河南农业大学:《生物化学》课程PPT教学课件(本科双语教学)第一章 核酸化学 Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena

Chapter 1 "Swamp Animals and Birds on the River Gambia,"c.1912 by Harry Hamition Jolmston (1858.1927). (Royal Geographical Soclety:London/The Bridgeman Art Library:) Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena

Chapter One Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena 1.1 Distinctive Properties of Living Systems 1.2 Biomolecules:The Molecules of Life 1.3 A Biomolecular Hierarchy:Simple Molecules Are the Units for Building Complex Structures 1.4 Properties of Biomolecules Reflect Their Fitness to the Living Condition 1.5 Organization and Structure of Cells 1.6 Viruses Are Supramolecular Assemblies Acting as Cell Parasites
⚫1.1 Distinctive Properties of Living Systems ⚫1.2 Biomolecules: The Molecules of Life ⚫1.3 A Biomolecular Hierarchy: Simple Molecules Are the Units for Building Complex Structures ⚫1.4 Properties of Biomolecules Reflect Their Fitness to the Living Condition ⚫1.5 Organization and Structure of Cells ⚫1.6 Viruses Are Supramolecular Assemblies Acting as Cell Parasites Chapter One Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena

1.1 Distinctive Properties of Living Systems Complicated and highly organed
1.1 Distinctive Properties of Living Systems Complicated and highly organized

The Orion Nebula,a tremendous cloud of gas in which many hot,young stars are evolving rapidly toward cataclysmic cosmic explosions called supernovea.Energy released by nuclear explosions in such supernovea brought about the fusion of simple atomic nuclei,forming the more complex elements of which the earth,its atmosphere, and all living things are composed
The Orion Nebula, a tremendous cloud of gas in which many hot, young stars are evolving rapidly toward cataclysmic cosmic explosions called supernovea. Energy released by nuclear explosions in such supernovea brought about the fusion of simple atomic nuclei, forming the more complex elements of which the earth, its atmosphere, and all living things are composed

·(a)Mandrill (b)Tropical orchid (Mandrillus sphinx),a (Bulbophyllum blumei), baboon native to West New Guinea. Africa
• (a) Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx), a baboon native to West Africa. (b) Tropical orchid (Bulbophyllum blumei), New Guinea

●Some characteristic of living matter. (c)
⚫ Some characteristic of living matter

Kaleidoscopes of life
Kaleidoscopes of life

Biological structures serve functional purposes
Biological structures serve functional purposes

Microscopic complexity and organization are apparent in this colorized thin section
Microscopic complexity and organization are apparent in this colorized thin section

Living systems are actively engaged in energy transformations Food pyramid Camivores Carnivore product (0.4 g) 2 Consumers Herbivores Herbivore product(6g) I Consumers Primary productivity (270 g) Photosynthesis 1Producers Procuctivity per squtare meter of a Tennessee field Carnivores, Herbivores,Photosynthesis
Living systems are actively engaged in energy transformations Carnivores, Herbivores, Photosynthesis Food pyramid
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