安徽医科大学基础医学院:男性生殖系统(讲稿)Male Reproductive System

Anhui Medical University Male Reproductive System Li Hong E-mail:beebluelh@163.com Division of Histology and Embryology Anhui Medical University
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Male Reproductive System Li Hong E-mail: beebluelh@163.com Division of Histology and Embryology Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University confents General description Testis Epididymis Prostate
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University contents General description Testis Epididymis Prostate

Anhui Medical University Key points 1.Consist of spermatogenic epithelium 2.The structure and functions of supporting cell 3.The structure and functions of Leydig cell 4.The structure of blood-testis barrier
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 1. Consist of spermatogenic epithelium 2. The structure and functions of supporting cell 3. The structure and functions of Leydig cell 4. The structure of blood-testis barrier Key points

Anhui Medical University General Description Testes Excretory genital ducts: Peritoneum Bladder Ureter epididymis ductus deferens Pubis ejaculatory ducts Prostatic urethra Seminal vesicle Rectum urethra Corpus cavernosum Ejaculatory duct Accessory glands: Corpus -Prostate spongiosum Bulbourethral gland prostate Urethra- Ductus deferens seminal vesicles Glans penis bulbourethral glands Penis Scrotum Tunica vaginalis Testis Epididymis colpulative organ
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University General Description Testes Excretory genital ducts: epididymis ductus deferens ejaculatory ducts urethra Accessory glands: prostate seminal vesicles bulbourethral glands Penis colpulative organ

Testis Anhui Medical University Located in the scrotum Ovoid or flattened Being covered by testicular capsule: tunica vaginalis and tunica albuginea Head of the epididymis Ductuli efferentes Ductus deferens- Seminiferous tubule Body of the epididymis -Septum Mediastinum testis- Tunica albuginea Rete testis. Tunica vaginalis Tail of the Tubuli recti epididymis
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Testis Located in the scrotum Ovoid or flattened Being covered by testicular capsule: tunica vaginalis and tunica albuginea

Testis Anhui Me > General structure CTunica vaginalis:serosa Capsule Tunica albuginea:thick,DCT mediastinum testis:albuginea became thicker at posterior portion septum:thin septa extend radiately from mediastinum testis to divided the parenchyma into lobule Seminiferous tubule:highly coiled; Lobule 3 30-70 cm long;150-250 mm in D Testicular interstitial tissue:LCT between seminiferous tubule
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University General structure 一 Testis Capsule Tunica vaginalis:serosa Tunica albuginea:thick, DCT • mediastinum testis: albuginea became thicker at posterior portion • septum: thin septa extend radiately from mediastinum testis to divided the parenchyma into lobule Lobule Testicular interstitial tissue:LCT between seminiferous tubule Seminiferous tubule: highly coiled; 30-70 cm long;150-250 mm in D

Head of the epididymis Ductuli efferentes Ductus deferens Tubuli recti Seminiferous tubule Body of the epididymis Septum Mediastinum testis- Tunica albuginea Rete testis Tunica vaginalis Tail of the Tubuli recti epididymis
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Tubuli recti

Anhui Medical University Each testis is composed of about 250 pyramidal compartments called the testiculer Lobules.Each lobule is occupied by 1-4 seminiferous tubules enmeshed in a web of LCT that is rich in blood and lymphatic Vessels ,nerves and interstitial (Leydig)cell. Ductuli efferentes Ductus deferens Seminiferous tubul Body of the epididymis Septum Mediastinum testis Rete testis Tunica vaginalis Tail of the Tubuli reet
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Each testis is composed of about 250 pyramidal compartments called the testiculer Lobules. Each lobule is occupied by 1-4 seminiferous tubules enmeshed in a web of LCT that is rich in blood and lymphatic Vessels ,nerves and interstitial (Leydig) cell

Anhui Medical University Testis
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Testis

(-)Seminiferous Tubule Anhui Medical University Spermatogonium Spermato- Primary spermatocytes Secondary spermatocyte Spermatogenic genic cell Spermatid epithelium Sperm Supporting cell Tunica propria Sperm Spermatid (myoid cell) Supporting ntercellular cytoplas mic bndge cell Secondary spermatocytes Basement Primary sper matocytes membrane Spermato- gonium Leydig cel Myoid cell Basement mem- Capillary brane
Anhui Medical University (一)Seminiferous Tubule Anhui Medical University Spermatogenic epithelium Spermatogenic cell Spermatogonium Primary spermatocytes Secondary spermatocyte Spermatid Sperm Supporting cell Basement membrane Tunica propria (myoid cell)
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