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复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_理论课_Lecture2-bacterial structure

复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_理论课_Lecture2-bacterial structure

The bacterial structures Growth Culture of bacteria DiQu(瞿涤) MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology School of Basic Medical sciences Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University. 复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒 教育部/卫生部重点实验室 Chapter 2, 4, 5

The Bacterial Structures Growth & Culture of Bacteria Di Qu (瞿涤) MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology School of Basic Medical Sciences Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University 复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学 教育部/卫生部重点实验室 Chapter 2, 4, 5

Key Words Prokaryotic Cell wall Eukaryotic Peptidoglycan (murein, mucopeptide) Eubacteria(Bacteria) Outer membrane(LPS) Archaebacteria(Archaea) Chromosome Cell membrane Spheroplast/protoplast Gram staining L form Gram negative Gram positive Flagella(chemotaxis) Pili (fimbriae) Capsule(slime layer, glycocalyx) Spore(resistant)

Key Words Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eubacteria (Bacteria) Archaebacteria (Archaea) Chromosome Gram staining Gram negative Gram positive Cell wall Peptidoglycan (murein, mucopeptide) Outer membrane (LPS ) Cell membrane Spheroplast/protoplast L form Flagella (Chemotaxis) Pili (fimbriae) Capsule (slime layer, glycocalyx) Spore (resistant)

Characteristic Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Drug targets? Size(diameter)0.1-2.0 um 10-100um homework Nucleus Nucleoid Nucleus no nucleoli, no membrane ganelles Absent rese Glycocalyx Capsule or slime layer In some cell Cell wall Usually present Most no peptidoglycan celluose/chitin Plasma Lack cholesterol cholesterol membrane Ribosome 70S: 30S (16S rRNA) 80s 40S/60s S=sedimentation 50S (5S& 23S rRNA) 70S(mitochondria)coefficient Chromosome Single circular, Haploid Diploid Cell division Binary fission Mitosis Sexual rec No Meiosis Horizontal transfer of DNA

Characteristic Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Drug targets? Size (diameter) 0.1-2.0 µm 10-100 µm homework Nucleus Nucleoid, no nucleoli, no membrane Nucleus Organelles Absent Present Glycocalyx Capsule or slime layer In some cell Cell wall Usually present -peptidoglycan Most no -celluose /chitin Plasma membrane Lack cholesterol cholesterol Ribosome 70S : 30S (16S rRNA) 50S (5S & 23S rRNA) 80S 40S/60S 70S(mitochondria) S=sedimentation coefficient Chromosome Single circular, Haploid Diploid Cell division Binary fission Mitosis Sexual Rec. No, Horizontal transfer of DNA Meiosis 3

Size of bacteria Average bacteria 0.5-2.0 um in(-microsope) RBC is 7.5 um in diam Surface area to volume is 3: 1 ypical Eukaryote Cell SA vs Vol is 0. 3: 1 Nutrition enters through SA, quickly reaches all parts of bacteria Eukaroytes need structures organelles Light microscope: Bright -field microscope 100xobjective lens Phased contrast microscope 10x ocular lens Dark-field microscope Fluorescence microscope Electron microscope Bacteria are transparent Scan electron microscope Confocal microscope Chapter 2, p. 9

Size of Bacteria  Average bacteria 0.5 - 2.0 um in (- microsope) -- RBC is 7.5 um in diam.  Surface Area to Volume is 3:1 -- Typical Eukaryote Cell SA vs Vol is 0.3:1  Nutrition enters through SA, quickly reaches all parts of bacteria -- Eukaroytes need structures & organelles Light microscope: Bright –field microscope 100xobjective lens Phased contrast microscope 10x ocular lens Dark-field microscope Fluorescence microscope Electron microscope Scan electron microscope Confocal microscope Bacteria are transparent Chapter 2, p. 9

Shapes of Bacteria Bacteria are classified by shape into 3 groups Spiral: Spirilla, Spirillum Rod-shaped: bacilli. bacillus Round Cocci, coccus

Spiral: Spirilla, Spirillum Rod-shaped: bacilli, bacillus Round: Cocci, coccus Bacteria are classified by shape into 3 groups: Shapes of Bacteria

Shapes of Bacteria Coccus Chain Streptoccus Cluster Staphylococcus Diplococcus Bacillus Chain Streptobacillus Coccobacillus Vibrio curved Spirillum Spirochete

Shapes of Bacteria • Coccus – Chain = Streptoccus – Cluster = Staphylococcus – Diplopcoccus • Bacillus – Chain = Streptobacillus • Coccobacillus • Vibrio = curved • Spirillum • Spirochete

Bacilus Spiral bacterium Spirochete ( Vibrio Spirillum Helicobaterium

Bacillus Spiral bacterium Vibrio Spirillum Helicobaterium Spirochete

Bacterial structures Cell wall Lipopolysaccharides Chromosome Pilus(fimbria) echoic Acids Ribosomes Cytoplasm Inclusions Inclusion Ribosomes Flagellum Capsule or Nucleoid slime laye Cell wall Chromosome Plasmids Plasmid Cell membrane Capsule Flagella Pil Chapter 2 Spores

Bacterial Structures • Cell Wall -Lipopolysaccharides -Teichoic Acids • Cytoplasm -Inclusions • Ribosomes • Nucleoid -Chromosome & Plasmids • Capsule • Flagella • Pili • Spores Chapter 2

The cell wall Gram-positive Gram-negative outer membrane mermbrane outside of cell membrane cytoplasm cytoplasm rigid, protecting cell Hans Christian Gram from osmotic lysis periplasmic space peptidoglycan Gram staining 1884 Gram Positive Gram Negative

The Cell Wall Gram Positive Gram Negative 1884 Hans Christian Gram - outside of cell membrane - rigid, protecting cell from osmotic lysis Gram staining

The Cell wall Grams Serendipitous Stain still forms the basis for defective and imperfect,fn I am aware that as yet it is very identification of bacteria Hans christian gra GRAM十 GRAM Fixation Crystal Violet lodine treatment Decolorization Counter stain (safranin)

Gram’s Serendipitous Stain, still forms the basis for identification of bacteria The Cell Wall “I am aware that as yet it is very defective and imperfect” Hans Christian Gram
