《有机化学》课程教学课件(Organic Chemistry, Alex Jonathan Roche lecture notes Rutgers The State University NJ, wade 8th)Chapter 12 Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry

Infrared Spectroscopv and Mass Spectrometrv Introduction It is fundamental for an organic chemist to be able to identify,or characterize,the new compound that he/she has just made. Sometimes this can be achieved by a chemical means,such as determining the elemental composition and molecular weight. If the compound has been made previously,it is possible to compare physical properties (boiling points/melting points,etc with literature values Chemical tests can be used to determine whether certain functionalities are present or absent. But,these are not sufficient for either complex molecules or new molecules that have never been made before. Tests can be either destructive or non-destructive.(Combustion which gives elemental analysis is destructive,whereas NMR is non-destructive-you can recover your sample). Ideally,chemists want techniques that use small amounts of compounds,are non-destructive,quick and give unambiguous results Spectroscopic techniques generally meet almost all of these requirements. The four most common are: Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy observes the vibration of bonds, and gives information about which functionalities are present). Mass Spectrometry(MS provides information concerning the mass of the molecule,and sometimes about its structure). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy(NMR spectroscopy provides information about the numbers and environments of all the hydrogens(and Carbons and Fluorines)in a molecule.Probably the most important technique). Ch12 IR and MS Pagel
Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Introduction It is fundamental for an organic chemist to be able to identify, or characterize, the new compound that he/she has just made. Sometimes this can be achieved by a chemical means, such as determining the elemental composition and molecular weight. If the compound has been made previously, it is possible to compare physical properties (boiling points / melting points, etc ) with literature values. Chemical tests can be used to determine whether certain functionalities are present or absent. But, these are not sufficient for either complex molecules or new molecules that have never been made before. Tests can be either destructive or non-destructive. (Combustion which gives elemental analysis is destructive, whereas NMR is non-destructive - you can recover your sample). Ideally, chemists want techniques that use small amounts of compounds, are non-destructive, quick and give unambiguous results. Spectroscopic techniques generally meet almost all of these requirements. The four most common are: Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy observes the vibration of bonds, and gives information about which functionalities are present). Mass Spectrometry (MS provides information concerning the mass of the molecule, and sometimes about its structure). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy provides information about the numbers and environments of all the hydrogens (and Carbons and Fluorines) in a molecule. Probably the most important technique). Ch12 IR and MS Page1

Ultra Violet Speetroscopy(UV Spectroscopy deals with electronic transitions,and gives information mainly about multiple bonds and coniugation). The Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible,IR and UV light,microwaves and radio waves are all examples of electromagnetic radiation. They all travel at the same speed (the speed of light,3x10m/s),but differ in their wavelength and frequency. The frequency,v,is the number of complete wavecycles to pass a fixed point in one second.(Usually in Hz,which means cps). The wavelength,2,is the distance between any two peaks of the wave Diagram 12-2 Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional λ=cw where c is the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves travel as photons,which are packets of energy of zero mass The energy of a photon is the product of its frequency and Planck's constant. E=hv H=Planck's constant 1.58x1037 kcal-sec Ch12 IR and MS Page2
Ultra Violet Spectroscopy (UV Spectroscopy deals with electronic transitions, and gives information mainly about multiple bonds and conjugation). The Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible, IR and UV light, microwaves and radio waves are all examples of electromagnetic radiation. They all travel at the same speed (the speed of light, 3x108 m/s), but differ in their wavelength and frequency. The frequency, ν, is the number of complete wavecycles to pass a fixed point in one second. (Usually in Hz, which means cps). The wavelength, λ, is the distance between any two peaks of the wave. Diagram 12-2 Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional. λ = c/ν where c is the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves travel as photons, which are packets of energy of zero mass. The energy of a photon is the product of its frequency and Planck's constant. E = hν H= Planck's constant 1.58x10-37 kcal-sec Ch12 IR and MS Page2

