturator foramer lschial tuberosity Greater sciatic notch Ischiopubic ramus -Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch
ischium Ischial spine Ischial tuberosity Greater sciatic notch Lesser sciatic notch Obturator foramen Ischiopubic ramus Ischial spine

pubis Superior ramus of pubis Pubic body Pubic tubercle Inferior ramus of pubis Ischiopubic ramus Pubic crest (bluntridge)
pubis Pubic crest (blunt ridge) Pubic tubercle Superior ramus of pubis Inferior ramus of pubis Pubic body Ischiopubic ramus

head of femur greater trochanter_ femur neck of femur Inter-trochanteric crest Gluteal tuberosity pectineal line Shaft Linea aspera Supracondylar line adductor tubercle Condyle (curved surface) epicondyle intercondylar fossa
femur head of femur neck of femur greater trochanter Inter-trochanteric crest Linea aspera pectineal line Condyle (curved surface) epicondyle adductor tubercle intercondylar fossa Shaft Gluteal tuberosity Supracondylar line

Tibia weight-bearing Intercondylar eminence Medial tibial condyle tibial tuberosity Medial malleolus
Tibia weight-bearing Medial malleolus tibial tuberosity Medial tibial condyle Intercondylar eminence

Fibula Proximal end:head,neck, 。Shaft Distal end:lateral malleolus Patella Sesamoid bone
Fibula • Proximal end: head, neck, • Shaft • Distal end: lateral malleolus Patella Sesamoid bone

Bones of foot Phalanges 1 Tarsal bones ·talus,calcaneus Metatarsus- ·Navicular ·Cuneiform cuboid 。2 Metatarsus ·3 Phalanges
Bones of foot 1 Tarsal bones • talus, calcaneus • Navicular • Cuneiform cuboid • 2 Metatarsus • 3 Phalanges Metatarsus Phalanges
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