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Into Chinese: Into English: 1.Uterine tube 1.睾丸 2.Cervix of uterus 2.输精管 3.Isthmus of uterus 3.卵巢 4.Peritoneum 4.阴道穹 5.Anteversion 5.子宫主韧带

Into English: 1.睾丸 2.输精管 3.卵巢 4.阴道穹 5.子宫主韧带 Into Chinese: 1. Uterine tube 2. Cervix of uterus 3. Isthmus of uterus 4. Peritoneum 5. Anteversion

English into Chinese: 1.Uterine tube-输卵管 2.Cervix of uterus-子宫颈 3.Isthmus of uterus-子宫峡 4.Peritoneum-腹膜 5.Anteversion-前倾

English into Chinese: 1. Uterine tube-输卵管 2. Cervix of uterus-子宫颈 3. Isthmus of uterus-子宫峡 4.Peritoneum-腹膜 5.Anteversion-前倾

Chinese into English: 1.睾丸-Testis 2.输精管-Ductus deferens 3.卵巢-Ovary 4.阴道穹-Fornix of vagina 5.子宫主韧带-Cardinal ligament of uterus

Chinese into English: 1. 睾丸-Testis 2. 输精管-Ductus deferens 3. 卵巢-Ovary 4. 阴道穹-Fornix of vagina 5. 子宫主韧带-Cardinal ligament of uterus

Copy Rig University 与心血管相关的科技解码史 CCTV解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史 心脏移植史 认识跳动的心脏 跳动的心脏 血液的秘密 唤醒骤停的心脏 CCTV解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史.。CCTV-解码科技史.CCTV-解码科技史.CCTV解码科技史 胶原蛋白的秘密 血压计 恢复心脏的节律 冠心病之战 血管幽灵胆固醇 ▣ ▣ ▣ Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 与心血管相关的科技解码史

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Contents Anatomy-Fudan University 1.General description of circulatory system脉管系概述 2.Routines of blood circulation血液的循环途径 3.Vascular anastomosis血管吻合 4.Location&external appearance of the heart心的位置外形 5.The chambers of the heart心的各腔 6.Structure of the heart心的构造 7.Conduction system of the heart心传导系统 8.Blood supply of the heart营养心的血管 9.Pericardium心包 10.Surface projection of the heart心的体表投影 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Contents 1. General description of circulatory system 脉管系概述 2. Routines of blood circulation 血液的循环途径 3. Vascular anastomosis 血管吻合 4. Location & external appearance of the heart 心的位置外形 5. The chambers of the heart 心的各腔 6. Structure of the heart 心的构造 7. Conduction system of the heart 心传导系统 8. Blood supply of the heart 营养心的血管 9. Pericardium 心包 10.Surface projection of the heart 心的体表投影

Copy Righ+ University Circulatory system video show 人体脉管系统 HUMAN PULSE TUBE SYSTEM 0000:15/000721 1x 仞 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Circulatory system video show

Copy Introduction of the circulatory system sity ◆Organization组成 r1.心 Cardiovascular system心血管系 2.动脉 3.静脉 Lymphatic system淋巴系统 4.毛细血管 ◆Function功能 Transportation运输 Oxygen,CO2 Nutrition,Hormone激素 Metabolic materials Endocrine内分泌 Cardiomyocyte,SMC,EC Defense保护 Lymphocyte (leukocytes) tment of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University ◆Organization 组成 Cardiovascular system 心血管系 Lymphatic system 淋巴系统 ◆Function 功能 Transportation 运输 Oxygen,CO2 Nutrition, Hormone 激素 Metabolic materials Endocrine 内分泌 Cardiomyocyte, SMC, EC Defense 保护 Lymphocyte (leukocytes) Introduction of the circulatory system 1. 心 2. 动脉 3. 静脉 4. 毛细血管

Organization of cardiovascular system (1)Heart-power engine,four chambered muscular organ血液循环的动力 (2)Blood vessels血管 ◆Artery动脉-the vessels that carry blood away from the heart.oxygenized blood,always beating.动脉是离心的血管,一般 含丰富的氧气与营养物质。 ◆Vein静脉-carry blood back to the heart,.deoxygenated blood,dark red beating.导血回心,低氧,较多代谢产物 ◆Capillary毛细血管-it located between the artery and vein, it is a material exchanging site.是物质交换的场所。 Cupy rignt-nongyl ZnANG-Deparuent UI Alatoily-ruual Unversity

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Organization of cardiovascular system (1)Heart 心 – power engine, four chambered muscular organ 血液循环的动力 (2)Blood vessels 血管 ◆Artery 动脉– the vessels that carry blood away from the heart. oxygenized blood, always beating. 动脉是离心的血管,一般 含丰富的氧气与营养物质。 ◆Vein 静脉– carry blood back to the heart, deoxygenated blood, dark red beating.导血回心,低氧,较多代谢产物 ◆Capillary 毛细血管– it located between the artery and vein, it is a material exchanging site. 是物质交换的场所

Copy Right- iversity Diagram of circulatory system Venous Arterial system system Heart Muscle fiber (cell) Elastic arteries Large (conducting vessels) Metarteriole Precapillary lymphatic sphincter vesseis Muscular arteries ting True capillaries Arteriovenous nastomosis Lymphatic capillary Thoroughfare channel Arterioles Venule (resistance vessels) Pulmonary vein oxygenated blood Postcapillary venule Metarteriole Capillaries Precapillary Pulmonary artery Sinusoid- Thoroughfare- (exchange sphincter channel vessels】 Deoxygenated blood Cupy rignt-nongyi LnmNG-Deparunent of Anatomy-Tudan omversity

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Diagram of circulatory system Pulmonary vein oxygenated blood Pulmonary artery Deoxygenated blood

Cop Vascular anastomosis collateral circulation 血管吻合与侧支循环 Arterial rete 动脉环 动脉弓 动脉网 动静脉吻合 Arterial circle Arterial arch Arterial-venous anastomosis 动脉一毛细血管一静脉 动脉之间 静脉之间 侧支循环 Collateral circulation 动静脉之间 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Vascular anastomosis & collateral circulation 血管吻合与侧支循环 动脉-毛细血管-静脉 动脉之间 静脉之间 动静脉之间 Arterial circle Arterial arch Arterial rete Arterial –venous anastomosis Collateral circulation