Under certain conditions,when a photon of correct energy strikes a molecule,it can be absorbed and this leads to reaction. This is why we write photochemical reactions involving hv. gth (h.) Moleeular ffeets 109 gamma rays 10-7 ionization electronic transitions visible 10- 0 microwave 1 rotational motion radio 10-6 nuelear spin transitions The electromagnetic spectrum covers all possible frequencies,ranging from radio waves that are low energy and cause nuclear spin transitions,up to X- rays that are of high energy and cause ionization of molecules. The InfraRed Region Infrared radiation is of slightly shorter frequency than visible light Typical IR wavelengths range from 8x10 cm to 1x102cm,and this corresponds to energies of around 1-10 kcal. This energy is sufficient to make atoms vibrate,but not enough to cause electronic transitions. These vibrational transitions correspond to specific energies,which give rise to specific absorptions.Therefore,IR provides information about how atoms are bonded together. The position of an IR band is specified by its wavelength,measured in microns(um=10m).Although more commonly,the term wavenumber is used,v(nu bar)the reciprocal of the wavelength in cm. E.g.eqn 12-3 Chl2 IR and MS Page3
Under certain conditions, when a photon of correct energy strikes a molecule, it can be absorbed and this leads to reaction. This is why we write photochemical reactions involving hν. The electromagnetic spectrum covers all possible frequencies, ranging from radio waves that are low energy and cause nuclear spin transitions, up to Xrays that are of high energy and cause ionization of molecules. The InfraRed Region Infrared radiation is of slightly shorter frequency than visible light. Typical IR wavelengths range from 8x10-5 cm to 1x10-2 cm, and this corresponds to energies of around 1-10 kcal. This energy is sufficient to make atoms vibrate, but not enough to cause electronic transitions. These vibrational transitions correspond to specific energies, which give rise to specific absorptions. Therefore, IR provides information about how atoms are bonded together. The position of an IR band is specified by its wavelength, measured in microns (μm = 10-6 m). Although more commonly, the term wavenumber is used, ν (nu bar) the reciprocal of the wavelength in cm. E.g. eqn 12-3 Ch12 IR and MS Page3

Molecular Vibrations A covalent bond between two atoms can be envisaged as a spring holding them together. If the bond is compressed,there is a restoring force which pushes the atoms apart,back to the equilibrium bond length. Similarly,if the bond is stretched,there is a restoring force that forces the atoms back closer together,again restoring the equilibrium bond length. O/OOOO题O OTN The frequency of the stretching vibration depends on two factors: (1)The mass of the atoms (2)The stiffness of the bond Heavier atoms vibrate more slowly than lighter ones,so a C-D bond will vibrate at a lower frequency than a C-H bond. Stronger bonds are stiffer than weaker bonds,and therefore require more force to stretch or compress them. Thus,stronger bonds generally vibrate faster than weaker bonds. So O-H bonds which are stronger than C-H bonds vibrate at higher frequencies. Table 12-1(SLIDE) The IR spectra of even simple molecules contain many different absorptions (not just one for each bond). These absorptions result from not only the stretching of the molecule as a whole,but also from bending vibrations. In general for a non-linear molecule containing n atoms,there are 3n-6 fundamental vibrational modes. Ch12 IR and MS Page4
Molecular Vibrations A covalent bond between two atoms can be envisaged as a spring holding them together. If the bond is compressed, there is a restoring force which pushes the atoms apart, back to the equilibrium bond length. Similarly, if the bond is stretched, there is a restoring force that forces the atoms back closer together, again restoring the equilibrium bond length. The frequency of the stretching vibration depends on two factors: (1) The mass of the atoms (2) The stiffness of the bond Heavier atoms vibrate more slowly than lighter ones, so a C-D bond will vibrate at a lower frequency than a C-H bond. Stronger bonds are stiffer than weaker bonds, and therefore require more force to stretch or compress them. Thus, stronger bonds generally vibrate faster than weaker bonds. So O-H bonds which are stronger than C-H bonds vibrate at higher frequencies. Table 12-1 (SLIDE) The IR spectra of even simple molecules contain many different absorptions (not just one for each bond). These absorptions result from not only the stretching of the molecule as a whole, but also from bending vibrations. In general for a non-linear molecule containing n atoms, there are 3n-6 fundamental vibrational modes. Ch12 IR and MS Page4

TABLE 12-1 Bond Stretching Frequencies Stretching Frequency Bond baeag (cm-) Frequency dependence on atomic masses 420 83350 12001 Frequency dependence on bond energies 83(350) 1200 60 increases 8 H Bond energies and frequencies are approximate H H symmetric stretching antisymmetric stretching (H bending(scissoring) Chl2 IR and MS Page5
Ch12 IR and MS Page5

