复旦大学:《肿瘤学概论 Basics of Clinical Oncology》课程PPT教学课件(英文)放射治疗基础 Basics of Radiation Therapy

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Basics of Radiation Therapy Xuejun Ma, Associate Professor Department of radiation Oncology Fudan University Cancer Center Arrr 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学糸
复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Basics of Radiation Therapy Xuejun Ma, Associate Professor Department of Radiation Oncology Fudan University Cancer Center

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Xuejun Ma马学军 Department of radiation Oncology Fudan University shanghai Cancer Center Email:chateauma99@gmail.com 复旦火学上海医学跣肿瘤学糸
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Cancer Incidence and motality-2012 Estimates Leading New Cancer Cases and Deaths- 2012 Estimates Estimated New Cases* Estimated Deaths Male Prostate Breast Lung bronchus Lung bronchus 241.74029% 26870(29%) 87750(29% 72,590(26%) Lung bronchus Lung &bronchus Prostate Breast 116,470(14% 109690(14%) 28,1709%) 39,510(14%) Colon rectum Colon rectum Colon rectum Colon rectum 73,420(9% 70040(9%) 26470(9%) Urinary bladder Uterine corpu Pancreas Pancreas 5,600(7%) 47,130(6% 850(6%) Melanoma of the skin Thyroid iver intrahepatic bile duct 44250(5%) 43,210(5% 13980(5% 15500(6% Kidney renal pelvis Melanoma of the skin Leukemia Leukemia 40.250(% 32000(4% 13.5004%) 10,040(4%) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 38.160(4%) 31,970(4% 12.0404% 8620(3%) Oral cavity pharynx Kidney renal pelvis Urinary bladder Uterine corpus 28540(3%) 24.520(3% 10.510(3% 8010(3%) Leukemia Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Liver& intrahepatic bile duct 26,830(3% 22,280(3% 10320(3%) 6,570(2%) Pancreas Pancre Kidney & renal peh Brain other nervous system 22090(3% 21.830(3% 8650(% 5980(2%) All sites All sites All sites All sites 848,170(100%) 90,740(100% 301820(100% 275,370(100% Exdudes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinoma except urinary bladder. D2012, American Cancer Society, Inc, Surveillance Research 复旦火学上海医学跣肿瘤学糸 Data updated in U.S
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 Data updated in U.S. Cancer Incidence and Motality-2012 Estimates

Fudan University Shanghai cancer Center Cancer Treatment modalit chemotherapy radiotherapy 5% 18% surgery uncontrolled 22% 55% About 2/3 of the cancer patients receive radiation therapy during the course of disease Bentzen sm, et al., Radiother Oncol 2005: 75: 355-365 Delaney G,et. Cancer 2005; 104: 1129-1137 复旦火学上海医学跣肿瘤学糸
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 Bentzen SM, et al., Radiother Oncol 2005; 75: 355–365 Delaney G, et .. Cancer 2005; 104: 1129–1137 Cancer Treatment Modality About 2/3 of the cancer patients receive radiation therapy during the course of disease

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Radiation Therapy (rt) Also known as radiation oncology or radiotherapy is the medical use of ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant ces >Radiation Physics Radiation biology Radiation Oncology clinical radiation 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学糸
Radiation Therapy (RT) ØAlso known as radiation oncology or radiotherapy, is the medical use of ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells. Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 1. History of Radiation Therapy 复旦火学上海医学跣肿瘤学糸
1. History of Radiation Therapy Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Discovery of X-rays in 1895 by wilhelm Conrad roentgen(Germany) 12/22/189 ∽复旦大学上海医学胱肿瘤学糸
Discovery of X-rays in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (Germany) 12/22/189 5 Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Discovery of natural radioactivity in1986 by Henri Becquerel (france) 3/01/1896 ∽复旦大学上海医学胱肿瘤学糸
Discovery of natural radioactivity in1986 by Henri Becquerel (France) 3/01/1896 Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Discovery of radium in 1898 by pierre and Marie Curie(france) ∽复旦大学上海医学胱肿瘤学糸
Discovery of radium in 1898 by Pierre and Marie Curie (France) Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Landmarks in the development of Radiation Therapy 1895: Use of X-rays in breast cancer by Emil Grubbe( Chicago, USA) 1901: The first use of radium in skin brachytherapy (Dr Danlos, france 1903: Publications showing the efficacy of radiotherapy in lymphoma 1934: Discovery of artificial radioelements (Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie, france 1934: 23%o cure rate in head and neck cancer(Henri Coutard) 1952: The first linear accelerator (linac) machine(Henry S. Kaplan, USA) a 1968: Discovery of the gamma knife Lars leksell) 1973: The first MRI machine(Paul C. Lauterbur, Peter Mansfield) 1990: The first use of computers and CT in radiotherapy USa) 1994: The first clinical IMRT treatment USA) a 2001: FDA approval of robotic radiosurgery a 2003 The first use of image-guided radiation therapy (IGrT technology ∽复旦大学上海医学胱肿瘤学糸
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center n 1895: Use of X-rays in breast cancer by Emil Grubbe (Chicago, USA) n 1901: The first use of radium in skin brachytherapy (Dr. Danlos, France) n 1903: Publications showing the efficacy of radiotherapy in lymphoma n 1934: Discovery of artificial radioelements (Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie, France) n 1934: 23% cure rate in head and neck cancer (Henri Coutard) n 1952: The first linear accelerator (linac) machine (Henry S. Kaplan, USA) n 1968: Discovery of the gamma knife (Lars Leksell) n 1973: The first MRI machine (Paul C. Lauterbur, Peter Mansfield) n 1990: The first use of computers and CT in radiotherapy (USA) n 1994: The first clinical IMRT treatment (USA) n 2001: FDA approval of robotic radiosurgery n 2003: The first use of image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) technology 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系
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