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复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter XIII Diseases of Nervous System 神经系统

复旦大学:《病理学 Pathology》课程英文PPT课件_Chapter XIII Diseases of Nervous System 神经系统

Disease of Central Nervous System Zeng Wenjiao wizen(

Disease of Central Nervous System Zeng Wenjiao

The nervous systen(神经系统) crania cervical nerves nerves (8 pairs central nervous system(CNS) orna brain (12 pairs spinal cord sciat peripheral nervous system(PNS) nerve ulnar nerv lumbar nerves (5 pairs) sacral nerves

The nervous system(神经系统) central nervous system(CNS) brain spinal cord peripheral nervous system(PNS)

I Unique Structural and cellular characters structure or metabolism: complex and arcane more than 50% human genes are neuronal related Central sulcus Motor control Touch and pressure Speech Taste sme‖l vision Hearing Face recognition

1.Unique Structural and Cellular Characters structure or metabolism: complex and arcane more than 50% human genes are neuronal related

2. Lesions may have location indication( selective dysfunction) nervous system vulnera ble to focal lesions cola Signal to and from different regions of the body are olled by very specific areas within the nervous system 膝臀躯肩肘腕 Central sulcus contro Touch and pressure 诞 吞咽 Smell Hearing Face recognition 〔图中层代表区范围的大小与躯体的大小无关,而与躯体运动的 精细复杂程度有关

2. Lesions may have location indication ( selective dysfunction) nervous system vulnerable to focal lesions ----- signal to and from different regions of the body are controlled by very specific areas within the nervous system

3. Dualinfluences of some structures skull and dura: protection of brain facilitate increased intra-cranial pressure 关s 大脑大静脉 下矢状窦 V. cerebri ma 然m Diaphragma sellae trous superior inus sphanopanetalis 侧而观

3.Dual influences of some structures skull and dura: protection of brain facilitate increased intra-cranial pressure

4. Special disease Degenerative disease: Parkinson Dis Alzheimer Dis Demyelination disease: multiple sclerosis Psychiatric diseases less understanding Congenital anomalies: high incidence

4. Special disease : Degenerative disease: Parkinson Dis. Alzheimer Dis. Demyelination disease: multiple sclerosis Psychiatric diseases less understanding Congenital anomalies: high incidence 7

Disease of cns Basic pathological changes of cells Common complications ■ Infection disease a Hemodynamic Derangement Cerebral Vascular disorders ■umor

Disease of CNS ◼ Basic pathological changes of cells ◼ Common complications ◼ Infection disease ◼ Hemodynamic Derangement & Cerebral Vascular Disorders ◼ Tumor

Part i Basic pathological changes of cells in cns

Part I Basic pathological changes of cells in CNS

Cells in cns dendrite nuc eus Neuron glia cells(astrocyte oligodendrocyte ependyma) axon astrocyte blood vessels microglia Neuropil pI 神经毡 process of the cells in the CNs to form a delicate fibrillary background

Cells in CNS Neuron glia cells (astrocyte oligodendrocyte ependyma) blood vessels microglia Neuropil 神经毡 process of the cells in the CNS to form a delicate fibrillary background

Neuron(神经元) 1. Central Chromatolysis(中央性尼氏小体溶解) Cause: axonal injury, Viral infection, deficiency of vit. B, anoxia. Morphology: NormalNeuron Central Chromatolysis Sequalae: In early stage, increased dissociated ribosome from RER may facilitate protein synthesis. The change would be reversible, if cause abolished. Insistent change may lead to neuronal death

Neuron(神经元) 1.Central Chromatolysis (中央性尼氏小体溶解) Cause: axonal injury, Viral infection, deficiency of Vit.B, anoxia. Morphology: Sequalae: In early stage, increased dissociated ribosome from RER may facilitate protein synthesis. The change would be reversible, if cause abolished. Insistent change may lead to neuronal death. Normal Neuron Central Chromatolysis
