同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Regions and Triangles of the Neck

Fascia of Neck:four layers Nuchal ligament Skin Posterior Retropharyngeal space Vertebral arch Trapezius Alar fascia Middle scalene Lymph node Anterior scalene. Carotid Longus sheath colli Vagus nerve Esophagus Internal Omohyoid- jugular vein Platysma Common carotid artery Sternocleido- mastoid(SCM) Sternothyroid Thyroid gland Anterior Sternohyoid Trachea Pretracheal layer C Superior view of transverse section (at level C7 vertebra)
Fascia of Neck: four layers

Regions and Triangles of the Neck .SCM Region .Anterior Region Submental,Submandibular,Carotid,Muscular Triangles .Posterior Region .Lateral Region .Occipital,Omoclavicular Triangles
Regions and Triangles of the Neck •SCM Region •Anterior Region •Posterior Region •Lateral Region •Submental, Submandibular, Carotid, Muscular Triangles •Occipital, Omoclavicular Triangles

Lateral Cervical Region Superficial temporal vein Occipital vein Maxillary vein Retromandibular vein: Posterior auricular vein- Posterior division Anterior division Splenius- Facial vein Trapezius Common facial vein Levator scapulae- Spinal accessory nerve(CN XI) Sternocleidomastoid Middle and posterior scalene External jugular vein(EJV) Cervicodorsal vein Communicating branch Internal jugular vein(IJV) Omohyoid Anterior jugular vein Suprascapular vein Brachiocephalic vein A Lateral view Subclavian vein Lateral cervical region.A.Superficial veins of right side of neck. .5 muscles,2 triangles,nerves,veins and arteries
Lateral Cervical Region •5 muscles, 2 triangles, nerves, veins and arteries

.Nerves in Lateral Cervical Region-Brachial plexus Cervicodorsal trunk Spinal accessory nerve(CN XI) Levator scapulae Phrenic nerve Middle scalene Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius- Superior trunk of brachial plexus Internal jugular vein(IJV) Superficial cervical artery- -Thyrocervical trunk Dorsal scapular artery Anterior scalene Posterior scalene. Subclavian artery Middle trunk of brachial plexus Inferior trunk of brachial plexus External jugular vein(EJV) Nerve Clavicle Suprascapular Artery 1st rib Vein Subclavian vein E Anterior view of right side >C5-C8&T1 >Suprascapular nerve
•Nerves in Lateral Cervical Region-Brachial plexus ➢C5-C8 & T1 ➢Suprascapular nerve

Anterior Cervical Region >Submental Triangle >Submandibular Triangle >Carotid Triangle >Muscular Triangle
•Anterior Cervical Region ➢Submental Triangle ➢Submandibular Triangle ➢Carotid Triangle ➢Muscular Triangle

.Arteries in Anterior Region-Carotid system N.auriculotemporalis 品M。 superficialis :牙情动导 edia 动 >Internal External carotid A. >Carotid sinus and body
•Arteries in Anterior Region-Carotid system ➢Internal & External carotid A. ➢Carotid sinus and body

.Arteries in Anterior Region-Carotid system 体,M。 .Main Branches of ECA: >Ascending Pharyngeal A. >Occipital A. >Posterior auricular A. >Superior thyroid A. >Lingual A. A >Facial A. >Superficial Temporal A. 5< Maxillary A
•Arteries in Anterior Region-Carotid system ➢Ascending Pharyngeal A. ➢Occipital A. ➢Posterior auricular A. ➢Superior thyroid A. ➢Lingual A. ➢Facial A. ➢Superficial Temporal A. & Maxillary A. •Main Branches of ECA:

.Prevertebral muscles Rectus capitis lateralis Sternocleidomastoid Rectus capitis Transverse process. Splenius capitis anterior of atlas(C1) Levator scapulae Middle scalene Longus capitis Posterior scalene Anterior scalene Middle scalene Trapezius- Middle scalene Lateral cervical region,lateral view Posterior scalene Posterior scalene Spinous Anterior process scalene Lamina Longus colli Longus colli- Posterior tubercle Transverse process Antenor tubercle Foramen transversarium Anterior view Superior view of cervical vertebra
•Prevertebral Muscles

Arteries in Root of Neck Superficial temporal artery Transverse facial artery Maxillary artery External occipital protuberance Occipital artery Posterior auricular artery Descending branch- External Ascending carotid artery pharyngeal artery. Facial artery Lingual artery Internal carotid artery Vertebral artery Superior thyroid artery Deep cervical artery Suboccipital part Ascending Thyroid gland Vertebral part cervical artery Inferior thyroid artery Cervical part Superficial cervical artery Vertebral artery Dorsal scapular artery Right common carotid artery Suprascapular artery. Thyrocervical trunk Supreme Subclavian artery intercostal artery First posterior- Brachiocephalic trunk intercostal artery -Internal thoracic artery A Lateral view trunk Root of neck and prevertebral region.A.Arteres
•Arteries in Root of Neck

.Veins in root of neck Superior bulb of IJV l acoustic meatus -Inferior petrosal sinus Sigmoid sinus Pharyngeal Occipital. Facial Right Left internal jugular internal jugular vein Common facial vein Lingual Superior thyroid Right Internal jugular (IJV) subclavian vein Middle thyroid- Inferior bulb of IJV Right brachiocephalic Left Right Inferior thyroid vein subclavian external vein jugular Left Right B Superior vena cava brachiocephalic subclavian- (SVC) vein D Anterior Right and left jugular brachiocephalic
•Veins in Root of Neck
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