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《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Organic Chemistry, William A. Price, Ph.D. PPT, La Salle University, L.G.WADE, JR., 8th Edition)Alkenes Overview

Properties Nomenclature Stability Addition Reactions

Alkenes Properties Nomenclature Stability Addition Reactions

Alkenes Properties Nomenclature Stability Addition Reactions

Ethylene p H sp 2 Sp Sp- sp Sp H sigma bonding orbitals of ethylene


Electron Richπ-Bond .H …H electrostatic potential map

Electron Rich p-Bond

Cis and Trans no rotation about m-bond CH3 CH CH? H:C CH H cis no overlap with the ends perpendicular trans

Cis and Trans no rotation about p-bond

Elements or Degrees of Unsaturation:n-Bond or Ring CH,=CH-CH,CH CH一CH=CH一CH3 1-butene 2-butene CH3 CH-CH, CH2 CH,-C-CH, CH,-CH2 CH,一CH一CH3 isobutylene cyclobutane methylcyclopropane

Elements or Degrees of Unsaturation: p-Bond or Ring

Halogens replace Hydrogens CsH10Cl2 is saturated C6HoBr has 2 degrees of unsaturation Br Br CI B B

Halogens replace Hydrogens C5H10Cl2 is saturated Cl Cl C6H9 Br has 2 degrees of unsaturation Br Br Br Br

Saturated compounds with Oxygen and Nitrogen H H H H H H H H C2H6 C2H60 C2H-N CnH2n+2 CnH2n+2O CnH2n+3N

Saturated compounds with Oxygen and Nitrogen C C H H H H H H C2H6 H H H C O C H H H C2H6O N C H H H H C H H H C2H7N CnH2n+2 CnH2n+2O CnH2n+3N

CH2 H H CH2 H CH2 NH H CH2↑H N H Removed H CsHgN=“CsHg”Two unsaturations:one ring and one double bond C2004 Thomson-Brooks/Cole

Determine the elements of Unsaturation CsH10Br2O CsHis is saturated compound is deficient by 6"H's" 3 degrees of unsaturation CH2OH Br Br Br e.g Br Br CH3

Determine the # elements of Unsaturation C8H10B r2O C8H18 is saturated compound is deficient by 6 "H's" 3 degrees of unsaturation O Br Br CH2OH CH3 Br Br e.g. O H Br Br

Alkene Nomenclature 4 2 5 CH,=CH一CH2一CH CH2=CH一CH2一CH2一CH IUPAC names: I-butene I-pentene new IUPAC names: but-1-ene pent-1-ene cyclohexene 2 3 4 2 4 CH,一CH=CH一CH CH一CH=CH一CH2一CH IUPAC names: 2-butene 2-pentene new IUPAC names: but-2-ene pent-2-ene

Alkene Nomenclature
