同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Deep Structures in the Cervical Region

Deep Structures in the Cervical region
Deep Structures in the Cervical Region

Outline >Prevertebral Muscles >Root of Neck
Outline ➢Prevertebral Muscles ➢Root of Neck

Prevertebral muscles .longus capitis .longus colli .rectus capitis anterior rectus capitis anterior anterior scalene longus capitis .middle scalene middle scalene -longus colli scalene fissure anterior scalene
anterior scalene scalene fissure middle scalene longus colli longus capitis rectus capitis anterior Prevertebral muscles •longus capitis •longus colli •rectus capitis anterior •anterior scalene •middle scalene

Root of neck The juctional area between the thorax and the neck ◆Boundary: anteriorly:the manubrium of the sternum posteriorly:T1 laterally:1st ribs and their costal cartilages
Root of neck ◆The juctional area between the thorax and the neck ◆Boundary : • anteriorly: the manubrium of the sternum • posteriorly: T1 • laterally:1st ribs and their costal cartilages

Arteries in root of neck Branchiocephalic trunk ◆Subclavian arteries Left Subclavian arteries:the arch of the aorta Right Subclavian arteries:Branchiocephalic trunk The branches of the subclavian-arteries. Sypthmie crvicaon Ce Arch of aona (aortic arch] Brachocephaicnk ·co
Arteries in root of neck ◆Branchiocephalic trunk ◆Subclavian arteries • Left Subclavian arteries: the arch of the aorta • Right Subclavian arteries: Branchiocephalic trunk ◆The branches of the subclavian arteries

The branches of the subclavian arteries Three parts:by the anterior scalene muscle .1st part:medial to the muscle .2nd part:posterior to the muscle .3rd part:lateral to the muscle anterior scalene
The branches of the subclavian arteries Three parts: by the anterior scalene muscle •1st part: medial to the muscle •2 nd part: posterior to the muscle •3 rd part: lateral to the muscle anterior scalene

1st part vertebtal a. inf.Thyroid a. thyrocervical trunk. ascending cervical a. transverse cervical a. internal thoracic a. suprascapular a. inf.Thyroid a. transverse suprascapular a. vertebtal a. suprascapular a. inf.Thyroid a. thyrocervical trunk internal thoracic a
vertebtal a. thyrocervical trunk internal thoracic a. inf. Thyroid a. ascending cervical a. transverse cervical a. suprascapular a. 1 st part vertebtal a. inf. Thyroid a. internal thoracic a. thyrocervical trunk suprascapular a. transverse cervical a. suprascapular a. inf. Thyroid a

2nd part costocervical a.:deep cervical a.and supreme intercostal a. deep cervical a. costocervical a. thyrocervical trunk
costocervical a.: deep cervical a. and supreme intercostal a. 2 nd part thyrocervical trunk costocervical a. deep cervical a

3rd part Dorsal Scapular a. Dorsal scapular a. Circumflex scapular a
3 rd part Dorsal Scapular a

summary Subclavian.A First part: Second part: Third part: >Vetebral a. >Costocervical Trunk >Dorsal Scapular a. .Superior intercostal a. >Internal Thoracic a. .Deep cervical a. .Inferior Thyroid a. >Thyrocervical Trunk .Suprascapular a .Cervicodorsal trunk .Inferior Thyroid a
➢Vetebral a. ➢Internal Thoracic a. ➢Thyrocervical Trunk First part: ➢Costocervical Trunk Subclavian. A Second part: Third part: •Suprascapular a •Cervicodorsal trunk •Inferior Thyroid a. •Superior intercostal a. •Deep cervical a. •Inferior Thyroid a. ➢Dorsal Scapular a. summary
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