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同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)HUMAN ANATOMY

• Five weeks in learning (including presetation and practice) • Preview and review • Be sure to come on time, 1: 20pm Monday • Dissecting is the best way in learning anatomy; try to use your hands more; cooperation---team work • Paper works after classes (maybe twice) • Quizs in class • Mark your dissecting skills .



Overview Five weeks in learning (including presetation and practice) ·Preview and review Be sure to come on time,1:20pm Monday Dissecting is the best way in learning anatomy; try to use your hands more;cooperation---team work Paper works after classes(maybe twice) 。Quizs in class Mark your dissecting skills

Overview • Five weeks in learning (including presetation and practice) • Preview and review • Be sure to come on time, 1: 20pm Monday • Dissecting is the best way in learning anatomy; try to use your hands more; cooperation---team work • Paper works after classes (maybe twice) • Quizs in class • Mark your dissecting skills

Textbook: ESSENTIAL CLINICAL ANATOMY 4th Keith Moore. References: Grant's Dissector 12th Eberhard K.sauerland (Text book) Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students,7th Edition,Richard Snell,Lippincott Atlas of Human Anatomy,4th Edition,Frank Netter (3rd Ed is also suitable) Grant's Atlas of Anatomy,11th Edition,Agur Lee,Williams Wilkins Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary(Recommended)

References: Grant’s Dissector 12th Eberhard K. sauerland (Text book) Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students, 7th Edition, Richard Snell, Lippincott Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th Edition, Frank Netter (3rd Ed is also suitable) Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, 11th Edition, Agur & Lee, Williams & Wilkins Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Recommended) Textbook: ESSENTIAL CLINICAL ANATOMY 4 th Keith Moore

The abdomen I 。Introduction the abdominal wall the abdominal cavity visceral organs Key points: 1.layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall; 2.Inguinal Region &Inguinal canal Clinical significance 1.know the abdominal incisions, 2.Identify the direct and indirect inguinal hernia

The abdomen Ⅰ • Introduction the abdominal wall the abdominal cavity visceral organs Key points: 1. layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall; 2.Inguinal Region &Inguinal canal ◆Clinical significance 1. know the abdominal incisions, 2. Identify the direct and indirect inguinal hernia

Digestive System Organization Gastrointestinal (Gl)tract (Alimentary canal) Tube within a tube Direct link/path between organs Structures ·Mouth ·Oral Cavity ·Pharynx uode num ·Esophagus Stomach ·Stomach ·Duedenum ·Jejenum ·Illeum Large ·Cecum Jejunum ·Ascending colon ·Transverse colon lleum ·Descending colon 。 Sigmoid colon ·Rectum ·Anus 5

5 Digestive System Organization • Gastrointestinal (Gl) tract (Alimentary canal) – Tube within a tube – Direct link/path between organs – Structures • Mouth • Oral Cavity • Pharynx • Esophagus • Stomach • Duedenum • Jejenum • IIleum • Cecum • Ascending colon • Transverse colon • Descending colon • Sigmoid colon • Rectum • Anus

The abdominal wall 1.Surface landmarks Boundaries,Planes and regions 2.Anterolateral abdominal wall 1.Muscles 2.Blood vessels and lymphatic drainage 3.Nerves 3.Inguinal region and inguinal canal 1.1 Body landmarks ·Xiphoid process Costal arch 。 Anterior superior iliac spine "ASIS" lliac crest tubercle 5cm from asis) Superior border of pubic symphysis Pubic tubercle

The abdominal wall 1. Surface landmarks Boundaries, Planes and regions 2. Anterolateral abdominal wall 1. Muscles 2. Blood vessels and lymphatic drainage 3. Nerves 3. Inguinal region and inguinal canal 1.1 Body landmarks • Xiphoid process • Costal arch • Anterior superior iliac spine “ASIS” • Iliac crest ( tubercle 5cm from asis) • Superior border of pubic symphysis • Pubic tubercle

Boundaries of the abdomen Boundary ·Superiorly- xiphoid process(①,lower border of costal arch②③,11 th and12th ribs,vertebra T12 。Inferiorly- superior border of pubic symphysis(13), pubic crest(②,pubic tubercle(11), fold of inguinal canal, anterior superior iliac spine ASIS(⑦, iliac crest⑥,spinous process of L5

Boundaries of the abdomen Boundary • Superiorly- xiphoid process①, lower border of costal arch ② ③, 11th and 12th ribs, vertebra T12 • Inferiorly- superior border of pubic symphysis⒀, pubic crest⑿, pubic tubercle⑾, fold of inguinal canal, anterior superior iliac spine ASIS⑦, iliac crest ⑥, spinous process of L5

The abdominal regions -Nine regions R.hypochondriac Epigastric region region L.hypochondriacregion R.lateral regions L.lateral regions R.inguinal region Umbilical region L.inguinal region Hypogastric(Pubic)region 2 horizontal planes:subcostal and transtubercular planes 2 vertical planes---line joins the midclavicular to midpoint of inguinal canal

The abdominal regions ——Nine regions R. hypochondriac region Epigastric region L. hypochondriac region R. lateral regions Umbilical region L. lateral regions R. inguinal region L. inguinal region Hypogastric(Pubic) region 2 horizontal planes: subcostal and transtubercular planes 2 vertical planes--- line joins the midclavicular to midpoint of inguinal canal

The abdominal regions -Four quadrants ·Left and right upper quadrants 。Left and right lower quadrants The median plane and the transverse umbilicus plane

The abdominal regions ——Four quadrants • Left and right upper quadrants • Left and right lower quadrants • The median plane and the transverse umbilicus plane

Landmarks of abdomen ·Pubic symphysis ·Pubic tubercle ·lliac crest ·Umbilicus Linea semilunaris1---9--5--13 Transpyloric plane L1 First layer-liver,gallbladder,stomach 1. Second layer-duodenum,pancreas,spleen Third layer-suprarenal gland,kidney,ureter,inferior vena cava,abdominal aorta,nerves and lymphatics

Landmarks of abdomen • Pubic symphysis • Pubic tubercle • Iliac crest • Umbilicus • Linea semilunaris1---9--5--13 • Transpyloric plane L1 First layer-liver, gallbladder, stomach Second layer-duodenum, pancreas, spleen Third layer-suprarenal gland, kidney, ureter, inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, nerves and lymphatics
