复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter VI Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Chapter VI Diseases of Cardiovascular System Dr. Tao Jiang oct222012 台y
Chapter VI Diseases of Cardiovascular System Dr. Tao Jiang Oct 22, 2012
今 Vessels Arteries Veins/ Capillaries
➔ The heart ➔ Vessels Arteries / Veins / Capillaries
ulmonary veins- Left atrium Pulmonary Pulmonary arteries Left ventricle circuit Right atrium Aorta to Right ventricle systemic Systemi arteries circuit Systemic Vessels transporting oxygenated blood Capillaries Vessels transporting deoxygenated blood Vessels involved in gas exchange
2 Coronary heart disease s Atherosclerosis Primary hypertension
➔ Coronary heart disease ➔ Atherosclerosis & Primary hypertension ➔ Rheumatic heart disease ➔ Valvular vitium of the heart ➔ Infective endocarditis ➔ Cardiomyopathy ➔ Myocarditis
2009年部分市县前十位疾病死亡专率及死亡原因构成G合计) Death Rate of lo Main Diseases in Certain Region in 2009(fotal 市city 县 County 位 Rank 死亡原因 Death 构成 死亡原因 Cause DEath 构成 Cause Rate %) Rate 1100000 1100000 1恶性肿瘤 167.572701恶性肿瘤 159.1524.26 Malignant Neoplasm Malignant Neoplasm 2脑血管病 1262720.36脑血管病 152.0923.19 Cerebrovascular Cerebrovascular Disease Disea 3心脏病 1288220.77心脏病 112.891721 Heart Disease Heart Disease 4呼吸系病 654010.54联吸系病 98.1614.96 Diseases of the Diseases of the Respiratory System Respiratory System 5损伤及中毒 34.665.59损伤及中 54.11 S.25 Injury poisoning Injury Poisoning 6内分泌营养和代谢接病 20.333.28消化系病 14.55 Endocrine Nutritional Diseases of the Metabolic Diseases Digestive System 7消化系病 16.582.67内分泌营养和代谢疾病 11.25 1.72 Diseases of the Endocrine Nutritional Digestive system Metabolic Diseases 8泌尿生殖系病 7.341.18传染病 Disease of the nfectious disease Genitourinary System 9神经系病 6.891.11泌尿生殖系病 7221.10 Disease of the Disease of the Nervous System Genitourinary System 10传染病 6.29101神经系病 5.080.77 Infectious disease Disease of the Nervous stem 种死因检让 Total 93.52十种死因合计Tota94.78
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Your Online Source for Credible Health information Deaths and mortality (Data are for the U.s.) Number of deaths: 2, 423,712 Death rate: 803. 6 deaths per 100, 000 population Life expectancy: 77.9 years Infant Mortality rate: 6.75 deaths per 1, 000 live births Number of deaths for leading causes of death Heart disease: 616,067 cancer Stroke(cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924 Accidents(unintentional injuries ) 123.706 Alzheimer's disease: 74, 632 Diabetes: 71,382 Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46, 448 Septicemia: 34, 828 Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2007. tables BD.7.30 (NCHS/data/nvsr/nvsr58/nvsr58 10pdf
Normal structure of heart
Normal Structure of Heart
Heart-“Pump Weight man:250-270g, woman:240-260g Thick left ventricle: 0.9-1.0cm right ventricle: 0.3-0.4cm atria: 0.1-0.2cm Valves only one direction of blood stream Cardiac muscle the near-inexhaustible myocardium (不停的节律性收缩和舒张) Blood supply of the heart coronary artery, diastolic stage(舒张期)
Heart - “Pump” Weight man: 250-270g, woman: 240-260g Thick left ventricle :0.9-1.0cm right ventricle:0.3-0.4cm atria :0.1-0.2cm Valves only one direction of blood stream Cardiac muscle the near-inexhaustible myocardium (不停的节律性收缩和舒张) Blood supply of the heart coronary artery, diastolic stage (舒张期)
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