复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology(MBBS)》课程讲义_理论课_Lecture12-Hinfluenza,Brucella, Yersinia, etc

MBBS H influenza, Yersinia, Bordetella, brucella B anthracis, leginellae Chen niu(牛辰) MOH&moe Key lab of Medical Molecular virology Shanghai medical college, Fudan University 复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室
MBBS H.influenza, Yersinia, Bordetella, Brucella, B.anthracis, Leginellae Chen Niu (牛辰) MOH&MOE Key Lab of Medical Molecular Virology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University 复旦大学上海医学院分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室

Most important bacteria in zoonosis · Brucella Yersinia Bacillus
Most important bacteria in zoonosis • Brucella • Yersinia • Bacillus

B rubella Brucella is the cause of brucellosis which is a zoonosis Sir david bruce first isolated B. melitensis from british soldiers who died from malta fever obligate parasites of animals and humans and are located intracellularly ,: relatively metabolically inactive. Gram-.short rod. aerobic
Brucella • Brucella is the cause of brucellosis, which is a zoonosis. Sir David Bruce first isolated B. melitensis from British soldiers who died from Malta fever. • obligate parasites of animals and humans and are located intracellularly. • relatively metabolically inactive • Gram-, short rod, aerobic

Transmission route Cattle Vaccination accident Swine s or laboratory accident with Cultures ghter or nary care B abortus B suis Goats and sheep Milk Slaughter Veterinary care Veterinary care V Canis B melitensis
Transmission route

Antigen and Taxonomy M(B. melitensis ) and A (B abortus)antigens are good characters for the differentiation of erent species B. melitensis, A M=1: 20 B abortus. A M=20: 1 B suis. a: M=2. 1
Antigen and Taxonomy • M (B. melitensis) and A (B. abortus) antigens are good characters for the differentiation of different species --- B. melitensis, A:M=1:20 B. abortus, A:M=20:1 B. suis, A:M=2:1

Transmission It is transmitted by ingesting infected food, direct contact with an infected animal or inhalation of aerosols transmission from human to human is exceedingly rare, but possible Minimum infectious exposure is between 10-100 organisms Brucellosis primarily occurs through occupational exposure (e.g. exposure to cattle, sheep, pigs), but also by consumption of unpasteurized milk products
Transmission • It is transmitted by ingesting infected food, direct contact with an infected animal, or inhalation of aerosols. Transmission from human to human is exceedingly rare, but possible. Minimum infectious exposure is between 10 - 100 organisms. • Brucellosis primarily occurs through occupational exposure (e.g. exposure to cattle, sheep, pigs), but also by consumption of unpasteurized milk products

Pathogenesis and Diagnosis · Virulence factors Endotoxin Capsule and invasive enzymes Brucella is isolated from a blood culture on castenada medium Serology examination · Skin test- brucellin
Pathogenesis and Diagnosis • Virulence factors Endotoxin Capsule and invasive enzymes • Brucella is isolated from a blood culture on Castenada medium. • Serology examination • Skin test --- brucellin

Human brucellosis 1-6 week latency: bacterium ingested by neutrophil and macrophage becomes intracellular, when the multiplication of bacterium reach certain threshold. it can cause the bacteremia The disease is characterized by acute undulating fever, headache, night sweats, fatigue and anorexia Human brucellosis is not considered a contagious disease. brucellosis is Iso considered an occupational disease because of a higher incidence in ople working with animals. The real worldwide incidence of brucellosis is unknown because there is a low level of surveillance and reporting in Brucella endemic areas
Human brucellosis • 1~6 week latency: bacterium ingested by neutrophil and macrophage – becomes intracellular, when the multiplication of bacterium reach certain threshold, it can cause the bacteremia. • The disease is characterized by acute undulating fever, headache, night sweats, fatigue and anorexia. • Human brucellosis is not considered a contagious disease. Brucellosis is also considered an occupational disease because of a higher incidence in people working with animals. • The real worldwide incidence of brucellosis is unknown because there is a low level of surveillance and reporting in Brucella endemic areas

Undulant fever ■■口 12345“789阳m21部 The disease in humans brucellosis(undulant fever) is characterized by an acute bacteremic phase followed by a chronic stage that may extend over many years and may involve many tissues
Undulant fever The disease in humans, brucellosis (undulant fever) is characterized by an acute bacteremic phase followed by a chronic stage that may extend over many years and may involve many tissues

Diagnosis History and Physical Exam Clinical Course of disease Occupation Raw milk Fresh cheese Travel Symptoms Ilness Signs Quantitative serology Laboratory Blood cultures 国→→
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