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同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)The Cervical Region

Skeleton of the Neck Fascia of the Neck Triangles of the Neck

The Cervical Region

The Cervical Region

Outline >Skeleton of the Neck >Fascia of the Neck >Triangles of the Neck

Outline Skeleton of the Neck Fascia of the Neck Triangles of the Neck

Skeleton in Cervical Region Greater horn- Lesser horn. Fibrocartilage Mastoid process Body of hyoid Styloid process Stylohyoid ligament- C2 B Right anterolateral view Angle of mandible Mandible CA Hyoid Thyroid Greater horn cartilage -Larynx Trapezius Cricoid cartilage Lesser horn- -Trachea Body Clavicle Manubrium C Anterosuperior view A Lateral view Bones and cartilages of neck. Hyoid,C1-C7,Clavicle,Mamubrium

Skeleton in Cervical Region Hyoid, C1-C7, Clavicle, Mamubrium

Fascia of Neck Oecipital bone Boy ot vartebr arvngeal fascia -intorvertebral disc Precertebral fascia -Retropharyngeal space Investing fascia -Pharyngeal muscle Pharynx Y作o musof thyroid gand pern A Medial view Alar fascia view of pa /agus nerve nternal Piatysma- Anterior Thyroid gland Pretracheal layer Af为

Fascia of Neck

Fascia of Neck copharyngeal Occipital b a(part of racheal >Cervical subcutaneous tissue (superficial fascia) Pharynx- Mandible Hyoid- >Investing fascia Investing fascia Larynx- >Pretracheal fascia Visceral part of tracheal layer- Isthmus of thyroid gland Esophagus >Prevetebral fascia Suprasternal space Trachea Manubrium of sternum- A Medial view

Fascia of Neck Cervical subcutaneous tissue (superficial fascia) Investing fascia Pretracheal fascia Prevetebral fascia

Fascia of Neck Nuchal ligament Skin Posterior Retropharyngeal space Vertebral arch Trapezius~ Alar fascia Middle scalene Lymph node Anterior scalene Carotid Longus sheath colli Vagus nerve Esophagus Internal Omohyoid- jugular vein Platysma Common carotid artery Sternocleido- mastoid (SCM) Sternothyroid Thyroid gland Anterior Sternohyoid Trachea Pretracheal layer C Superior view of transverse section(at level C7 vertebra)

Fascia of Neck

Fascia of Neck Nuchal ligament Posterio Vertebral arch Trapezius Alar fascis Superficial Fascia: gus nerve Platysme >Platysma id (SCM >Cutaneous Nerves >Blood and Lymphatic Vessels >Part of the EJV Platysma A Anterior view

Fascia of Neck Superficial Fascia: Platysma Cutaneous Nerves Blood and Lymphatic Vessels Part of the EJV

Fascia of Neck Nuchal Tigament Retropharyngea ertebral arc pace Lateral cervical Middie region calene Sternocleido mastoid- Vagus nerve Esochaous Descending part of trapezius CM Sternothyroid Anterio Pretracheal lave B Lateral view Trapezius Investing Fascia: superior) par Middle oart >SCM Trapezius >Parotid Submandibular Gland Ascending >Superior and Inferior Attachments >Suprasternal Space jugular venous arch

Fascia of Neck Investing Fascia: SCM & Trapezius Parotid & Submandibular Gland Superior and Inferior Attachments Suprasternal Space & jugular venous arch

Fascia of Neck Nuchal ligament Posterio Epiglottic carilage er hom of hyoid Vertebral arch Lateral Greater homn of hyoid Trapezius Alar fascis hSame Thyrohyoid Triticeal cartilage membrane Alimentary layer Superior thyroid notch Esophagus Laryngeal prominence Cricothvroid ligament -Superior pole agus nerve Cricoid cartilage Cncotracheal Left lobe Thyroid gland ligament Right lobe stoid (SCM) Anterio yroid gland Inferor pole sthmus CsapeoeEaMec&7o8Ysa Trachea- Esophagus- B Anterosuperior view Occipital A Anterior view Relationships of thyroid gland. Pretracheal Fascia: >Muscular part:infrahyoid muscles >Visceral part:thyroid,parathyroid, Investing fascia Larynx trachea,esophagus Visceral part of tracheal layer- >Buccopharyngeal fascia and Isthmus of thyroid gland Esophagus retropharyngeal space Suprasternal space Trachea >Carotid sheaths Manubrium of sternum- A Medial view

Fascia of Neck Pretracheal Fascia: Muscular part: infrahyoid muscles Visceral part: thyroid, parathyroid, trachea, esophagus Buccopharyngeal fascia and retropharyngeal space Carotid sheaths

Fascia of Neck Nuchal Tigament Rectu ertebral arc Transv Middie calene Longus capiti Middle scalene gus nerve Esochaous Middle scalene Posterior scalene Posterior scalene Sternothyroid -Longus colll nterio Longus colll- Pretracheal lave Occipital上 Prevertebral Fascia: >Deep Cervical Muscles Investing fascia- Larynx- >Laterally extended as the axillary as sheath sthmus of thyroid gland Esophagus Suprasternal space Trachea ubrium of sternum A Medial view

Fascia of Neck Prevertebral Fascia: Deep Cervical Muscles Laterally extended as the axillary sheath
