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Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University English into Chinese Chinese into English 1.Intercostal nerve 1.肋下神经 2.Lat.cutaneous n.of forearm 2.股神经 3.Axillary nerve 3.坐骨神经 4.Intercostal nerve 4.胫神经 5.Phrenic nerve 5.腓总神经 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University English into Chinese 1.Intercostal nerve 2.Lat.cutaneous n.of forearm 3.Axillary nerve 4.Intercostal nerve 5.Phrenic nerve Chinese into English 1. 肋下神经 2. 股神经 3. 坐骨神经 4. 胫神经 5. 腓总神经

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University English into Chinese Chinese into English 1.Musculocutaneous nerve肌皮神经 2.Lat.cutaneous nerve of forearm前臂外侧皮神经 3.Axillary nerve腋神经 4.Intercostal nerve肋间神经 5.Phrenic nerve膈神经 1.正中神经median nerve 2.耳大神经great auricular nerve 3.肋下神经subcostal nerve 4.坐骨神经sciatic nerve 5.腓总神经common peroneal nerve Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1.Musculocutaneous nerve 肌皮神经 2.Lat.cutaneous nerve of forearm 前臂外侧皮神经 3.Axillary nerve 腋神经 4.Intercostal nerve 肋间神经 5.Phrenic nerve 膈神经 1. 正中神经 median nerve 2. 耳大神经 great auricular nerve 3. 肋下神经 subcostal nerve 4. 坐骨神经 sciatic nerve 5. 腓总神经 common peroneal nerve English into Chinese Chinese into English

Copy Right Key points of cranial nerves Iniversity 1.Concept:the nerves to connect with brain. 2.Name of 12 pairs of cranial nerves. 3.Distribute:head,neck,some to thorax abdomen 4.Functional fiber component纤维成分 5.Related nuclei神经核 6.Related ganglions神经节 7.Position to connect brain连接脑的部位 8.Foramen to transmit cranial bones穿颅底孔裂 9.Main branches&distribution分支分布 1O.Clinical symptom after injury损伤后临床表现

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Key points of cranial nerves 1. Concept: the nerves to connect with brain. 2. Name of 12 pairs of cranial nerves. 3. Distribute: head, neck, some to thorax & abdomen 4. Functional fiber component 纤维成分 5. Related nuclei 神经核 6. Related ganglions 神经节 7. Position to connect brain 连接脑的部位 8. Foramen to transmit cranial bones 穿颅底孔裂 9. Main branches & distribution 分支分布 10. Clinical symptom after injury 损伤后临床表现

Cranial nerves-nerves to connect to brain 1. Olfactory nerve嗅神经 滑车神经 视神经 IL Optic nerve视神经 三叉神经 动眼神经 嗅神经 . Oculomotor nerve动眼神经 展神经 IV.Trochlear nerve滑车神经 面神经 V.Trigeminal nerve三叉神经 VI.Abducent nerve展神经 前庭蜗神经 VIl.Facial nerve面神经 舌咽神经 VIl.Vestibulocochlear nerve前庭蜗神经 副神经 IX.Glossopharyngeal nerve舌咽神经 舌下神经 迷走神经 X.Vagus nerve】 迷走神经 XI.Accessory nerve副神经 XIl.Hypoglossal nerve舌下神经 一嗅二视三动眼 四滑五叉六外展 七面八听九舌咽十迷一副舌下全

Cranial nerves-nerves to connect to brain I. Olfactory nerve 嗅神经 II. Optic nerve 视神经 III. Oculomotor nerve 动眼神经 IV. Trochlear nerve 滑车神经 V. Trigeminal nerve 三叉神经 VI. Abducent nerve 展神经 VII. Facial nerve 面神经 VIII. Vestibulocochlear nerve 前庭蜗神经 IX. Glossopharyngeal nerve 舌咽神经 X. Vagus nerve 迷走神经 XI. Accessory nerve 副神经 XII. Hypoglossal nerve 舌下神经 一嗅二视三动眼 四滑五叉六外展 七面八听九舌咽 十迷一副舌下全

