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复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》教学课件_内脏学 Splanchnology_2-1-splanchnology-digestive system

复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》教学课件_内脏学 Splanchnology_2-1-splanchnology-digestive system

Conv Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University eD- Systematic Anatomy Splanchnology- Part 1 Introduction to splanchnology Alimentary system Dr Hongqi zhang(张红旗) Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1 Dr.Hongqi Zhang (张红旗 ) Email: Systematic Anatomy Splanchnology - Part 1 Introduction to splanchnology Alimentary system

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Introduction to splanchnology Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 2 Introduction to splanchnology

Copy Right- Ho Feature of the viscera niversity Composition Function ◆ Alimentary systen Fulfill the metabolism L Respiratory system maintain the life of the ◆ Urinary system specles ◆ Reproductive systen Cor, myr U, , onyyi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Composition: Alimentary system Respiratory system Urinary system Reproductive system Function Fulfill the metabolism, maintain the life of the species Feature of the viscera

Feature of the viscera Characteristics of viscera Most of viscera organs lies in the thoracic abdominal and pelvis cavities All of them communicate with ext environment through some orifices or channels -Common bile of odd num portion

Characteristics of viscera Most of viscera organs lies in the thoracic, abdominal and pelvis cavities All of them communicate with ext. environment through some orifices or channels Feature of the viscera

Copy Reference lines of thorax 1-Ant. median line 2-Sternal line 3-Midclavicular line 4-Parasternal line 5-Ant. axillary line 6-Mid. axillary line 7-Post. axillary line 8-Scapular line 9-Post. median line 567 3421 Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Reference lines of thorax 1-Ant. median line 2-Sternal line 3-Midclavicular line 4-Parasternal line 5-Ant.axillary line 6-Mid.axillary line 7-Post. axillary line 8-Scapular line 9-Post.median line 3 4 2 1 5 6 7 8 9

Copy Ri niversity Abdominal region- nine regions (By 2-transverse lines 2-vertical lines) 1 Right hypochondriac region 2 Epigastric region 3 Left hypochondriac region 4 Right lateral (lumbar) region 5 Umbilical region 6 6 Left lateral(lumbar) region 7 Right iliac (grion, inguinal) region 6 8 Hypogastric(pubic) region 9 Left iliac(grion, inguinal)region Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Abdominal region-nine regions 1 Right hypochondriac region 2 Epigastric region 3 Left hypochondriac region 4 Right lateral (lumbar) region 5 Umbilical region 6 Left lateral (lumbar) region 7 Right iliac (grion,inguinal) region 8 Hypogastric (pubic) region 9 Left iliac (grion,inguinal) region (By 2-transverse lines & 2-vertical lines)

Copy Right- Hong dan University Quadrants of abdomen According two vertical lines cross the umblical cord Right upper Left upper quadrant(RUQ) quadrant(LUQ) RUQ LUQ Right lower RLQ LLQ Left lower quadrant(RLQ) quadrant (LLQ) Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Right upper quadrant(RUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ ) RUQ LUQ RLQ LLQ Quadrants of abdomen According two vertical lines cross the umblical cord

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University General structures of the hallow organs Organs is shaped like a tube or sac and has a internal cavity Their wall consists of several layer of different tissue: such as Digestive canal: mucosa, submucosa, muscular adventitia Stomach ileocecal region Small intestine Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Stomach ileocecal region Small intestine General structures of the hallow organs Organs is shaped like a tube or sac and has a internal cavity Their wall consists of several layer of different tissue: such as Digestive canal: mucosa, submucosa, muscular & adventitia

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University General structures of the parenchymatous organs These organs appears as a soft, grayish-red or brownish& non Internal cavity mass which is mainly constituted by the different secreting epithelia in the different apparatus Surface-covering or serous membrane Lobules divided by fibrous tissue Hilum: blood vessel, lymphatic vessel, nerve Inf. surface of liver onggi ZHA. Ant. Surface of kidney my-FL Int surface of lung

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Surface -covering or serous membrane Lobules divided by fibrous tissue Hilum: blood vessel ,lymphatic vessel, nerve General structures of the parenchymatous organs Inf. surface of liver Ant. Surface of kidney Int.surface of lung These organs appears as a soft, grayish-red or brownish & non Internal cavity mass. which is mainly constituted by the different secreting epithelia in the different apparatus

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan Universitv Digestive system (Alimentary system gestive canal From mouth to stomach Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Digestive system (Alimentary system) Digestive canal From mouth to stomach