Consider the water molecule (non-linear,3 atoms->3 fundamental vibrational modes) Figure 12-2 These are only the Fundamental vibrational modes,these can combine and multiply to give rise to numerous other modes of vibration. These more complicated modes give rise to the numerous absorptions in ar IR spectra,and since different molecules will have different IR spectra,we can use IR to help identify molecules. The most complex(and informative)region is called the fingerprint region (600-1400cm),and this contains the wagging,twisting,scissoring and rocking vibrations. The region that contains the simple stretching vibrations is typically from 3500 to 1600cm,and this is the area we will focus our studies on. IR Active and IR Inactive Vibrations Not all molecular vibrations absorb IR radiation. To understand which ones do(and which do not)absorb we need to consider how an electromagnetic field interacts with the chemical bond. Important points are: (1)A chemical bond which is polarized has a dipole moment(i.e.charge separation). (2)An electric field will interact with the polar bond,causing it either to stretch or compress. (3)An electromagnetic wave has a rapidly reversing electric field,so this radiation rapidly compresses and stretches the polar bond. (4)If the frequency of the stretching and compression is at the frequency of the molecule's natural rate of vibration,then energy may be absorbed. Vibrations of bonds with dipole moments normally result in the absorption of IR radiation,and are said to be IR active. Ch12 IR and MS Page6
Consider the water molecule (non-linear, 3 atoms → 3 fundamental vibrational modes). Figure 12-2 These are only the Fundamental vibrational modes, these can combine and multiply to give rise to numerous other modes of vibration. These more complicated modes give rise to the numerous absorptions in an IR spectra, and since different molecules will have different IR spectra, we can use IR to help identify molecules. The most complex (and informative) region is called the fingerprint region (600-1400cm-1) , and this contains the wagging, twisting, scissoring and rocking vibrations. The region that contains the simple stretching vibrations is typically from 3500 to 1600cm-1, and this is the area we will focus our studies on. IR Active and IR Inactive Vibrations Not all molecular vibrations absorb IR radiation. To understand which ones do (and which do not) absorb we need to consider how an electromagnetic field interacts with the chemical bond. Important points are: (1) A chemical bond which is polarized has a dipole moment (i.e. charge separation). (2) An electric field will interact with the polar bond, causing it either to stretch or compress. (3) An electromagnetic wave has a rapidly reversing electric field, so this radiation rapidly compresses and stretches the polar bond. (4) If the frequency of the stretching and compression is at the frequency of the molecule's natural rate of vibration, then energy may be absorbed. Vibrations of bonds with dipole moments normally result in the absorption of IR radiation, and are said to be IR active. Ch12 IR and MS Page6

Figure 12-3 However,if a bond is symmetrical,and has zero dipole moment,the electric field does not interact with this bond. If the symmetrical bond is stretched,the dipole moment still remains zero. the vibration produces no change in the dipole moment,there is no absorption of energy. This vibration is said to be IR inactive. To recap: In general,ifa bond has a dipole moment,its stretching frequency causes an absorption in the IR spectrum. If a bond is symmetrically substituted and has zero dipole moment,its stretching vibration will (essentially)be absent from the spectrum. Measurement of an IR spectrum An IR spectrometer measures the frequency of IR radiation which is absorbed by a compound. A simple IR spectrometer consists of two beams of light which pass through a reference and a sample cell. These beams alternately pass through a monochromatic and a detector and the information is converted to a print out on a chart recorder The output signal is equal to the sample signal minus the reference signal (i.e.it corrects for the "background"-air or solvent absorption). rotating segmented miro monochromato chart recorder Chl2 IR and MS Page7
Figure 12-3 However, if a bond is symmetrical, and has zero dipole moment, the electric field does not interact with this bond. If the symmetrical bond is stretched, the dipole moment still remains zero, the vibration produces no change in the dipole moment, there is no absorption of energy. This vibration is said to be IR inactive. To recap: In general, if a bond has a dipole moment, its stretching frequency causes an absorption in the IR spectrum. If a bond is symmetrically substituted and has zero dipole moment, its stretching vibration will (essentially) be absent from the spectrum. Measurement of an IR spectrum An IR spectrometer measures the frequency of IR radiation which is absorbed by a compound. A simple IR spectrometer consists of two beams of light which pass through a reference and a sample cell. These beams alternately pass through a monochromatic and a detector and the information is converted to a print out on a chart recorder. The output signal is equal to the sample signal minus the reference signal (i.e. it corrects for the "background" - air or solvent absorption). Ch12 IR and MS Page7

