同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)The abdomen(三)

The abdomenⅢ liyingchd@163.com Department of anatomy and neurobiology 0:65985626
The abdomen Ⅲ liyingchd@163.com Department of anatomy and neurobiology O:65985626

Go over peritoneum and esophagus Stomach duodenum parts, position,arteries,ligaments Liver and biliary ducts
Go over peritoneum and esophagus Stomach & duodenum : parts, position , arteries ,ligaments , Liver and biliary ducts

Greater omentum Lesser omentum Hepato-gastric ligament Hepato-duodenal ligament Gastro-phrenic ligament Gastro-splenic ligament Gastro-colic ligament
Hepato-gastric ligament Hepato -duodenal ligament Gastro-phrenic ligament Gastro-splenic ligament Gastro-colic ligament Greater omentum & Lesser omentum

Omental (epiploic)foramen Liver in Situ The omental bursa communicates with the greater sac only through the (epiploic)omental foramen. The boundary: Anteriorly-the hepatoduodenal ligament, Posteriorly--IVC the right crus of diaphragm Superiorly-liver Inferiorly--1st part of the duodenum
The omental bursa communicates with the greater sac only through the (epiploic) omental foramen. Omental (epiploic)foramen The boundary: Anteriorly --- the hepatoduodenal ligament, Posteriorly---IVC & the right crus of diaphragm Superiorly--- liver Inferiorly --- 1st part of the duodenum

Digestive system Digestive tube Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small Duodenum intestine Jejunum L Ileum Large intestine Cecum Vermiform appendixcolonrectum Anal canal
Digestive system Digestive tube Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Cecum , Vermiform appendix ,Colon ,rectum, Anal canal

Digestive glands Major salivary glands Liver ·Pancreas Function:Ingestion-selective intake of food. Digestion -mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into a form the body can use. Absorption-uptake of nutrients into blood and lymph. Compaction-absorption of water and consolidation of wastes into fecal mass. Defecation the elimination of the fecal mass
Digestive glands • Major salivary glands • Liver • Pancreas Function: Ingestion - selective intake of food. Digestion – mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into a form the body can use. Absorption – uptake of nutrients into blood and lymph. Compaction – absorption of water and consolidation of wastes into fecal mass. Defecation – the elimination of the fecal mass

Esophagus 告n慧舌chooephalicous position and division three parts: Cervical parts:5cm; Thoracic parts:18-20 cm; Abdominal parts only 1-2cm 3 constrictions of the esophagus: narrows position distance from middle inscior first beginning 15cm second in front of left branchus 25cm third esophageal hiatus 40cm
7 (position and division 3 constrictions of the esophagus: narrows position distance from middle inscior first beginning 15cm second in front of left branchus 25cm third esophageal hiatus 40cm three parts: Cervical parts:5cm; Thoracic parts: 18-20 cm; Abdominal parts : only 1-2cm. : Esophagus

II.Three constrictions beginning,lies at level of C6,the narrowest part crossed by left main bronchus, 25cm from incisors,lies at level of intervertebral disc between T4 and T5. passes through the esophageal hiatus of diaphragm,40cm from incisors,at level of T10 Carcinoma of esophagus
Ⅱ. Three constrictions beginning, lies at level of C6, the narrowest part crossed by left main bronchus, 25cm from incisors, lies at level of intervertebral disc between T4 and T5. passes through the esophageal hiatus of diaphragm, 40cm from incisors, at level of T10 Carcinoma of esophagus

stomach Shape: Location: digestion gastric juice-chyme Peristalsis Enzymatic digestion PH:2 ol muce ur)
stomach Shape: Location: digestion gastric juice---chyme Peristalsis Enzymatic digestion PH: 2

Peristaltic movement Esophagus Relaxed muscularis Circular muscles contract Lower Longitudinal muscles esophageal contract sphincter Relaxed muscularis ring-like movements Bolus of esophagus- contracting then Stomach relaxing to move food downward. Z-line:at the junction Anterior view of frontal sections peristalsis in esophagus 24.10
Peristaltic movement ring-like movements of esophagus - contracting then relaxing to move food downward. Z-line: at the junction
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