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同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Pelvis

同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Pelvis

Pelvis Dr.Xu

Pelvis Dr. Xu

Pelvic Composition pelvic wall: bony pelvis pelvic muscles pelvic fascia pelvic cavity:lesser pelvis pelvic viscera:urinary,reproduction,digestion

pelvic wall: bony pelvis pelvic muscles pelvic fascia pelvic cavity: lesser pelvis pelvic viscera:urinary 、reproduction、digestion Pelvic Composition

pelvic wall cavity

pelvic wall & cavity

the Bony pelvis --a paired hip bones --sacrum --coccyx --and their articulations

the Bony pelvis --a paired hip bones --sacrum --coccyx --and their articulations

Hip bone ilium three fused bones at puberty ilium,ischium,pubis Ala -llium Body Vertical plane -Internal lip of iliac crest lliac crest- Tuberosity of ilium Anterior lliac superior fossa Auricular surface iliac spine- Posterior ischium pubis Anterior inferior superior iliac spine- iliac spine Arcuate line- Posterior inferior lliopubic iliac spine eminence Body of Greater sciatic notch Pecten pubis ischium Superior Ischial spine ramus of pubis Lesser sciatic notch ilium -Pubic crest- Body of pubis Ischial tuberosity Ischial ramus Pubis Obturator foramen Acetabulum Triradiate Ischium cartilage Inferior ramus of pubis B Lateral view accetabulum C Medial view pubis ischium

Hip bone three fused bones at puberty : ilium, ischium, pubis ilium ilium ischium ischium pubis pubis accetabulum

Joints of pelvic girdle--- Sacro-iliac joint limited mobility Bones:auricular surface of sacrum and ilium-interlock Capsule:very tight and strengthened by ligaments llium- Sacral canal Posterior sacroiliac Tigament Interosseous sacroiliac ligament Sacroiliac(synovial)joint Anterior sacroiliac Sacrotuberous ligament- ligament Sacrum Sacrospinous ligament Ischial spine Hip bone Sacrum Coccyx terior view of coronal section Auricular (articular) 圈Tuberosity surface Medial view Lateral view

Joints of pelvic girdle--- Sacro-iliac joint : limited mobility Bones: auricular surface of sacrum and ilium - interlock Capsule: very tight and strengthened by ligaments

Vertebro-pelvic ligaments lliolumbal ligament( Sacrotuberous ligament Sacrospinous ligament* greater lesser sciatic foramina fantvors0pocessc5ywnetn aac cres oramen Superior puic ment ligament schial tuberosity

Vertebro-pelvic ligaments Iliolumbal ligament(ant. & post.) Sacrotuberous ligament ★ Sacrospinous ligament ★ greater / lesser sciatic foramina

the Bony pelvis Direction In anatomical position, ant.sup.iliac spines and pubic tubercles on the one coronal plane, tip of coccyx and sup.border of pubic symphysis on the one horizontal plane Terminal line(linea terminalis)=inlet,brim,aperture by promontory of sacrum,arcuate line,pectin of pubis,pubic tubercle(crest),upper border of pubic symphysis Two portions:pelvic cavities a greater(major)pelvis:false-sup. a lesser(minor)pelvis:true-inf

◆ Direction : In anatomical position, ant. sup. iliac spines and pubic tubercles = on the one coronal plane, tip of coccyx and sup. border of pubic symphysis = on the one horizontal plane ◆ Terminal line (linea terminalis) ★ = inlet, brim, aperture by promontory of sacrum, arcuate line, pectin of pubis, pubic tubercle(crest), upper border of pubic symphysis ◆ Two portions: pelvic cavities a greater (major) pelvis: false-sup. a lesser (minor) pelvis : true- inf. ★ the Bony pelvis

Main difference between male and femal pelvis Male Female Overall Narrow and long Wide and short lliac ala More vertical More horizontal Inlet Oval or heart shaped Round Subpubic angle Acute angle (=70~750) Right angle(=90~1000) Pelvic cavity Deep narrow Shallower,wide Outlet Small Larger

Main difference between male and femal pelvis Male Female Overall Narrow and long Wide and short Iliac ala More vertical More horizontal Inlet Oval or heart shaped Round Subpubic angle Acute angle (=70~750 ) Right angle (= 90~1000 ) Pelvic cavity Deep narrow Shallower, wide Outlet Small Larger

Muscles of pelvic wall Levateo prostate(or pubovaginalis) Puborectalis pelivic floor diaphragm Pubococcygeus Muscles of ant-inf./post./lat.pelvic wall lliococcygeus ■Piriform m.(post.) Obturator internus Pubic and its symphysis (ant.inf) Levator ani Muscles of floor of pelvis Sphincter Vaginae (or Levator prostatae) Pubic Symphysis Urethra Levator ani★ Pubo-vaginalis Vagina Pubo-rectalis Rectum Levateo prostate (pubovaginalis) Puborectalis Pubo-coccygeus Obturator Pubococcygeus Internus iliococcygeus Coccygeus lliococcygeus piriform tendinous arch★ Coccygeus tendinous arch Coccyx Sacrum Superior View

Muscles of floor of pelvis Levator ani★ - Levateo prostate (pubovaginalis) - Puborectalis - Pubococcygeus - iliococcygeus Coccygeus Muscles of ant-inf./post./ lat. pelvic wall ◼ Piriform m. (post.) ◼ Obturator internus m. ( lat.) ◼ Pubic and its symphysis (ant.inf) Muscles of pelvic wall pelivic floor & diaphragm Sacrum Pubic Symphysis Urethra Rectum Obturator Internus Coccyx Superior View Sphincter Vaginae (or Levator prostatae) Pubo-vaginalis Pubo-rectalis Pubo-coccygeus Iliococcygeus Coccygeus Vagina tendinous arch piriform tendinous arch ★ Iliococcygeus Pubococcygeus Puborectalis Levateo prostate (or pubovaginalis) Levator ani