The monochromator allows only one frequency of light to enter at any given time.It scans the range of IR frequencies from 4000-600cm The vertical axis is percentage transmittance and the horizontal axis contains the wavenumber. Typically the higher wavenumber are to the left of an IR spectrum. IR Spectroscopy of Hydrocarbons Carbon-Carbon Bond Stretching Since stronger bonds are generally stiffer,they absorb at higher frequencies than weaker bonds. Single C-C bonds absorb around cm Double C-C bonds absorb around 1660cm Triple CC bonds absorb around 2200cm The absorptions of C=C bonds can provide more information about the double bond. Conjugation(and more)cause there to be less double bond character in the C=C bond,which results in absorption at a lower wavenumber. Ch12 IR and MS Page8
The monochromator allows only one frequency of light to enter at any given time. It scans the range of IR frequencies from 4000 - 600cm-1. The vertical axis is percentage transmittance and the horizontal axis contains the wavenumber. Typically the higher wavenumber are to the left of an IR spectrum. IR Spectroscopy of Hydrocarbons Carbon-Carbon Bond Stretching Since stronger bonds are generally stiffer, they absorb at higher frequencies than weaker bonds. Single C-C bonds absorb around 1200cm-1 Double C=C bonds absorb around 1660cm-1 Triple CC bonds absorb around 2200cm-1. The absorptions of C=C bonds can provide more information about the double bond. Conjugation (and more so, aromaticity) cause there to be less double bond character in the C=C bond, which results in absorption at a lower wavenumber. Ch12 IR and MS Page8

Isolated C=C 1640-1680cm-1 Conjugated C=C 1620-1640cm-1 Aromatic C=C w1600cm-1 Carbon-carbon Triple Bonds CC triple bonds only absorb if they are terminal,since internal alkynes have very small (almost zero)bond dipole moments. Carbon Hydrogen Bond Stretching The C-H bond stretch is subtlety affected by the hybridization of the C-H bond. The more s character a bond has,the stronger it is,and so the higher wavenumber it should absorb at. sp'is one third s,absorbs at 3000-3100cm sp is one half s,absorbs at ~3300cm Interpretation of IR Spectra Figures 12-6,12-7(SLIDES) Characteristic Absorptions of Alcohols and Amines The O-H and N-H bonds are strong and therefore stiff,so they occur at high frequencies,usually above 3000cm Typical Stretching Frequencies Amine N-H 3300cm broad and with spikes Acid O-H 3300cm'broad Alcohol O-H 3000cm broad These are almost always broad since these molecules exhibit extensive hydrogen bonding,giving rise to many differing bonds,and so many different stretching frequencies. Figures 12-8,12-9(SLIDES) Chl2 IR and MS Page9
Isolated C=C 1640-1680cm-1 Conjugated C=C 1620-1640cm-1 Aromatic C=C ~1600cm-1 Carbon-carbon Triple Bonds CC triple bonds only absorb if they are terminal, since internal alkynes have very small (almost zero) bond dipole moments. Carbon Hydrogen Bond Stretching The C-H bond stretch is subtlety affected by the hybridization of the C-H bond. The more s character a bond has, the stronger it is, and so the higher wavenumber it should absorb at. sp3 is one quarter s, absorbs at 2800-3000cm-1 sp 2 is one third s, absorbs at 3000-3100cm-1 sp is one half s, absorbs at ~3300cm-1. Interpretation of IR Spectra Figures 12-6, 12-7 (SLIDES) Characteristic Absorptions of Alcohols and Amines The O-H and N-H bonds are strong and therefore stiff, so they occur at high frequencies, usually above 3000cm-1. Typical Stretching Frequencies Amine N-H 3300cm-1, broad and with spikes Acid O-H 3300cm-1, broad Alcohol O-H 3000cm-1, broad. These are almost always broad since these molecules exhibit extensive hydrogen bonding, giving rise to many differing bonds, and so many different stretching frequencies. Figures 12-8, 12-9 (SLIDES) Ch12 IR and MS Page9

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