同济大学:《人体解剖学 Human anatomy》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Brain’s blood supply

Brain's blood supply
Brain’s blood supply

Cerebral hemispheres (telencephalon) Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe Cerebellum (metencephalon) Pons(metencephalon) Medulla oblongata(myelencephalon)

Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebellum (metencephalon) Midbrain(mesencephalon) Pons(metencephalon) Medulla oblongata(myelencephalon)
Brain’s blood supply

Anterior communicating Cerebral arterial circle Anterior cerebral Posterior Middle cerebral communicating Ophthalmic The brain receives its Posterior cerebral Basilar arterial supply from two Right internal carotid -Left internal pairs of vessels: carotid 1.vertebral artery 2.internal carotid artery Right common carotid Left vertebral Right vertebral Right subclavian Left subclavian Brachiocephalic Left common carotid Aortic arch
The brain receives its arterial supply from two pairs of vessels: 1. vertebral artery 2. internal carotid artery

Anterior communicating These two are interconnected in Cerebral arterial circle Anterior cerebral the cranial cavity to produce a Posterior Middle cerebral communicating cerebral arterial circle (of Willis), Ophthalmic which surrounds the hypophysial fossa(pituitary gland). Posterior cerebral Basilar Right internal carotid Left internal carotid Middle clinoid process Chiasmatic sulcus Optic canal Tuberculum sellae Foramen rotundum Superior orbital fissure Greater wing (of sphenoid) .Opening of carotid canal Hypophysial Groove for tossa middle meningeal Posterior artery Dorsum sellae clinoid process Foramen lacerum Groove and Foramen ovale hiatus for Trigeminal impression Foramen
These two are interconnected in the cranial cavity to produce a cerebral arterial circle (of Willis), which surrounds the hypophysial fossa (pituitary gland)

Anterior communicating Cerebral arterial circle Anterior cerebral Posterior Vertebral arteries Middle cerebral communicating Ophthalmic Posterior cerebral Basilar Arises from the subclavian artery,pass Right internal carotid -Left internal carotid through transverse foramina in the cervical vertebrae,enter the cranial cavity through Right common carotid the foramen magnum, Left vertebral join together to form Right vertebral one basilar artery in Right subclavian Left subclavian the ventral pons. Brachiocephalic Left common carotid Aortic arch
Vertebral arteries Arises from the subclavian artery, pass through transverse foramina in the cervical vertebrae, enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum, join together to form one basilar artery in the ventral pons

B Ophthalmic Basilar Posterior cerebral Basilar Right internal carotid Left internal carotid Lef Right inte internal carotid Lel ver Right common carotid Lel cOl car Left vertebral Right- Right vertebral vertebral Right common Right subclavian Left subclavian carotid Brachiocephalic Left common carotid Aortic arch Magnetic resonance angiogram showing normal carotid and vertebral arteries
Magnetic resonance angiogram showing normal carotid and vertebral arteries

Frontal lobe Anterior cerebral Temporal lobe Anterior communicating Middle cerebral Anterior cerebral Posterior communicating Midbrain Posterior cerebral Superior cerebellar Pons Basilar Anterior inferior cerebellar Anterior spinal Vertebral Posterior inferior cerebellar Posterior spinal Cerebellum Supply regions by the Vertebral arteries: Roughly brain stem,cerebellum,and medial aspects of occipital lobe
Supply regions by the Vertebral arteries: Roughly brain stem, cerebellum, and medial aspects of occipital lobe


A stroke is the acute development of a focal neurological deficit as a result of localized or diffuse cerebral hypoperfusion. Infarct
A stroke is the acute development of a focal neurological deficit as a result of localized or diffuse cerebral hypoperfusion
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