复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》课程教学课件(讲稿)神经系统 Nervous System_5-4-nervous system-spinal cord

Cony Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University eD- Systematic Anatomy Nervous system- Part 1 Spinal nerve-2 Dr Hongqi zhang(张红旗) EmailZhanghg58@126.com Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1
Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University 1 Dr.Hongqi Zhang (张红旗) Email: zhanghq58@126.com Systematic Anatomy Nervous system- Part 1 Spinal nerve-2

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Spinal cord Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Spinal cord

Central nervous system (CNS) ◆ Brain ● Telencephalon .Diencephalon Cerebellum ● Brain stem 1-Midbrain 2-Pons 3-medulla oblongata ◆ Spina|cord medulla oblongata
Brain Telencephalon Diencephalon Cerebellum Brain stem 1-Midbrain 2-Pons 3-medulla oblongata Spinal cord Central nervous system (CNS)

Position of the Spinal cord Position: Lies in vertebral canal, 45cm long approximately o Upper end: Continuous with medulla oblongata at foramen magnum Lower end: at the lower border of L1 in adult t newborn at level of l3 Q Sexual difference: usually a little lower in female than in male 9 Clinic significance: anaesthesia done usually at below the l1
Position of the Spinal Cord Position: Lies in vertebral canal, 45cm long approximately Upper end: Continuous with medulla oblongata at foramen magnum Lower end: at the lower border of L1 in adult at newborn at level of L3 Sexual difference: usually a little lower in female than in male Clinic significance: anaesthesia done usually at below the L1

Anaesthesia in the vertebral canal Skin Subcutaneous fascia Supraspinal lig. Interspinal lig. Yellow lig. Lower end Of spinal cord Needle Draw cerebrospinal fluid puncture From the vertebral canal For lab examination Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Anaesthesia in the vertebral canal L1 Draw cerebrospinal fluid From the vertebral canal For lab examination Lower end Of spinal cord Needle puncture Skin Subcutaneous fascia Supraspinal lig. Interspinal lig. Yellow lig

EXternal Features of Spinal cord 脑桥臂 ◆ Externa| feature: ngata 枕骨大孔 A long cylindrical structure slightly flattened anteroposteriorly 颈膨大 ement ◆ TWo enlargements Cervical enlargement anterior median fissure 后外侧沟 corresponds to C4-T1 of spinal cord posterolateral sulcus Lumbosacral enlargement 后正中 posterior median sulu corresponds to L, to S, of spinal cord Filum terminale-only thin filament ◆ Conus medullaris 腰骶膨大 lumbosacral enlargemen 脊髓圆锥 ◆ Cauda equina conus medullaris 终丝 filum terminale 前面( anterior) 后面( postenor)
External feature: A long cylindrical structure & slightly flattened anteroposteriorly Two enlargements Cervical enlargement corresponds to C4 -T1 of spinal cord Lumbosacral enlargement corresponds to L2 to S3 of spinal cord Filum terminale-only thin filament Conus medullaris Cauda equina External Features of Spinal Cord

Lumbosacral enlargement Conus medullaris Filum terminale -x- Cauda equina Conus medullaris and cauda equina
Conus medullaris and cauda equina Lumbosacral enlargement Conus medullaris Filum terminale Cauda equina

External Features of spinal cord Fissure and sulci 1- Anterior median fissure 2- Posterior median sulcus 93-Anterolateral sulcus-connect with ant. root(motor) 94-Posterolateral sulcus- connect with post. root(sense) Spinal gangli Post, branch Ant. root Ant, branch
External Features of Spinal Cord Fissure and sulci 1 - Anterior median fissure 2 - Posterior median sulcus 3 - Anterolateral sulcus - connect with ant.root (motor) 4 - Posterolateral sulcus - connect with post.root (sense) Ant.root Post.root Spinal ganglion Ant.branch Post.branch 1 2 3 4

Segments of Spinal cord A portion of the cord that gives rise to a pair of spinal nerve constitutes a segment ◆ There are31 segments 8 cervical ss 12 thoracic ss 5 lumbar ss 5 sacral ss coccygeal s Segment
Segments of Spinal Cord A portion of the cord that gives rise to a pair of spinal nerve constitutes a segment. There are 31 segments 8 cervical ss 12 thoracic ss 5 lumbar ss 5 sacral ss 1 coccygeal s Segment - s

Relationship of SC Segments to Vertebral body In the third month of fetal life Spinal cord the spinal cord occupies the entire length of the vertebral canal Vertebral canal C After that time there are some difference between spinal cord vertebral canal in growth speed, that is, the vertebral canal grow faster than that of spinal cord Sc length= vertebral canal At 3rd fetal month Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Copy Right‐ Hongqi ZHANG‐Department of Anatomy‐Fudan University Relationship of SC Segments to Vertebral body In the third month of fetal life, the spinal cord occupies the entire length of the vertebral canal. After that time,there are some difference between spinal cord & vertebral canal in growth speed,that is, the vertebral canal grow faster than that of spinal cord, At 3rd fetal month Sc length = vertebral canal Spinal cord Vertebral canal
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