复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter I Introduction to Pathology 病理学绪论

Introduction of Pathology (病理学绪论) 复旦大学上海医学院病理学系 朱虹光
Introduction of Pathology (病理学绪论) 复旦大学上海医学院病理学系 朱虹光

1, What is Pathology 2, The history of pathology and the position in medicine 3, How to study pathology
◼ 1, What is Pathology ◼ 2, The history of pathology and the position in medicine ◼ 3, How to study pathology

What is pathology pathology study of sufferring LOgos(pathos)
一、What is pathology ▪ pathology, study of sufferring (Logos) (pathos)

1, The branch of pathology 总论( general pathology ■(1)基础病理学 ( Basic pathology)各论( systemic pathology) (2)临床病理学( clinical pathology)
1,The branch of pathology ◼ 总论(general pathology) ◼ (1)基础病理学 (Basic pathology)各论(systemic pathology) ◼ (2)临床病理学(clinical pathology)

Basic pathology 1, A bridge which can help medical students to across the river between basic medical science and clinical subjects
Basic pathology ◼ 1,A bridge which can help medical students to across the river between basic medical science and clinical subjects

The task of basic pathology 2,基础病理学的内容 (1) etiology(病因学) (2) pathogenesis(发病机制) (3) Morphology(病理变化) (4) Consequence(结局)
The task of basic pathology ◼ 2,基础病理学的内容: (1)etiology(病因学) (2)pathogenesis(发病机制) (3)Morphology(病理变化) (4)consequence(结局)

Exams of Pathology 〃 paper exams.70 2, practice exams. 20% 3. classes: 10%
Exams of Pathology 1, paper exams. 70% 2, practice exams. 20% 3, classes: 10%

The history of pathology 3 steps
The history of pathology 3 steps

The first step organ pathology Vesalius- human anatomy started in 1600s. It is the beginning of modern medicine. Morgagni- He is the founder of organ ethology who reported more than 00 cases about locations and reasons of the diseases in 1761 Rokitansky- reported more than 30,000 pathology anatomy
The first step ◼ organ pathology Visalius – human anatomy started in 1600s. It is the beginning of modern medicine. Morgagni – He is the founder of organ pathology, who reported more than 700 cases about locations and reasons of the diseases in 1761. Rokitansky - reported more than 30,000 pathology anatomy

细胞病理学( cellular pathology) Schleiden schwan- the founder of cell biology. Their conclusion is all the living body was organized with cells. Virchow-The founder of cellular pathology. The famous book cellular pathology was published in 1858
细胞病理学(cellular pathology) Schleiden & Schwan – The founder of cell biology. Their conclusion is “all the living body was organized with cells. ” Virchow-The founder of cellular pathology. The famous book “ cellular pathology” was published in 1858
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