复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》课程教学课件(讲稿)血管学 Angiology_3-4-angiology -lymph system

apy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Systematic Anatomy Department of Anatomy, Histology Embryology Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University Dr Hongqi zhang(张红旗) Email:Zhanghg58@126.com ofe: Building9,Room308,54237151-9308 Mobile:13761809799 Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1 Dr.Hongqi Zhang (张红旗) Email: Zhanghq58@126.com Office: Building 9,Room308, 54237151-9308 Mobile:13761809799 Systematic Anatomy Department of Anatomy,Histology & Embryology Shanghai Medical College,Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Circulatory system-part two Lymphatic system Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department Ur, wuvn uuur, Ci voi sity
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Circulatory system-part two Lymphatic system

General Introduction of the lymphatic system ORganization lymphatic vessels, organs tissues PLymph colorless or yellowish fluid, chyle-milky from the small intestine Lymph formation: drainage excess interstitial fluid entering the lymphatic vessel Drainage: one-way flow to the vein-heart Lymphatic vessel: assistant vessels of the vein Function: response to immune help to absorb fat macromolecule; filter the lymph fluid defence Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Organization lymphatic vessels,organs & tissues Lymph colorless or yellowish fluid, chyle-milky -from the small intestine Lymph formation: drainage excess interstitial fluid. entering the lymphatic vessel Drainage: one-way flow to the vein - heart. Lymphatic vessel: assistant vessels of the vein Function: response to immune,help to absorb fat & macromolecule; filter the lymph fluid & defence General Introduction of the lymphatic system

The drainage of lymph Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University The drainage of lymph

oA Lymphatic vessel is assistant one of vein ersity in the circulatory system emphatic L Pulmonary capillaries circulation Lymp node Lymphatic vessels About 90%-vein About 10%-lymph Tissue fluid Blood plasma Lymph Systemic circulation Lymphatic capillaries Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Lymphatic vessel is assistant one of vein in the circulatory system About 90%→vein About 10% →lymph

Copy Right-Honaiai zHAAiG-Denarment of Anatnmy-Fudan University lymphatic vessels Four grades LYmphatic capillary similar with capillary, but With more permeability(no base membrane pericyte thin endothelium, wide intercellular spaces) C Lymphatic vessel similar with vein,w with valve, sup and deep group. beaded lymph node LYmphatic trunk nine, four-paried one-unparied one LYmphatic duct thoracic duct and right lymph duct Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University lymphatic vessels Four grades: Lymphatic capillary similar with capillary,but With more permeability (no base membrane & pericyte, thin endothelium, wide intercellular spaces) Lymphatic vessel similar with vein,with valve, sup. and deep group.beaded lymph node Lymphatic trunk nine,four-paried one-unparied one Lymphatic duct thoracic duct and right lymph duct

ymphatic trunks and lymphatic ducts Lymphatic trunk nine Four-paried CLeft right lumbar trunks Left right bronchomediastinal trunks CLeft right subclavian trunks CLeft right cervical trunks one-unpaired one ◆ Intestinal trunk Lymphatic duct-two Thoracic duct right lymph duct Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Lymphatic trunks and lymphatic ducts Lymphatic trunk nine, Four-paried Left & right lumbar trunks Left & right bronchomediastinal trunks Left & right subclavian trunks Left & right cervical trunks one-unpaired one Intestinal trunk Lymphatic duct -two Thoracic duct right lymph duct

Copy left jugular trunk -LiNan In/versIfv ght eft subclavian trunk lymphatic duct trunk supenor vena cava hyli left lumbar trunk rior vena cavH right common iliac v Intest Copy.…y….…- Lymphatic trunks and lymphatic ducts --.ny-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Lymphatic trunk and duct

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Lymphatic trunk and lymphatic duct Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk Jugular lymphatic trunk- Left internal jugular vein Right internal jugular vein Thoracic duct Subclavian lymphatic trunk Subclavian lymphatic trunk Right lymphatic duct Left venous angle Right subclavian vein Right venous angle Left bra Right brachiocephalic vein Superior vena cava Bronchomed C Anterior view Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anaiunmy-ruuall unversity
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Lymphatic trunk and lymphatic duct

The6aG& drainage of the lympha钯筘 Arteriole TisSue space connective teus Higher pressure Elood outside Flaplike minivan Tissue Low pressure e Endothelial cell Back pres closes minivalves anchored to connectIve Venule Lymphokinetic Motion and Pressure Gradient Blood Interstitial Lymph Lymp Large circ Fluidcapillaries vessel ducts Veins Highest C pressure pressure
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University The formation & drainage of the lymphatic fluid vessel
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