
English to Chinese Depal Chinese to English versity 1.Cervical enlargement 1.脊髓 2.Anterior horn 2.腰骶膨大 3.Ant.gray commissure 3.马尾 4.Ant.spinothalamic tract 4.后索 5.Lat.Corticospinal tract 5.薄束 1.颈膨大 1.Spinal cord 2.前角 2.Labrosacral enlargement 3.灰质前联合 3.Cauda equina 4.脊髓丘脑前束 4.Posterior funiculus 5. 皮质脊髓侧束 5.Faciculus gracilis Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University English to Chinese Chinese to English 1. Cervical enlargement 2. Anterior horn 3. Ant. gray commissure 4. Ant. spinothalamic tract 5. Lat.Corticospinal tract 1. 脊髓 2. 腰骶膨大 3. 马尾 4. 后索 5. 薄束 1. 颈膨大 2. 前角 3. 灰质前联合 4. 脊髓丘脑前束 5. 皮质脊髓侧束 1. Spinal cord 2. Labrosacral enlargement 3. Cauda equina 4. Posterior funiculus 5. Faciculus gracilis

Copy Right-Hongqi Z The content tomy-Fudan University 1.脑干各部之间分界标志-boundary mark 2.后10对(Ⅲ~Ⅻ)脑神经连接脑干的部位 3.脑干外部特征与内部结构的对应关系 4.神经纤维纵向和横向联系 5.重要传导束的交叉部位 6.对效应器的支配是单侧还是双侧 7.根据纤维束走行及交叉部位判断损伤后症状 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1. 脑干各部之间分界标志-boundary mark 2. 后10对(Ⅲ~Ⅻ)脑神经连接脑干的部位 3. 脑干外部特征与内部结构的对应关系 4. 神经纤维纵向和横向联系 5. 重要传导束的交叉部位 6. 对效应器的支配是单侧还是双侧 7. 根据纤维束走行及交叉部位判断损伤后症状 The content

Copy sity Central nervous system中枢神经系 端脑 端脑Telencephalon 间脑Diencephalon 小脑Cerebellum 脑干Brain stem 中脑Midbrain 间脑 脑桥Pons 中脑 延髓Medulla ablongata 脑千 脑桥 小脑 脊髓Spinal cord 延髓 脊髓一 Midian sagittal plane Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Central nervous system 中枢神经系 端脑 Telencephalon 间脑 Diencephalon 小脑 Cerebellum 脑干 Brain stem 中脑 Midbrain 脑桥 Pons 延髓 Medulla ablongata 脊髓 Spinal cord Midian sagittal plane 脊髓

Co Median sagittal section of brain 端脑 间脑 脑 小脑 A Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anaton sagittal view versity Inferior view
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Inferior view sagittal view Median sagittal section of brain 端脑 小脑 间脑 脑 干

Copy Median sagittal section of the brain ersity 1.Frontal lobe额叶 2. Occipital lobe枕叶 3. Corpus callosum胼胝体 4.Ant.Commissure前连合 5 .Lamina terminalis终板 3 4 6. Optic chiasma视交叉 7. Hypothalamus下丘脑 8. Thalamus&3 rd ventricle丘脑与3脑室 9. Colliculi of midbrain中脑丘 10.Midbrain(inf.portion)中脑 11.Cerebellum小脑 12.Pons脑桥 13.4 th ventricle第四脑室 14.Medulla oblongata延髓 15.Central canal中央管 6o5 inal tcord)腾髓dan University Median section through the head.Regions of the brain.Falx cerebri removed
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Median sagittal section of the brain 1. Frontal lobe 额叶 2. Occipital lobe 枕叶 3. Corpus callosum 胼胝体 4. Ant. Commissure 前连合 5. Lamina terminalis 终板 6. Optic chiasma 视交叉 7. Hypothalamus 下丘脑 8. Thalamus & 3rd ventricle 丘脑与3脑室 9. Colliculi of midbrain 中脑丘 10. Midbrain (inf.portion) 中脑 11. Cerebellum 小脑 12. Pons 脑桥 13. 4 th ventricle 第四脑室 14. Medulla oblongata 延髓 15. Central canal 中央管 16. Spinal cord 脊髓

Brain and roots of cranial nerves (basilar aspect) 大脑纵裂 嗅球 cerebral longitudinal fissure olfactory bulb 额叶 眶回 frontal lobe orbital gyri 直回 嗅束 gyrus rectus olfactory tract 视交叉 外侧沟 optic chiasma lateral sulcus 视束 视神经 optic n. optic tract 漏斗 大脑脚 infundibulu cerebral peduncle 乳头体 海马旁回 mamillary body parahippocampal gyrus 动眼神经 脑桥 oculomotor n pons 滑车神经 前庭蜗神经 trochlear n. vestibulocochlear n. 三叉神经 面神经 trigeminal n. facial n. 绒球 flocculus 舌下神经 hypoglossal n. 展神经 abducent n. 延髓 小脑扁桃体 medulla oblongata tonsil of cerebellum 蚓锥体 小脑半球 pyramid of vermis cerebellar hemisphere rsity
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Brain and roots of cranial nerves (basilar aspect)

脑干的外形 External structure of brain stem
脑干的外形 External structure of brain stem

Appearance of the brain stem (specimen) 端脑 间脑 Mid brain Pons Medulla abongata Anterior view Posterior view Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Appearance of the brain stem (specimen) Anterior view Posterior view Mid brain Pons Medulla abongata 间脑 端脑

Copy Right Introduction to brain stem University 组成延髓脑桥中脑 位置 下一脊髓 上一间脑 前一斜坡 后一小脑 室腔第四脑室 结构复杂 功能重要 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Introduction to brain stem 组成 延髓 脑桥 中脑 位置 下-脊髓 上-间脑 前-斜坡 后-小脑 室腔 第四脑室 结构 复杂 功能 重要

1 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Ventral view of brain stem apparent orign of cranial nerve Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1 1 Ventral view of brain stem & apparent orign of cranial nerve
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