同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Skull

Skull Yu-Qiang Ding,M.D.,Ph.D. 丁玉强 dingyuqiang@vip.163.com 1
1 Skull Yu-Qiang Ding, M.D., Ph.D. 丁玉强 dingyuqiang@vip.163.com

Head头 Conceptual view The head is composed of a series of compartments that are formed by bone and soft tissues. >The cranial cavity Two ears Two orbits Two nasal cavities >An oral cavity
2 Head 头 Conceptual view The head is composed of a series of compartments that are formed by bone and soft tissues. The cranial cavity Two ears Two orbits Two nasal cavities An oral cavity

▣The cranial cavity contains the brain脑 and associated Ears Cranial cavity membrane(meninges) ▣Two ears耳:external ears are visible,but internal ears are Orbits embedded in a bone. Nasal cavities and ▣Two orbits眶contain paranasal sinuses Choanae the eyes.The apex of cone-shaped chambers Nares. Oropharyngeal Oral fissure isthmus are directed posterio- medially. Oral cavity
3 The cranial cavity contains the brain 脑 and associated membrane (meninges) Two ears 耳:external ears are visible, but internal ears are embedded in a bone. Two orbits 眶 contain the eyes. The apex of cone-shaped chambers are directed posteriomedially

9 B ▣Two nasal cavities Nasal cavities 鼻腔are the upper part of the respiratory tract. -Nasopharynx The anterior openings are Pharynx nares(nostrils),and Oropharynx posterior one is choanae (post.nasal aperture). Laryngopharynx Oral cavity Laryngeal inlet Larynx Trachea Esophagus
4 Two nasal cavities 鼻腔 are the upper part of the respiratory tract. The anterior openings are nares (nostrils), and posterior one is choanae (post. nasal aperture)

▣Two nasal cavities 鼻腔are the upper part of the respiratory tract. Air-filled extensions are paranasal sinuses. 5
5 Two nasal cavities 鼻腔 are the upper part of the respiratory tract. Air-filled extensions are paranasal sinuses

A B Nasal cavities 口An oral cavity口腔is separated from the -Nasopharynx nasal cavity by the Pharynx palates. Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Unlike nasal cavity,the Oral cavity -Laryngeal inlet openings (oral fissure and Larynx oropharyngeal isthmus)can Trachea Esophagus be opened and closed
6 An oral cavity口腔 is separated from the nasal cavity by the palates. Unlike nasal cavity, the openings (oral fissure and oropharyngeal isthmus) can be opened and closed

The face面and Scalp:头皮 Scalp Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Face Muscles of the facial expression adjust the contours of the face to relay non-verbal signals. 7
7 The face面 and Scalp头皮 Muscles of the facial expression adjust the contours of the face to relay non-verbal signals

Scalp Scalp 44共 Pericranium External table Diploe Dura Internal table Clinical note:abundant blood supply and serious bleeding. 8
8 Scalp Clinical note: abundant blood supply and serious bleeding

B Skull Coronal suture Sagittal suture Many bones of the head collectively form the skull. Most of them are interconnected by sutures, which are immovable fibrous joints. 9
9 Skull Many bones of the head collectively form the skull. Most of them are interconnected by sutures, which are immovable fibrous joints

Clinical note about the sutures (fontanelle Coronal suture In the fetus and newborn, Sagittal suture large membranous and un- ossified gaps (fontanelles) between the large flat bones Lambdoid suture that cover the top of the cranial cavity,allowing its passage through the birth canal and postnatal growth. Anterior fontanelle Bregma and Lambda in adulthood. Posterior fontanelle 10
10 Clinical note about the sutures (fontanelle 囟) In the fetus and newborn, large membranous and unossified gaps (fontanelles) between the large flat bones that cover the top of the cranial cavity, allowing its passage through the birth canal and postnatal growth. Bregma and Lambda in adulthood
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