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安徽医科大学:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Chapter 9 循环系统 Circulatory System

• 1. General description • 2. Heart • 3. Arteries • 4. Capillaries • 5. Veins • 6. Key points • 7. Homework

Anhui Medical University Chapter 9 Circulatory System Xue-mei Jia Department of Histology and Embryology Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Chapter 9 Circulatory System Xue-mei Jia Department of Histology and Embryology Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 1.General description .2.Heart 。3.Arteries 。4.Capillaries 。5.Veins 。6.Key points 7.Homework

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University • 1. General description • 2. Heart • 3. Arteries • 4. Capillaries • 5. Veins • 6. Key points • 7. Homework

University review We study microstructures at three structural levels:cells,tissues,organs Cells -is the smallest structure and functional unit of living organisms. Tissues-groups of cells and intercellular substances make up the body tissues. Organs-several different kinds of tissue are further organised to form organs System-several organs with related functions together form systems

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University We study microstructures at three structural levels: cells,tissues,organs Cells -is the smallest structure and functional unit of living organisms. Tissues-groups of cells and intercellular substances make up the body tissues. Organs-several different kinds of tissue are further organised to form organs System-several organs with related functions together form systems review

Anhui Medical University Organs Several different kinds of tissues are organised in particular ways to form organs. From the structure view,there are two kinds of organs in human body 1)cavity organs 2)parenchyma organs

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Organs Several different kinds of tissues are organised in particular ways to form organs. From the structure view, there are two kinds of organs in human body 1) cavity organs 2) parenchyma organs

1)Cavity organs The wall of cavity organs can be divided into three or four layers. The wall of blood vessels is made up of three layers: ①tunica intima ②tunica media ③tunica adventitia

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 1) Cavity organs The wall of cavity organs can be divided into three or four layers. The wall of blood vessels is made up of three layers: ① tunica intima ② tunica media ③ tunica adventitia

Anhui Medical University 2)Parenchyma organs 1 capsule:connective tissue 2 parenchyma:functional cell 3interstitial substance:connective tissue,blood vessels,lymphatic vessels and nervous fibers. LM:thymus LM:lymph node

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 2) Parenchyma organs ① capsule: connective tissue ② parenchyma: functional cell ③interstitial substance: connective tissue, blood vessels,lymphatic vessels and nervous fibers. LM: thymus LM: lymph node

Anhui Medical University 1 General description

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 1 General description

Anhui Medical University Our body need the nutrition to grow, we need a system to transport the nutrition and the oxygen to the tissues and cells the waste products of metabolism and carbon dioxide out of tissues and cells

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Our body need the nutrition to grow, we need a system to transport  the nutrition and the oxygen to the tissues and cells  the waste products of metabolism and carbon dioxide out of tissues and cells

Anhui Medical University Which system will complete this function in human body 让我想想!

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Which system will complete this function in human body ?

Anhui Medical University Circulatory system 1)Cardiovascular system heart,arteries,capillaries,veins 2)Lymphatic vascular system lymphatic capillaries,lymphatic vessels, lymphatic ducts

Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Circulatory system 1)Cardiovascular system heart, arteries, capillaries , veins 2)Lymphatic vascular system lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic ducts
