同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Anterior and Medial Thigh

Anterior and Medial Thigh
Anterior and Medial Thigh

Deep inguinal lymph nodes Superficial inguinal Superficial structures lymph nodes (superolateral) Femoral vein Saphenous opening 1 Great saphenous vein Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (inferior) Great saphenous arises from dorsal venous arch,runs vein anterior to the medial malleolus,medial side of the leg,and behind the knee. Patella Runs along the medial side of the femur Passes through the saphenous opening to join the femoral vein Receives blood from the superficial lower limb Medial malleolus Dorsal venous arch except the back of leg Digital vein Anteromedial view
Superficial structures 1 Great saphenous vein arises from dorsal venous arch, runs anterior to the medial malleolus, medial side of the leg, and behind the knee. Runs along the medial side of the femur Passes through the saphenous opening to join the femoral vein Receives blood from the superficial lower limb except the back of leg

2 Superficial inguinal lymph nodes Inguinal ligament、 Superficial circumflex iliac vein Superficial epigastric vein are located subcutaneously near the end part of the Superficial inguinal nodes great saphenous vein Spermatic cord receives lymph from Great saphenous vein [long saphenous vein] the superficial lower External pudendal veins limb except the back of leg,and (Medial)accessory saphenous vein anterolateral abdominal wall below Great saphenous vein [long saphenous vein] the umbilicus Adductor longus Fig.1328 Superficial lymphatic vessels and venous trunks of right groin [inguinal region];anterior aspect
2 Superficial inguinal lymph nodes • su are located subcutaneously near the end part of the great saphenous vein receives lymph from the superficial lower limb except the back of leg, and anterolateral abdominal wall below the umbilicus

Inguinal lgament sapge,ga Deep structures c2 Spermatic cord 1 Deep fascia(fascia lata) ong (1)Saphenous opening (2)lliotibial tract Fa8 cia lata一 (3)Intermuscular septum Fibula,head
Deep structures 1 Deep fascia (fascia lata) (1)Saphenous opening (2)Iliotibial tract (3)Intermuscular septum

(1)Saphenous opening:below the inguinal ligament.4cm inferolateral to the pubic tubercle.It is covered by loose connective tissue(cribriform fascia) 一●Psoas major lliacus● (Psoas minor),tendon lliopectineal arch Inguinal ligament Femoral artery and vein (Medial lacunar node)" Lacunar ligament· Fascia lata Superficial circumflex iliac vein Superior pubic ligament Superior horn -Superficial epigastric vein Falciform margin Fascia lata Inferior horn e External pudendal veins Fig.1264 Right saphenous opening and vascular space; *Also:ROSNEMUELLER'S gland [node]. anterior abdominal wall,contents of abdomen,iliac fascia,and **Also:GIMBERNAT's ligament. femoral septum(CLOQUET's septum)removed;anterior aspect
(1) Saphenous opening: below the inguinal ligament,4cm inferolateral to the pubic tubercle. It is covered by loose connective tissue (cribriform fascia)

(2)lliotibial tract A thick lateral part of the fascia lata Extends from anterior iliac crest to lateral condyle of the tibia. Provides insertion for gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae lliotibial tract
(2) Iliotibial tract A thick lateral part of the fascia lata. Extends from anterior iliac crest to lateral condyle of the tibia. Provides insertion for gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae Iliotibial tract

Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius● Fascia lata Vastus lateralis● y●Vastus medialis Anterior compartment Femur [thigh bone] Great saphenous vein [long saphenous vein] Femoral artery and vein lliotibial tract Medial Lateral intermuscular sentuim intermuscular Medial compartment septum ●Gracilis Posterior compartment posterior intermuscular ●Add septum Semitendinosus/ ●Semimembranosus Fig.1368 Right thigh;cross-section through middle of thigh;distal aspect. (3)Intermuscular septum
(3) Intermuscular septum posterior intermuscular septum Lateral intermuscular septum Medial intermuscular septum Posterior compartment Medial compartment Anterior compartment

1 Anterior thigh muscle (1)iliopsoas iliacus psoas major Action: flexes thigh
(1) iliopsoas iliacus psoas major Action: flexes thigh 1 Anterior thigh muscle

(2)tensor fasciae latae muscle Arises from anterior part of iliac crest Inserts iliotibial tract tensor fasciae latae Actions:helps to flex and abduct thigh iliotibial tract
(2) tensor fasciae latae muscle Arises from anterior part of iliac crest Inserts iliotibial tract Actions: helps to flex and abduct thigh tensor fasciae latae iliotibial tract

(3)Sartorius Most superficial muscle Arises from anterior superior iliac spine inserts on upper medial side of tibia. Actions flexes thigh, flexes and rotates leg medially Sartorius
(3) Sartorius Most superficial muscle, Arises from anterior superior iliac spine inserts on upper medial side of tibia. Actions : flexes thigh, flexes and rotates leg medially Sartorius
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