复旦大学:《肿瘤学概论 Basics of Clinical Oncology》课程课件讲稿(英文)肿瘤外科病理学原理 Principles of Oncologic Surgical Pathology

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 《 Basic Clinical oncology》 Principles of oncologic Surgical Pathology Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Weiqi sheng(associate professor) rarE SITY CANCER ENTR 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系
复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 《Basic Clinical Oncology 》 Principles of Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Weiqi Sheng (associate professor)

Personal Information Name. Weiqi sheng Speciality: Surgical Pathology Work. Department of Pathology Shanghai cancer center COntactshengweiqi2006@163.com
Personal Information • Name: Weiqi Sheng • Speciality: Surgical Pathology • Work: Department of Pathology Shanghai Cancer Center • Contact: shengweiqi2006@163.com

Oncologic Surgical Pathology An important branch of surgical pathology The core of oncologic pathology: etiology pathogenesis morphologic change clinical significance The ultimate goal of oncologic surgical pathology is: identifying the neoplasia leading to successful therapy and prognosis estimation
Oncologic Surgical Pathology • An important branch of surgical pathology • The core of oncologic pathology: – etiology – pathogenesis – morphologic change – clinical significance • The ultimate goal of oncologic surgical pathology is: – identifying the neoplasia – leading to successful therapy and prognosis estimation

Content The definition and main features of neoplasia The general features of neoplasms The main difference of benign and malignant tumors Nomenclature and classification Grading and staging Techniques and methods
Content • The definition and main features of neoplasia • The general features of neoplasms – The main difference of benign and malignant tumors • Nomenclature and classification • Grading and staging • Techniques and methods

Neoplasia Literally means the process of "new growth A genetic disease, in which the growth of tumors is loss of responsiveness to normal growth control, and shows an excessive hyperplasia with abnormal differentiation The three important features Excessive hyperplasia Abnormal differentiation Persistent and progression
Neoplasia • Literally means the process of “new growth” • A genetic disease, in which the growth of tumors is loss of responsiveness to normal growth control, and shows an excessive hyperplasia with abnormal differentiation • The three important features: – Excessive hyperplasia – Abnormal differentiation – Persistent and progression

Comparisons of benign and malignant tumors Characteristics Benign Malignant Differentiation/anaplasia Well-differentiated; structure Some lack of differentiation may be typical of tissue of with anaplasia; structure is origIn often atypical Rate of growth Usually progressive and Erratic and may be slow to slow, mitotic figures are rare rapid; mitotic figures may be and normal numerous and abnormal Local invasion Usually expansile and Usually invasive with circumscribed, do not invade poorly-defined maRgins, or infiltrate the surrounding infiltrate the surrounding normal tissues normal tissues Metastasis absent frequently Recurrence Rarel Frequently Outcome Rarely fatal Usually fatal
Based on the potential to invade and metastasize, the tumors are classified into • Benign • Borderline • malignant Comparisons of benign and malignant tumors

General Features of tumors Gross. shape, size, colour, consistency, texture, capsule, border Microscopic: parenchyma: neoplastic cells stroma: connective tissues and blood vessels
General Features of Tumors • Gross: – shape, size, colour, consistency, texture, capsule, border… • Microscopic: – parenchyma: neoplastic cells – stroma: connective tissues and blood vessels

spherical / solid intra-abdominal fibromatosis
spherical / solid intra-abdominal fibromatosis

2008/0l/31 Spherical cystic serous cystadenoma of ovary
Spherical / cystic serous cystadenoma of ovary

2000-6679 solid/tough white collagenous fibroma
solid / tough / white collagenous fibroma
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