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西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程教学课件(2009)Chapter 10 Aldehydes and ketones

西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程教学课件(2009)Chapter 10 Aldehydes and ketones

Section J Aldehydes and Ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones

Some Common Functional Groups: alcohol C-OH alkane c-c ether C-O-C C-H alkene C=C aldehyde _8H C-H alkyne CEC ketone C-H carbonyl acid aromatic groups -OH ester amine N- amide 8-

Some Common Functional Groups: Some Common Functional Groups: C C C H alkane alkene C C C H alkyne C C C H aromatic alcohol C O H ether COC C O H aldehyde C O ketone C O OH acid C O ester O C O N amide N amine carbonyl groups

Nature of the Carbonyl Group R R R R Name Nomenclature Dipole moment -R or-Ar H aldehyde -al 2.7D -R or-Ar -R or-Ar ketone -one 2.9D -R or -Ar -OH carboxylic acid -oic acid 1.7D -R or-Ar -OR" ester -oate 1.7D -R or -Ar -NH2 amide -amide 3.8D -R or-Ar X acid halide -oyl halide 2.7D

Section J Aldehydes and Ketones Focus 醛酮结构特征 C=O性质 o-H,O-C性质 c chemistry 醛酮鉴别 By Junru Wang

Organic chemistry By Junru Wang Email: 西北农林科技大学理学院 Section J Aldehydes and Ketones Focus ™醛酮结构特征 ™C=O性质 ™ α-H, α- C性质 ™醛酮鉴别

The Occurrence of the Carbonyl Group Compounds in Nature OH OH glucose testosterone HO progesterone cortisone 装机激素黄休酮 同的

睾丸激素 黄体酮 可的松

Some Aldehydes and Ketones: CH3 CH3 OH oxycontin morphine

Some Aldehydes and Ketones: Some Aldehydes and Ketones: H O O O O H N C H 3 ox y con tin HO O OH H N CH 3 mo r p hin e

Some Aldehydes and Ketones 十十 而前而 Oxycodone(氧可酮,羟氢可待因酮)isan effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain control,chronic pain syndromes,and for the treatment of terminal cancer pain. Five mg of oxycodone is equivalent to 30 mg.of codeine(可待因)when administered orally. Oxycodone and morphine are equipotent for pain control in the normal population; 10 mg of orally-administered oxycodone is equivalent to 10 mg of subcutaneously administered morphine

Some Aldehydes and Ketones Some Aldehydes and Ketones Oxycodone(氧可酮 ,羟氢可待因酮)is an effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain control, chronic pain syndromes, and for the treatment of terminal cancer pain. Five mg of oxycodone is equivalent to 30 mg of codeine(可待因)when administered orally. Oxycodone and morphine are equipotent for pain control in the normal population; 10 mg of orally-administered oxycodone is equivalent to 10 mg of subcutaneously administered morphine

■Less Than$20.000 ■$20.000to$49.939 ■Aged12to34 100% ■$50.000 or More 100% Aged 35 or Older 80% 80% 74.0 63.5 60% 60% 56.6 39.136.0 38042.3 43.4 40% 31.532.735.8 40% 36.5 24.9 26.0 19.7 20% 20% 0% 0% Heroin and Heroin-Only Nonmedical Heroin and Heroin-Only Nonmedical Nonmedical Users Oxycodone-Only Nonmedical Users Oxycodone-Only Oxycodone Users Users Oxycodone Users Users 2002-2003 United States

2002-2003 United States

Some Aldehydes and Ketones OH HO 一OH OH OH OH cellulose OH H cellulose is a polymer glucose of glucose C6H1206

Some Aldehydes and Ketones Some Aldehydes and Ketones O OH HO HO OH OH glucose C 6 H12 O 6 OH OH HO HO OH O H cellulose cellulose is a polymer of glucose

Some Aldehydes and Ketones OH HO. OH OH OH OH HO OH H honey glucose C6H12O6

Some Aldehydes and Ketones Some Aldehydes and Ketones glucose C 6 H12 O 6 O OH HO HO OH OH OH OH HO HO OH O H honey
