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《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Organic Chemistry, William A. Price, Ph.D. PPT, La Salle University, L.G.WADE, JR., 8th Edition)Organic Reactions

《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Organic Chemistry, William A. Price, Ph.D. PPT, La Salle University, L.G.WADE, JR., 8th Edition)Organic Reactions

Organic reactions Kinds of Reactions Mechanisms(polar,non-polar) Bond Dissociation Energy Reaction Profiles

Organic Reactions Kinds of Reactions Mechanisms (polar, non-polar) Bond Dissociation Energy Reaction Profiles

Types of Reactions ·Addition Reactions H C=C H H Elimination Reactions Br H +NaOH +H2O H +NaBr

Types of Reactions • Addition Reactions • Elimination Reactions C=C H H H H + HBr C C H H Br H H H C=C H H H H C C + NaOH H H Br H H H + H2 O + NaBr

Types of Reactions 。Substitution: -Polar H H +KCN +KBr Br NC H H Non-polar light (h v) CH4 Cl2 CHCI HCI

Types of Reactions • Substitution: – Polar – Non-polar H Br H H + KCN H NC H H + KBr CH4 + Cl2 CH3 Cl + HCl light (h )

Rearrangement CH3CH2 H H:C H Acid catalyst C=C H H H CH 1-Butene 2-Butene e2004 Thomson-Brooks/Cole


(a) CHgCH2Br NaCN CHaCH2CN (NaBr) OH Acid (+H20) (b) catalyst (c) Heat NO2 d) +02N-NO2 Light (HNO2 @2004 Thomson-Brooks/Cole

Definitions Mechanism:Complete step-by-step of exactly which bonds break and which bonds form and in what order. 。 Thermodynamics:The study of the energy changes that occur in chemical transformations. This allows for comparison of stability of reactants and products. Kinetics:The study of reaction rates,determining which products are formed most rapidly.One can predict how the rate will change with changing conditions

Definitions • Mechanism: Complete step-by-step of exactly which bonds break and which bonds form and in what order. • Thermodynamics: The study of the energy changes that occur in chemical transformations. This allows for comparison of stability of reactants and products. • Kinetics: The study of reaction rates, determining which products are formed most rapidly. One can predict how the rate will change with changing conditions

Reaction Profile (Exothermic) rate=krA”B transition state A+B K3.Iu3 △H reactants) C+D (products) reaction coordinate

Reaction Profile (Exothermic) rate = kr [A] [B] a b

2nd Order Reaction CH3Br OH CH3OH B Rate=kICH3Br][O] second order rate kinetics

2 nd Order Reaction C H3 Br + OH C H3 OH + Br Rate = k[CH3 Br][OH ] second order rate kinetics

1st Order Reaction (CH3)3CBr H2O (CH3)3OH +HBr Rate=k[(CH3)3CBr] First order rate kinetics

1 st Order Reaction (CH3) 3 CBr + H2 O (CH3) 3 OH + HBr Rate = k[(CH3) 3 CBr] First order rate kinetics

Bond Breaking: Non-polar and Polar →A·+·B Homolytic bond breaking (radical) (one electron stays with each fragment A:B →A++:B Heterolytic bond breaking(polar) (two electrons stay with one fragment) 2004 Thomson-Brooks/Cole

Bond Breaking: Non-polar and Polar