Cop iversity Base of the skull (internal view) Optic canal视神经管 Cribriform plate筛板 Sup.orbital fissure眶上裂 Foramen rotundum圆孔 Foramen ovale卵圆孔 Foramen lacerum破裂孔 Foramen spinosum棘孔 lnt.acoustic pore内耳门 Hypoglossal Jugular foramen颈静脉孔 canal舌下神经管 Foramen magnum 枕骨大孔 Copy Right-HongqI ZHANG-Department oT Anatom-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy6-Fudan University Optic canal 视神经管 Foramen lacerum 破裂孔 Hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管 Foramen magnum 枕骨大孔 Cribriform plate 筛板 Sup.orbital fissure 眶上裂 Foramen rotundum 圆孔 Int. acoustic pore 内耳门 Jugular foramen 颈静脉孔 Foramen spinosum 棘孔 Foramen ovale 卵圆孔 Base of the skull (internal view)

The structures passing the opening or fissure of cranial base Opening or fissure孔裂 Pass structure通过结构 Cribriform foramina筛孔 Olfactory n.嗅神经 Optic n.视神经 Oculomotor n.动眼神经 Sup.orbital fissure眶上裂 Trochlear n.滑车神经 Trigeminal1-ophthalmic nerve.眼神经(V-1) Foramen rotundum圆f孔 Maxillary n.上颌神经(V-2) Foramen ovale卵圆孔 Mandibular n.下颌神经(V-3) Foramen spinosum棘f孔 Mid.Meningeal a.脑膜中动脉 Foramen lacerum破裂孔 lnt.carotid a.颈内动脉 Internal.acoustic pore内耳门 Facial n.面神经 Vestibulocochlear n.前庭蜗神经 Jugular foramen颈静脉孔 lnt.jugular v.,vagus n.颈内静脉,迷走神经 Glossopharyngeal n.舌咽神经 Accessory n.副神经 Hypoglossal canal舌下神经管 Hypoglossal n.舌下神经 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 7 Opening or fissure 孔裂 Pass structure 通过结构 Cribriform foramina 筛孔 Olfactory n. 嗅神经 Sup.orbital fissure 眶上裂 Optic n. 视神经 Oculomotor n. 动眼神经 Trochlear n. 滑车神经 Trigeminal 1-ophthalmic nerve. 眼神经(Ⅴ-1) Foramen rotundum 圆孔 Maxillary n. 上颌神经(Ⅴ-2) Foramen ovale 卵圆孔 Mandibular n. 下颌神经(Ⅴ-3) Foramen spinosum 棘孔 Mid. Meningeal a. 脑膜中动脉 Foramen lacerum 破裂孔 Int. carotid a. 颈内动脉 Internal. acoustic pore 内耳门 Facial n. 面神经 Vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经 Jugular foramen 颈静脉孔 Int. jugular v., vagus n. 颈内静脉,迷走神经 Glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经 Accessory n. 副神经 Hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管 Hypoglossal n. 舌下神经 The structures passing the opening or fissure of cranial base

Copy Right-Hong The cranial nerves -Fudan University Olfactory 1.嗅神经 ●Sensory Motor ll Optic 11.视神经 ●Mixed lll Oculomotor 11.动眼神经 Trochlear IV.滑车神经 V Trigeminal V.三叉神经 VI Abducens V1.外展神经 VII Facial V11.面神经 VIll Vestibulocochlear V11.前庭蜗神经 IX Glossopharyngeal IX.舌咽神经 X Vagus X.迷走神经 XI Accessory X1.副神经 CRANIAL NERVES XⅫI Hypoglossal XI1.舌下神经 ©Lineage an University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University The cranial nerves I. 嗅神经 II. 视神经 III.动眼神经 IV. 滑车神经 V. 三叉神经 VI. 外展神经 VII.面神经 VIII.前庭蜗神经 IX. 舌咽神经 X. 迷走神经 XI. 副神经 XII.舌下神经

