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《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Official PPT of Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, L. G. Wade, Jr.Pearson Education)Reaction Mechanism and Synthesis Review

《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Official PPT of Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, L. G. Wade, Jr.Pearson Education)Reaction Mechanism and Synthesis Review



The Free-Radical Chain Reaction Initiation:Generates a CIC:+ photon(hv)→ Propagation:The radical intermediate reacts with a molecule to produce another radical intermediate and a product molecule. First propagation step H H-CI H methane chlorine atom methvl radical hvdrogen chloride Second propagation step H H H H + H H methyl radical chlorine molecule chloromethane chlorine atom OVERALL H- H CI-CI heat or light H H-CI REACTION H methane chlorine chloromethane hydrogen (methyl chloride) chloride smieenlacam he Chapter 4 2

Chapter 4 2 The Free-Radical Chain Reaction Initiation: Generates a ________ ___________ Propagation: The radical intermediate reacts with a ______ molecule to produce another radical intermediate and a product molecule. OVERALL REACTION

Primary,Secondary,and Tertiary Hydrogens H R RCH R一C-H R一C-H H H R primary (1)hydrogens secondary(2)hydrogens tertiary (3)hydrogen Six primary (I)hydrogens relative reactiviry CH3 Cl,lnv 40% H2C CH3一CH2一CH2-CI 6 hydrogens =6.67%perH CH3 replacement primary chloride Two secondary (2)hydrogens CI H CH3 Cl./n 60% CH3一CH一CH3 -=30.0%per日 replacement 2 hydrogens H CH3 secondary chloride The2°hydrogens are 30.0 6.67 =4.5 times as reactive as the 1 hydrogens. Chapter 4 3

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Hydrogens Chapter 4 3

Chlorination Mechanism Initiation:Splitting of the chlorine molecule Cl2+hv→2C First propagation step:Abstraction(removal)of a primary or secondary hydrogen CH3-CH2-CH3+CI→·CH2一CH2-CH3 or CH3-CH-CH3+HC primary radical secondary radical Second propagation step:Reaction with chlorine to form the alkyl chloride CH2一CH2-CH3+C2 →C1-CH2-CH2-CH3+C primary radical primary chloride (1-chloropropane) CI or CH3-CH-CH3 Cl2 → CH3-CH-CH3 Cl. secondary radical secondary chloride (2-chloropropane) 2013 Pearsen Education ine Chapter 4

Chlorination Mechanism Chapter 4 4

Rate of Substitution in the Bromination of Propane Br Br CH3-CH2-CH3 +Br2 hy.125C CH3-CH2一CH2 +CH3-CH-CH3 +HBr primary bromide,3% secondary bromide,97% Relative reactivity six primary hydrogens 3% 6 =0.5%per H two secondary hydrogens48.%per H 2 The 2 hydrogens are 48.5 0.5 =97 times as reactive as the 1 hydrogens. Chapter 4 5

Rate of Substitution in the Bromination of Propane Chapter 4 5

Example of Allylic Halogenation with NBS H.C CH. CH2一Br CH3 CH2 NBS,hv C=C Br- HC CH; H.C CH CH, 2.3-dimethylbut-2-ene 2013 Pearson Educeton.Iine Chapter 6 6

Example of Allylic Halogenation with NBS File Name: AAAKWEA0 Chapter 6 6

The SN2 Reaction H H H-0:+ H-0-C-H + H H hydroxide iodomethane methanol iodide (nucleophile) (substrate) (product) (leaving group) The halogen atom on the alkyl halide is replaced with the (HO). Since the halogen is_ electronegative than carbon, the C-l bond and the iodide ion Chapter 6 7

The SN2 Reaction • The halogen atom on the alkyl halide is replaced with the __________ (HO- ). • Since the halogen is ______ electronegative than carbon, the C—I bond _______ ____________ and the iodide ion _______. Chapter 6 7

SN2 Mechanism H HO: HO- H H HH H nucleophile electrophile transition state product leaving (substrate) group (SN2). Concerted reaction:New bond forming and old bond at same time. ·Reaction is order overall. Rate k[alkyl halide][nucleophile]. Chapter 6

SN2 Mechanism • ___________ _____________ _____________ (SN2). • Concerted reaction: New bond forming and old bond __________ at same time. • Reaction is ________ order overall. • Rate = kr [alkyl halide][nucleophile]. Chapter 6 8

Uses for SN2 Reactions Nuc:”+R-X Nuc-R X- Nucleophile Product Class of Product R-X +-:i: > R-i: alkyl halide R-X+-:OH → R-OH alcohol R X+-:OR R-OR' ether R-X +-:SH R-SH thiol(mercaptan) R-X+-:SR R-SR' thioether(sulfide) R-X+ :NH3 R一NHX amine salt R-X +-:N=N=: R-N-N-N:- azide R-X+-:C=C-R R-C=C-R alkyne R-X+ -:C≡Ng R-C=N: nitrile 0 可 R-X +6--R R-0-C-R ester R-X +:PPh3 [R-PPh3]+-X phosphonium salt nE Chapter 6 9

Uses for SN2 Reactions Chapter 6 9

SN1 Mechanism:Step 1 CH3 +CH3 迫 Formation of carbocation(rate-determining step) Chapter 6 10

Formation of carbocation (rate-determining step) SN1 Mechanism: Step 1 Chapter 6 10
