同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Abdomen Ⅴ

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Abdomen V Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Li ying liyingchd@l63.com
Abdomen Ⅴ Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Li ying liyingchd@163.com

Diaphragm (1)Position and division: dome-shaped between thorax and abdomen,consists of Central tendon muscular part Sternal part: Costal part: Lumbar part:arises by left and right crus from upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae Insertion:central tendon
(1) Position and division: dome-shaped between thorax and abdomen, consists of Central tendon muscular part Diaphragm Sternal part: Costal part: Lumbar part: arises by left and right crus from upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae Insertion: central tendon

Xiphoi记procesa8 Last Riby Opening for Lesser Splanchnic Nerve

(2)Openings of diaphragm ①Aortic hiatus inferior venacavabrcm T8 at the level of 12th thoracic vertebra,the thoracic aorta and thoracic duct passing T10 through esophagus ②Esophageal hiatus 12 at the level of 10th thoracic vertebra,the esophagus and vagus thoracic aorta n.passing through ③caval opening at the level of 8th thoracic vertebra, inferior vena cava and right phrenic nerve passing through
❑ (2) Openings of diaphragm ① Aortic hiatus at the level of 12th thoracic vertebra, the thoracic aorta and thoracic duct passing through ② Esophageal hiatus at the level of 10th thoracic vertebra,the esophagus and vagus n. passing through ③ caval opening at the level of 8th thoracic vertebra, inferior vena cava and right phrenic nerve passing through T8 T10 T12 inferior vena cava esophagus thoracic aorta

Nerves and vessels supply of diaphragm Highest inlercoslai artery Highest intercosial vein Rami communicandes Sternal origin of Diaphragm
Nerves and vessels supply of diaphragm

Diaphragm Action: Contraction:the dome moving downward,increases the volume of thoracic cavity which results in inspiration,at the same time the intra- abdominal pressure is increased assists in defecation,vomiting or child birth. Relaxation:the dome returns to the former position,reduces the volume to the thoracic cavity,resulting in expiration
Diaphragm Action: ❑ Contraction: the dome moving downward, increases the volume of thoracic cavity which results in inspiration, at the same time the intraabdominal pressure is increased assists in defecation, vomiting or child birth. ❑ Relaxation: the dome returns to the former position, reduces the volume to the thoracic cavity, resulting in expiration

Posterior abdominal wall Nerve supply ▣Branches of lumber plexus(L1~L4) lliohypogastric nerve >llioinguinal nerve >Lateral femoral cutaneous n. Femoral n. Obturator n. Genitofemoral n
Posterior abdominal wall Nerve supply ❑ Branches of lumber plexus(L1~L4) ➢ Iliohypogastric nerve ➢ Ilioinguinal nerve ➢ Lateral femoral cutaneous n. ➢ Femoral n. ➢ Obturator n. ➢ Genitofemoral n

Abdominal aorta Continuation of thoracic aorta at aortic hiatus of diaphragm in front of T12 ▣Terminates at lower border of L4 vertebra by dividing into right and left common iliac arteries ▣13cm
Abdominal aorta ❑ Continuation of thoracic aorta at aortic hiatus of diaphragm in front of T12 ❑ Terminates at lower border of L4 vertebra by dividing into right and left common iliac arteries ❑ 13cm
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