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复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》教学课件_感觉器官 Sensory Organs_4-2-sensory organs-ear

复旦大学:《系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy》教学课件_感觉器官 Sensory Organs_4-2-sensory organs-ear

Vestibulocochlear organ(Ear Singer Miss. Deng lijun Lectured by Zhang Hongqi

Vestibulocochlear organ (Ear) Lectured by Zhang Hongqi Singer Miss. Deng lijun 1 Lectured by Zhang Hongqi

Diagram of the vestibulocochlear organ Stapes Semicircular ducts Incus Malleus Vestibular nerve cochlear nerve Auricle Tympanic membrane Round window Tensor tympani muscle Auditory tube Earlobe Outer ear Middle ear nner ear

Diagram of the vestibulocochlear organ Diagram of the vestibulocochlear organ O Middl I 2 uter ear e ear Inner ear

Organization of the vestibulocochlear organs Auricle External ear External acoustic meatus ympanIc membrane Tympanic cavity Middle ear Auditory tube Mastoid antrum air cell Bony labyrinth Internal ear Membranous labyrinth 内耳道

Organization of the vestibulocochlear organs External ea r Auricle External acoustic meatus External acoustic meatus Tympanic membrane Tympanic cavity Middle ear Tympanic cavity Auditory tube Bon y lab yrinth Mastoid antrum & air cell It l y y Membranous labyrinth In ternal ea r 3

External ear-Auricle Helix ◆Shel-like . Triangula fossa ◆ Cartilage and skin Crura of antihelix ◆ Auricular lobule Cymba of auricular concha EXternal acoustic pore Crus of Antihelixⅸx helix Collect the sound wave Cavity of auricular concha Help for direction judgeAntitragus ◆ Used for acupuncture auricle

External ear-Auricle Shell - like Cartilage and skin Auricular lobule E t l ti External acoustic pore Collect the sound wave Help for direction judge Used for acupuncture Used for acupuncture 4 auricle

External ear-Auricle Feral animals -open forward such as: tiger, lion Weak animals-open backward for example lime hare, deer 直联下段 外鼻·背 断血压品分播 Acupoint

External ear-Auricle Feral animals - open forward such as: tiger,lion Wk i l eak animals - open b k d f l li h d backward for example lime hare, deer 5 Acupoint

Microtia accessory auricle Microtia Bat ear Accessory auricle Accessory auricle micro

Microtia & accessory auricle Microtia & accessory auricle Mi ti cro a B t a ear 6 Accessory auricle Accessory auricle & microtia

/ Different microtia

7 Different microtia

External acoustic meatus 92.5cm length, S-shaped curvature Between ext acoustic pore and tympanic membrane Beneath the skin lie the wax secreting ceruminous gland OParts: outer1/3 cartilaginous part, inner 2/3 osseous part While to examine or check tympanic membrane In adult: pull the auricle posteriorly superiorly In children: pull the auricle posteriorly inferiorly Ceruminal impaction Much cerumen block the external auditory meatus and affect the conduction of sound wave

External acoustic meatus 2.5cm length, S-shaped curvature Between ext.acoustic pore and tympanic membrane Between ext.acoustic pore and tympanic membrane Beneath the skin lie the wax secreting ceruminous gland Parts:outer1/3 cartilaginous part,inner 2/3 osseous part While to examine or check tympanic membrane In adult: pull the auricle posteriorly & superiorly In children In children:pull the auricle posteriorly & inferiorly :pull the auricle posteriorly & inferiorly Ceruminal impaction Ceruminal impaction Much cerumen block the external auditory meatus and affect the conduction of sound wave. 8

Bony semicircular canal cochlea Vestibulocochlear n Tensortympa Bony part of extemal acoustic meatus Internal carotid a Cartilaginous part of ernal acoustic meatus 3:圈 Auditory The vestibulocochlera organ

The vestibulocochlera organ 9

Tympanic membrane(Eardrum) Head of Perforation of Posterior malleolar fold Flaccid tympanic membrane Malleolar malleolar fold Malleolar stria Umbo of tympanic Tense part Cone c

Tympanic membrane (Eardrum) Tympanic membrane (Eardrum) Perforation of tympanic membrane tympanic membrane 10
