复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》课程教学课件(讲稿)神经系统 Nervous System_5-3-nervous system-automatic nervous system

Conv Rinht- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 月 Systematic Anatomy Nervous system Visceral Nervous System Dr Hongqi zhang(张红旗) Email:zhanghg58@126.com Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University1 Dr.Hongqi Zhang (张红旗 ) Email: zhanghq58@126.com Systematic Anatomy Nervous system Visceral Nervous System

The visceral Nervous System
2 The Visceral Nervous System

The Visceral nervous system Function: lt control the visceral functions and also helps control blood pressure, gastroin testinal motility secretion, urinary bladder emptying, sweating, body tempreature many other activities Composition Cardiac muscle Visceral motor(efferent )nerves Smooth muscle (autonomic nervous system Glands Sympathetic part Parasympathetic part Q Visceral sensory(afferent)nerves
3 The Visceral nervous system Composition Visceral motor (efferent) nerves (autonomic nervous system) Sympathetic part Parasympathetic part Visceral sensory (afferent) nerves Function: It control the visceral functions. And also helps control blood pressure, gastrointestinal motility & secretion, urinary bladder emptying, sweating,body tempreature & many other activities. Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle Glands

Visceral motor(efferent) nerves (Autonomic nervous system ◆ Sympathetic part Parasympathetic part
4 Visceral motor (efferent) nerves Sympathetic part Parasympathetic part (Autonomic nervous system)

Somatic and Autonomic Nervous system Central Nervous Peripheral Nervous System(CNS) System(PNS) Sensory neuron Receptors Somatic motor neuron Skeletal muscles Autonomic motor neurons Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Autonomic ganglion Glands
5 Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System

Comparison of somatic visceral efferent pathway Somatic efferent innervation acetylcholine ACh Somatic effectors Autonomic efferent innervation Acetylcholine Norepinephrine ACh ACh or NE Visceral effectors smooth muscle [postganglionic fiber glands Autonomic acetylcholine ganglion FIGURE 16.2 Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Efferent Pathways. The entire distance from CNS to effector is spanned by one neuron in the somatic syste nd two neurons in the autonomic system. Only acetylcholine(ACh)is employed as a neurotransmitter by the somatic neuron and the autonomic preganglionic neuron, but autonomic postganglionic neurons can employ either ACh or norepinephrine(NE)
6 Comparison of somatic & visceral efferent pathway acetylcholine acetylcholine Acetylcholine Norepinephrine

Main Differences between Somatic Motor and visceral motor nerve Somatic Visceral Effectors Skeletal muscles Cardiac, smooth muscles and glands Control Voluntary Involuntary(unconsciousness (consciousness) From lower Single neuron Two neurons. center to effect Preganglionic neuron or to require Postganglionic neuron Kind of fibers One TWo: sympathetic parasympathetic Fibers Thick myelinated Preganglionic: thin myelinated postganglionic: unmyelinated Distributive form Nerve trunk Nerve plexuses Transmitter Acetylcholine Preganglionic: acetylcholine postganglionic: Ach or NE Ach-acetyIcholine. NE-nonepinephrine
7 Main Differences Between Somatic Motor and Visceral Motor Nerve Somatic Visceral Effectors Skeletal muscles Cardiac, smooth muscles and glands Control Voluntary (consciousness) Involuntary (unconsciousness ) From lower center to effector to require Single neuron Two neurons: Preganglionic neuron, Postganglionic neuron Kind of fibers One Two: sympathetic & parasympathetic Fibers Thick myelinated Preganglionic: thin myelinated postganglionic: unmyelinated Distributive form Nerve trunk Nerve plexuses Transmitter Acetylcholine Preganglionic: acetylcholine postganglionic: Ach or NE Ach-acetylcholine. NE-nonepinephrine

Neurotransmitters-Learn by yourself Somatic nervous system ACh Striated muscle Autonomic nervous system Sympathe Heart Ch <NE Sm. mus Glands ACh ACh Sweat glands ACh E NE Parasympathetic Heart <ACh ACh Sm. mus Glands Ach- acetylcholine; E-epinephrin; NE-norepinephrine
8 Neurotransmitters-Learn by yourself ACh ACh Sweat glands Striated muscle ACh Somatic nervous system Heart Sm. mus. Glands ACh ACh Parasympathetic ACh E, NE Heart Sm. mus. Glands ACh NE Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic Ach- acetylcholine; E-epinephrin; NE-norepinephrine

Sympathetic Nerve Institution Lower center Lateral horn in gray matter of T1 L3 Sympathetic trunk Perpheral Sympathetic ganglia Branches from sympathetic ganglia part Sympathetic plexus
9 Sympathetic Nerve Lower center Peripheral part Sympathetic trunk Sympathetic ganglia Branches from sympathetic ganglia Sympathetic plexus Lateral horn in gray matter of T1~ L 3 Institution

Sympathetic Part Lower center. located in intermediolateral nucleus(lateral gray horn) of spinal cord segments T1-L2 or L3 Sympathetic ganglia Paravertebral ganglia Prevertebral ganglia Transverse section of upper lumbar segment
10 Sympathetic Part Lower center: located in intermediolateral nucleus (lateral gray horn) of spinal cord segments T1~L2 or L3 Sympathetic ganglia Paravertebral ganglia Prevertebral ganglia Transverse section of upper lumbar segment
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