复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_理论课_Lecture8-Vibrios

Vibrios, Helicobacter Campylobacters Junqi zhang(张俊琪),PhD MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University (复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室
Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters Junqi Zhang (张俊琪), PhD MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University (复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室)

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Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters

General Introduction Vibrio cholerae produces an enterotoxin that causes cholera, a profuse watery diarrhea that can rapidly lead to dehydration and death Helicobacter pylori has been associated with gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease Campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of enteritis in humans 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 3 General Introduction Vibrio cholerae produces an enterotoxin that causes cholera, a profuse watery diarrhea that can rapidly lead to dehydration and death Helicobacter pylori has been associated with gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease Campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of enteritis in humans

v Vibrio cholerae free-living inhabitant of fresh water, but causes infection only in humans Electronic microscope Grams stain 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 4 Vibrio cholerae free-living inhabitant of fresh water, but causes infection only in humans Electronic microscope Gram’s stain

The Medically Important Vibrios Organism Human disease V cholerae serogroups O1 and o139 Epidemic and pandemic cholera V cholerae serogroups non-O1/ nor Cholera-like diarrhea; mild diarrhea O139 rarely, extra intestinal infection Vparahaemolyticus Gastroenteritis, perhaps extra intestinal infection Others V. mimicus, Vvulnificus, vhollisae Ear wound. soft tissue. and other V uialis, V damsela, Vanginobyticus, extraintestinal infections, all Metschnikovii uncommon 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 5 The Medically Important Vibrios Organism Human Disease V.cholerae serogroups O1 and O139 Epidemic and pandemic cholera V.cholerae serogroups non-O1/nonO139 Cholera-like diarrhea; mild diarrhea; rarely, extra intestinal infection V.parahaemolyticus Gastroenteritis, perhaps extra intestinal infection Others V.mimicus, V.vulnificus, V.hollisae, V.fluvialis, V.damsela, V.anginolyticus, V.metschnikovii Ear, wound, soft tissue, and other extraintestinal infections, all uncommon

classical biotype es El Tor Serotype o1 gawa Serosubgroups Inaba Hikojima Vcholerae Phage types GenusⅤ brio Non-O1-other serovars Non-cholerae vibrios Other species V parahaemolyticus. food-associated diarrheal disease V. vulnificus: wound infection; septicemia Valginolyticus. otitis externa; wound infection 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 6 Genus Vibrio V.cholerae Other species Serotype O1 Non-O1 -other serovars biotypes Serosubgroups Phage types E1 Tor classical Ogawa Inaba Hikojima V. parahaemolyticus: food-associated diarrheal disease V. vulnificus: wound infection; septicemia V.alginolyticus: otitis externa; wound infection Non-agglutinating vibrios Non-cholerae vibrios

Antigenic Structure Biologic Classification 口 Antigenic Structure Qa single heat-labile flagellar H antigen 9O lipopolysaccharides(confer serologic specificity a Biologic Classification(O1) classic biotypes ◆ El Tor biotypes produces a hemolysin resistant to polymyxin B 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 7 Antigenic Structure & Biologic Classification a single heat-labile flagellar H antigen O lipopolysaccharides (confer serologic specificity ) classic biotypes El Tor biotypes produces a hemolysin resistant to polymyxin B Antigenic Structure Biologic Classification(O1)

Morphology Identification v Gram-negative v Comma shape or curved rod &rG- v actively motile by means of a polar flagellum 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 8 Gram-negative Comma shape or curved rod actively motile by means of a polar flagellum Morphology & Identification

Growth Characteristics ferments sucrose and mannose but not arabinose o Halophilic( requiring the presence of Nacl to grow Culture convex, smooth, round colonies that are opaque and granular in transmitted light xV.cholerae grows well one(TCBs) agar a vibrios grow at a very high pH(.5-9.5) and are rapidly killed by acid 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 9 Growth Characteristics ferments sucrose and mannose but not arabinose Halophilic( requiring the presence of NaCl to grow ) Culture convex, smooth, round colonies that are opaque and granular in transmitted light V.cholerae grows well one (TCBS) agar vibrios grow at a very high pH (8.5–9.5) and are rapidly killed by acid

control (TCBS)agar pH(8.5-9.5 10/14/2013 Vibrios helicobacter Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang
10/14/2013 Vibrios, Helicobacter & Campylobacters/ Junqi Zhang 10 (TCBS) agar pH (8.5–9.5) Negative control
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