复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter X immuno diseases——Diseases of Immunity(免疫性疾病)

Diseases of Immunity (免疫性疾病) 复旦大学上海医学院病理学系
Diseases of Immunity (免疫性疾病) 复旦大学上海医学院病理学系

Immune system. A TwO-edged sword
Immune system: A Two-edged sword

The Common Types of the Diseases of lmmunity >Transplant rejection >Hyperactive immunity: Diseases of autoimmunit >Immunodeficiency: Immunodeficiency syndrome
The Common Types of the Diseases of Immunity ➢Transplant Rejection ➢Hyperactive immunity: Diseases of Autoimmunity ➢Immunodeficiency: Immunodeficiency syndrome

I. Transplant Rejection >l Host anti-donor allograft (宿主抗移植物反应) >2. Donor allograft anti-Host (移植物抗宿主反应)
Ⅰ. Transplant Rejection ➢1. Host anti-donor allograft (宿主抗移植物反应) ➢2. Donor allograft anti-Host (移植物抗宿主反应)

The mechanism of Transplant Rejection Immuno-reaction > Cell-mediated Rejection Antibody-mediated rejection
The mechanism of Transplant Rejection Immuno-reaction ➢Cell-mediated Rejection ➢Antibody-mediated Rejection

The target of transplant rejection Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC抗原) also referred as to human Leukocyte Antigen(HLA抗原) Characteristics: high variety
The target of transplant rejection Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC抗原) also referred as to Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA抗原) Characteristics: high variety

Classification of Transplant Rejection Hyperacute rejection(超急性排异反应) Occurs within minutes to a few hours after transplantation > Acute rejection(急性排异反应) Occurs within days, weeks, months even years. Chronic rejection(慢性排异反应) Occurs in months to years
Classification of Transplant Rejection ➢Hyperacute Rejection(超急性排异反应) Occurs within minutes to a few hours after transplantation ➢Acute Rejection (急性排异反应) Occurs within days, weeks, months even years. ➢Chronic Rejection (慢性排异反应) Occurs in months to years

Hyperacute rejection Antibody-mediated (type ID) hy persensitivity circulating antibodies rapidly bind to endothelium of the grafted organ complement fixation and vascular thrombosis
Hyperacute rejection Antibody-mediated (type II) hypersensitivity circulating antibodies rapidly bind to endothelium of the grafted organ complement fixation and vascular thrombosis

Antidonor antibodies are present in the circulation of the host before transplant: multiparous women who have anti-HLA antibodies against paternal antigens shed from a fetus exposure to foreign HLa from prior blood transfusions host who has already rejected an organ transplant
Antidonor antibodies are present in the circulation of the host before transplant: ▪multiparous women who have anti-HLA antibodies against paternal antigens shed from a fetus. ▪exposure to foreign HLA from prior blood transfusions. ▪host who has already rejected an organ transplant

Morphology >Gross: swelling, cyanotic. > Microscope: arteritis and arteriolitis vessel thrombosis ischemic necrosis
Morphology ➢Gross: swelling, cyanotic. ➢Microscope: arteritis and arteriolitis vessel thrombosis ischemic necrosis
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