复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_实验课_01 Gram stain

Experiment 1 Gram stain Yuyan wang
Experiment 1 Gram stain Yuyan Wang

Methods for staining bacteria Bacterial stain Living Killed bacteria bacteria stain stain Positive staining Negative staining Common stain Special stain Single-dye stain Complex stain Endospore stain Capsule stain Cell wall stain Acid fast stain Gram stain MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Bacterial stain Living bacteria stain Killed bacteria stain Positive staining Negative staining Common stain Single-dye stain Special stain Complex stain Endospore stain Capsule stain Gram stain Cell wall stain Acid fast stain Methods for staining bacteria

等液人手 Demonstation 5“ Escherichia coli(gram stain, oil 100 X) 大肠埃希菌(革兰染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Demonstation Escherichia coli (Gram stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) × 大肠埃希菌(革兰染色,油镜 ×

液人手 袅 Streptococcus(Gram stain, oil 100X) 链球菌(革兰染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Streptococcus (Gram stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) × 链球菌(革兰染色,油镜 ×

液人手 气中 Staphylococcus(Gram stain, oil 100X) 葡萄球菌(革兰染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Staphylococcus (Gram stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) × 葡萄球菌(革兰染色,油镜 ×

液人手 Neisseria meningitidis (cerebrospinal fluid, methylene blue stain, oil 100X) 脑膜炎双球菌(脑脊液,美兰染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Neisseria meningitidis (cerebrospinal fluid methylene blue stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) , × 脑膜炎双球菌(脑脊液,美兰染色,油镜 ×

液人手 Capsule of pneumococcus (capsule stain, oil 100 X) 肺炎球菌的荚膜(荚膜染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Capsule of pneumococcus capsule stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) ( × 肺炎球菌的荚膜(荚膜染色,油镜 ×

等液人手 Spore of Clostridium tetani (spore stain, oil 100X) 破伤风梭菌(芽胞染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Spore of spore stain, oil 100 ) 100 ) Clostridium tetani ( × 破伤风梭菌(芽胞染色,油镜 ×

等液人手 Flagella of Bacillus proteus( Flagella stain, oil 100X) 变形杆菌的鞭毛(鞭毛染色,油镜100×) MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan Flagella of Bacillus proteus( × 变形杆菌的鞭毛(鞭毛染色,油镜 × Flagella stain, oil 100 ) 100 )

液人手 Gram stain Divides bacteria into 2 groups Gram-positive Gram-negative ◆ Thick peptidoglycan ◆ Thin peptidoglycan 90% peptidoglycan ◆5-10% peptidoglycan Teichoic acids ◆ No teichoic acids Not many ◆ Outer membrane has polysaccharides lipids, polysaccharides MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan
MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY EXPERIMENT 1 Wang Yuyan ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Thick peptidoglycan 90% peptidoglycan Teichoic acids Not many polysaccharides Gram stain Divides bacteria into 2 groups Gram-positive Gram-negative Thin peptidoglycan 5-10% peptidoglycan No teichoic acids Outer membrane has lipids, polysaccharides
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