复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_理论课_Lecture13-Sprirochete,Mycoplasma, Chlamydia & Rickettsia

Spirochetes, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia Rickettsia Junqi zhang(张俊琪),PhD MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University (复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室
Spirochetes, Mycoplasma,Chlamydia & Rickettsia Junqi Zhang (张俊琪), PhD MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University (复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室)

Spirochetes Protoplasmic cylinder Periplasm Outer membrane Flagella Figure 18 44a Microbiology: An Evolving Science o WW. Norton Company, Inc

Taxonomy Order Spirochaetales Family: Spirochaetaceae Genus: Treponema Borrelia Family: Leptospiraceae Genus: Leptospira
3 Order: Spirochaetales Family: Spirochaetaceae Genus: Treponema Borrelia Family: Leptospiraceae Genus: Leptospira Taxonomy

Spirochetes Gram negative Long, thin, helical spirochete from Greek for“ coiled hair” Periplasmic flagella(axial fibrils or endoflagella),-mobile -differering numbers of endoflagella according to genus species Outer sheath encloses axial fibrils wrapped around protoplasmic cylinder A helical protplasmic cylinder with a peptidoglycan layer similar to G B outer membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, and cytoplasm axial filaments locomotion between peptidoglycan layer/outer membran
4 Spirochetes Gram negative Long, thin, helical - spirochete from Greek for “coiled hair” Periplasmic flagella (axial fibrils or endoflagella), -mobile -differering numbers of endoflagella according to genus & species Outer sheath encloses axial fibrils wrapped around protoplasmic cylinder A helical protplasmic cylinder with a peptidoglycan layer similar to G- B, outer membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, and cytoplasm axial filaments – locomotion – between peptidoglycan layer/outer membran

Tightly Coiled Spirochete 0.25um OS outer sheath AF axial fibrils oS Leptospira interrogans AF Protoplasmic cylinder Periplasm Outer membrane Flagella Figure 18 44a Microbiology: An Evolving Science
5 Tightly Coiled Spirochete AF OS = outer sheath AF = axial fibrils Leptospira interrogans

Periplasmic Flagella Diagram AF Axial Fibril os Outer Sheath IP Inser tion pore LL Lipoprotein Layer Nr Nuclear Region AF AF : 下:::: …∴∷ AF NR
6 Periplasmic Flagella Diagram

Cross-Section of Spirochete with Periplasmic Flagella Cross section of Borrelia burgdorferi endoflagella Periplasmic axial fibrils or agella axial filaments Cell wall Outer Cytoplasmic envelope membrane OUter sheath) Page: 301 m前
7 Cross-Section of Spirochete with Periplasmic Flagella endoflagella, axial fibrils or axial filaments. (Outer sheath) Cross section of Borrelia burgdorferi Page: 301

"Spirochaetales Associated Human Diseases Genus Species Disease Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum Syphilis 3 subspecies) pallidum ssp. endemicum Bejel pallidum ssp. pertenueYaws, framboise T carateum Pinta Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme disease(borreliosis) recurrentis Epidemic relapsing fever Many species Endemic relapsing fever Leptospira interrogans Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease)
8 Genus Species Disease Treponema (3 subspecies) pallidum ssp. pallidum pallidum ssp. endemicum pallidum ssp. pertenue T. carateum Syphilis Bejel Yaws, framboisie Pinta Borrelia burgdorferi recurrentis Many species Lyme disease (borreliosis) Epidemic relapsing fever Endemic relapsing fever Leptospira interrogans Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) *Spirochaetales Associated Human Diseases

Treponema pallidum Physiology Strictly human pathogen -slow replication( time of replication =30 hrs Treponema pallidum testis infected rabbit Too thin to be visible in light microscope( darkfield, fluorescence Do not survive well outside of host Not cultivable Darkfield Microscopy of Treponema pallidum
9 Treponema pallidum • Physiology -Strictly human pathogen -Slow replication (time of replication = 30 hrs) -Too thin to be visible in light microscope ( darkfield, fluorescence) -Do not survive well outside of host -Not cultivable Treponema pallidum - testis infected rabbit Darkfield Microscopy of Treponema pallidum

. Syphilis Transmission sexual contact, genital congenital in utero or during birth transfusion of blood Not highly contagious (-30% chance of acquiring disease after single exposure to infected partner), but transmission rate dependent upon stage of disease ong incubation period during which time host is non-infectious Chronic infection slowly progressiⅳve
10 •Syphilis • Transmission - sexual contact, genital - congenital in utero or during birth - transfussion of blood Not highly contagious (~30% chance of acquiring disease after single exposure to infected partner) , but transmission rate dependent upon stage of disease Long incubation period during which time host is non-infectious •Chronic infection slowly progressive
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