安徽医科大学基础医学院:结缔组织(讲稿)Connective tissue

Anhui Medical University Chapter 3. Connective tissue Li-jie Feng Ph.D. Email:fenglijie1128@sina.com Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medical Sciences Anhui medical university
Chapter 3. Connective tissue Anhui Medical University Li-jie Feng Ph.D. Email: fenglijie1128@sina.com Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medical Sciences Anhui medical university

Anhui Medical University Key points O Features of connective tissue(CT) o the structure features of fibroblasts,macrophages,mast cells and plasma cells Loose connective tissue Three elements:cells (et al),fibers(collagen fiber,elastic fiber and reticular fiber)and ground substance(molecular sieve and tissue fluid)
Key points ● Features of connective tissue (CT) the structure features of fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and plasma cells ● Loose connective tissue Three elements: cells (et al), fibers (collagen fiber, elastic fiber and reticular fiber) and ground substance (molecular sieve and tissue fluid) Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Connective tissue(CT) 1.Origination Almost all connect tissue,regardless of form,arises from embryonic mesenchyme. 2.Distribution CT is widely distributed in the body and provides the supporting matrix for almost every organ
1. Origination Almost all connect tissue, regardless of form, arises from embryonic mesenchyme. 2. Distribution CT is widely distributed in the body and provides the supporting matrix for almost every organ Connective tissue (CT) Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 3.Composition CT is composed of small number of cells and a large amount of ECM. ECM includes fibers,ground substances and tissue fluid. Cells CT Fibers ECM Ground substance
3. Composition CT is composed of small number of cells and a large amount of ECM. ECM includes fibers, ground substances and tissue fluid. CT Cells ECM Fibers Ground substance Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 4.General characteristic The cellular elements are relatively sparse and often embedded in a large amount of extracellular matrix (ECM) no polarity Abundant blood vessels
4. General characteristic The cellular elements are relatively sparse and often embedded in a large amount of extracellular matrix (ECM). no polarity Abundant blood vessels Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 5.Function Provide form and support to the body and organs and to connect and anchor parts A medium for exchange of nutrients,oxygen,and waste products between other tissues Defense and protection In certain sites,as in adipose tissue,it stores fat for cushioning and thermoregulation
5. Function Provide form and support to the body and organs and to connect and anchor parts A medium for exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between other tissues Defense and protection In certain sites, as in adipose tissue, it stores fat for cushioning and thermoregulation Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 6.Classification In wide sense,according to the composition and organization of cellular and extracellular components and to the special function,CT are classified as connective tissue proper, cartilage,bone and blood. Connective tissue proper can be further divided into Loose CT Dense CT Adipose tissue Reticular tissue
6. Classification In wide sense, according to the composition and organization of cellular and extracellular components and to the special function, CT are classified as connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone and blood. Connective tissue proper can be further divided into Loose CT Dense CT Adipose tissue Reticular tissue. Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Loose connective tissue(LCT) It is a major type of CT,also called areolar tissue. Distribution:Beneath those epithelia that cover the body surfaces and line the internal surface of the body.It is also present in association with epithelium of glands and surrounds the smallest vessels,and fills spaces between groups of muscle cells. General features OA relatively large number of different cell types,loosely arranged thin fibers and abundance of ground substance
It is a major type of CT, also called areolar tissue. Distribution: Beneath those epithelia that cover the body surfaces and line the internal surface of the body. It is also present in association with epithelium of glands and surrounds the smallest vessels, and fills spaces between groups of muscle cells. General features A relatively large number of different cell types, loosely arranged thin fibers and abundance of ground substance Loose connective tissue (LCT) Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University 1.The cells of LCT Seven types of cells are present in LCT.They are 1 fibroblasts,②macrophages,③plasma cells,④mast cells, ⑤fat cells,⑥undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and⑦ leukocytes. neutrophil macrophage eosinophil fibroblast mast cell elastic fibers fat cell collagen fiber
Seven types of cells are present in LCT. They are ① fibroblasts, ② macrophages, ③ plasma cells, ④ mast cells, ⑤ fat cells, ⑥ undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and ⑦ leukocytes. 1.The cells of LCT Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Residents The fibroblasts,macrophages,mast cells,fat cells and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells in LCT are fixed,that is,they are permanent residents in the LCT. Migrants Other cells are wandering,such as leukocytes,they are transient migrants who have entered the LCT from the blood in response to specific stimuli
• Residents The fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, fat cells and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells in LCT are fixed, that is, they are permanent residents in the LCT. • Migrants Other cells are wandering, such as leukocytes, they are transient migrants who have entered the LCT from the blood in response to specific stimuli. Anhui Medical University
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