Inferior view of brain-cranial nerve roots Orbital gyri眶回 Olfactory bulb嗅球 Optic n.视神经 Olfactory tract嗅束 Infundibulum漏斗 Optic chiasma视交叉 Tuber cinereum灰结节 Oculomotor n.动眼神经 Mamillary body乳头体 Trochlear n.滑车神经 Trigerminal n.三叉神经 Facial n.面神经 Abducent n.展神经 Vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经 Tonsil of cerebellum Hypoglossal n. 小脑扁桃体 舌下神经 Copy Right-Ho1一端二间三四中,五桥八沟后四延n University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Inferior view of brain- cranial nerve roots Olfactory bulb 嗅球 Optic n. 视神经 Infundibulum 漏斗 Tuber cinereum 灰结节 Mamillary body 乳头体 Trigerminal n.三叉神经 Abducent n. 展神经 Tonsil of cerebellum 小脑扁桃体 Orbital gyri 眶回 Olfactory tract 嗅束 Optic chiasma 视交叉 Oculomotor n.动眼神经 Trochlear n.滑车神经 Facial n. 面神经 Vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经 Hypoglossal n. 舌下神经 一端二间三四中,五桥八沟后四延

Copy Right- an University The cranial nerve roots Crista galli鸡冠 Olfactory bulb嗅球 Olfactory tract.嗅束 Optic n.视神经 Optic chiasma视交叉 lnt.carotid.a.颈内动脉 Optic tract.视束 Trochlear n.滑车神经 Oculomotor n.动眼神经 Facial n.面神经 Trigerminal n.三叉神经 Vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经 Abducent n.展神经 Glossopharyngeal n 舌咽神经 Vagus n.迷走神经 Hypoglossal n. Accessory n.副神经 舌下神经 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University The cranial nerve roots Crista galli 鸡冠 Optic tract. 视束 Optic n. 视神经 Int.carotid.a.颈内动脉 Trochlear n.滑车神经 Facial n.面神经 Abducent n. 展神经 Glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经 Olfactory tract. 嗅束 Accessory n.副神经 Olfactory bulb 嗅球 Optic chiasma 视交叉 Oculomotor n.动眼神经 Trigerminal n.三叉神经 Vagus n.迷走神经 Vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经 Hypoglossal n. 舌下神经

脑神经的七种纤维成分 般内脏运动GVMF平滑肌、心肌和腺体 General visceral motor fiber 特殊内脏运动SVMF咀嚼肌、表情肌和咽喉肌(腮弓演化的骨骼肌) Special visceral motor fiber 一般躯体运动GSMF眼外肌、舌肌(肌节演化的骨骼肌) General somatic motor fiber 般体感觉GSSF皮肤、肌、肌腱、口鼻粘膜 General somatic sensory fiber 特殊躯体感觉SSSF视器和前庭蜗器 感 Special somatic sensory fiber 一般内脏感觉GVSF头、颈、胸、腹腔脏器 General visceral sensory fiber 特殊内脏感觉SVSF味蕾和嗅粘膜 Special visceral sensory fiber

一般内脏运动 GVMF 平滑肌、心肌和腺体 General visceral motor fiber 特殊内脏运动 SVMF 咀嚼肌、表情肌和咽喉肌 (腮弓演化的骨骼肌) Special visceral motor fiber 一般躯体运动 GSMF 眼外肌、舌肌 (肌节演化的骨骼肌) General somatic motor fiber 一般躯体感觉 GSSF 皮肤、肌、肌腱、口鼻粘膜 General somatic sensory fiber 特殊躯体感觉 SSSF 视器和前庭蜗器 Special somatic sensory fiber 一般内脏感觉 GVSF 头、颈、胸、腹腔脏器 General visceral sensory fiber 特殊内脏感觉 SVSF 味蕾和嗅粘膜 Special visceral sensory fiber 脑神经的七种纤维成分 运 动 感 觉
