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复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter IV repair 修复

复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter IV repair 修复

ChapterⅣV. Repair 修复 injured cells and tissue → repair parenchyma实质 connective tissue间质 regeneration healing(scar, fibrosis (Regeneration refers to the proliferation of cells and tissues to replace lost structures)

Chapter Ⅳ. Repair 修复   parenchyma实质 connective tissue间质 regeneration healing (scar, fibrosis) injured cells a nd tissue ⎯⎯⎯→ repair (Regeneration refers to the proliferation of cells and tissues to replace lost structures )

I. Control of Normal Cell Proliferation and Tissue Growth (1). The activity of cell proliferation(增生能力) Labile cells(continuously dividing tissues Surface epithelia, cells of bone marrow hematopoietic tissues Stem cells Stable cells(Quiescent tissues Parenchyma cells of liver, kidneys, and pancreas endothelial cells, lymphocytes, leu kocytes Permanent cells(Nondividing tissues) Neurons. cardiac muscle skeletal muscle

Ⅰ. Control of Normal Cell Proliferation and Tissue Growth (1). The activity of cell proliferation (增生能力) Labile cells (continuously dividing tissues ) Surface epithelia, cells of bone marrow hematopoietic tissues Stem cells Stable cells (Quiescent tissues ) Parenchyma cells of liver, kidneys, and pancreas endothelial cells, lymphocytes, leukocytes Permanent cells (Nondividing tissues) Neurons, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle

Cell-cvcle Continuously cycling 细胞周期 (e.g, epidermis) labile cells A DNA synthesis G1 Cyclins-CDKS C、D、E 2 M Mitosis B Quiescent stable cells (e. g, cardiac myocyte) (e. g, hepatocytes) (e. g, neuron) Nondividing permanent cells

Cell-cycle 细胞周期 Cyclins-CDKs A B C、D、E

Embryonic st △r el m cell Stem cells Squamous cell of skin 全能性幹细 Ten 多力性韩盘 Paniotalsta cs Gene 一神胞 造面醉聚特定功能性辑脑皮的细脑 ct接·心 红球 等官组 緘之幹網 白血球 超巴 巴球 设手细 血小板》 (血液)(见度茅统 2012 Nobel Prize for the discovery that adult cells can be transformed back into embryo-like stem cells that may one day regrow tissue in damaged brains, hearts or other organs

Stem cells Gene 2012 Nobel Prize for the discovery that adult cells can be transformed back into embryo-like stem cells that may one day regrow tissue in damaged brains, hearts or other organs. Sequamous cell of skin Embryonic stem cells

(2).The effect of Growth factors 1. EGF: mitogenic for keratinocytes and Fb 2. PDGF: chemotactic for PMNs Mo. Fb. SMC: stimulates production of MMPs, Fn, HA, angiogenesis and wound contraction 3. bFGF: chemotactic for Fb, mitogenic for Fb and keratinocytes stimulates keratinocyte migration, angiogenesis, matrix deposition 4. HGF: stimulates proliferation of epithelial and endothelial cells 5. KGF: stimulates keratinocyte migration, proliferation and differentiation 6. TGF-B: chemotactic for PMNS, Mo, Lymphocytes, Fb, SMC; stimulates TIMP synthesis, keratinocyte migration, angiogenesis and fibroplasia; inhibits production of MMPs and keratinocyte proliferation 7. IL-1: chemotactic for PMNs: stimulation of MMP-I synthesis 8. TNF: activates Mop, regulates other cytokines

(2).The effect of Growth factors 1. EGF: mitogenic for keratinocytes and Fb 2. PDGF: chemotactic for PMNs, MΦ, Fb, SMC; stimulates production of MMPs, Fn, HA, angiogenesis and wound contraction 3. bFGF: chemotactic for Fb, mitogenic for Fb and keratinocytes, stimulateskeratinocyte migration, angiogenesis, matrix deposition 4. HGF: stimulatesproliferation of epithelial and endothelial cells 5. KGF: stimulateskeratinocyte migration, proliferation and differentiation 6. TGF-: chemotactic for PMNs, MΦ, Lymphocytes, Fb, SMC; stimulatesTIMP synthesis, keratinocyte migration, angiogenesis and fibroplasia; inhibitsproduction of MMPs and keratinocyte proliferation 7. IL-1: chemotactic for PMNs; stimulation of MMP-1 synthesis 8. TNF: activatesMΦ, regulates other cytokines

AUTOCRINE SIGNALING (3)Cell surface receptors and signal Extracellular transduction system Y Target sites on same cell PARACRINE SIGNALING General patterns of intercellular signaling ENDOCRINE SIGNALING Blood vessel Hormone secretion into blood by endocrine gland Distant target cells

General patterns of intercellular signaling (3).Cell surface receptors and signal transduction system

I Extracellular matrix. ECM 细胞外基质 Laminin Collagen Fibronectin Proteoglycan Integr 材称

Ⅱ. Extracellular matrix, ECM 细胞外基质

Major components of ECM: 1. fibrous structural proteins: collagen胶原蛋白 elastin弹性蛋白 2. adhesive glycoproteins: fibronectin纤连蛋白 laminin层连蛋白 3. proteoglycans and hyaluronan glycosaminoglycan:粘多糖 heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate

Major components of ECM: 1.fibrous structural proteins: collagen 胶原蛋白 elastin 弹性蛋白 2.adhesive glycoproteins: fibronectin 纤连蛋白 laminin 层连蛋白 3.proteoglycans and hyaluronan glycosaminoglycan:粘多糖 heparan sulfate、dermatan sulfate

ECM occurs in two basic forms interstitial matrix and basement membrane SitTE-Integrins Fibroblast BASEMENT MEMBRANE Type IV collagen Integrins Laminin Endothelial cells Adhesive Proteoglycan glycoproteins Integrins Fibroblast Proteoglycan INTERSTITIAL MATRIX Type IV collagen Fibrillar collagens Elastin Laminin Proteoglycan and Cross-linked hyaluronan collagen triple helices Proteoglycan

ECM occurs in two basic forms: interstitial matrix and basement membrane

令Ro| es of the ecm 1. Mechanical support for cell anchorage 2. Control of cell growth 3. Maintenance of cell differentiation 4. Scaffolding for tissue renewal 5. Establishment of tissue microenvironments 6. Storage and presentation of regulatory molecules

❖ Roles of the ECM 1. Mechanical support for cell anchorage 2. Control of cell growth 3. Maintenance of cell differentiation 4. Scaffolding for tissue renewal 5. Establishment of tissue microenvironments 6. Storage and presentation of regulatory molecules
