安徽医科大学基础医学院:《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Chapter 1 Introduction of Histology

Anhui Medical University Histology and Embryology Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medicine School of International Education Anhui Medical University 2016/10/19 1
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Histology and Embryology Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medicine School of International Education Anhui Medical University 2016/10/19 1

Anhui Medical University Contact Information Shoubing Zhang,Ph.D. E-mail:sdrzzhang@163.com 2016/10/19
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Contact Information Shoubing Zhang, Ph.D. E-mail: sdrzzhang@163.com 2016/10/19 2

Anhui Medical University Chapter 1. Introduction of Histology 2016/10/19 3
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 2016/10/19 3 Chapter 1. Introduction of Histology

Anhui Medical University Key points The four fundamental tissues; The principle of H&E staining; Function of important cell apparatus
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University • The four fundamental tissues; • The principle of H&E staining; • Function of important cell apparatus. Key points

Anhui Medical University Contents I.What's Histology?(Nature) II.Why we study it ?(Reasons and Significances) IⅡ.How to study it?(Techniques and Methods) 2016/10/19 5
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Contents I. What’s Histology? (Nature) II. Why we study it ? (Reasons and Significances) III. How to study it ? (Techniques and Methods) 2016/10/19 5

Anhui Medical University Students should know Definition and study contents of histology. Principle of HE staining. Methods for preparing a paraffin section. 2016/10/19
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 2016/10/19 6 Students should know Definition and study contents of histology. Principle of HE staining. Methods for preparing a paraffin section

Anhui Medical University I.What's Histology? In Greek words,Histology="Histos"(a tissue)+"- logos“(the study of). A branch of anatomy,which is at the microscopic level (Microscopic Anatomy) LM/EM Functions microstructure Histology is a science which studies the microstructure of human body and the relationship between the structure and function. 2016/10/19
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University I. What’s Histology? 2016/10/19 7 In Greek words, Histology=“Histos”(a tissue)+ "- logos“(the study of). A branch of anatomy, which is at the microscopic level (Microscopic Anatomy) LM/EM microstructure Functions ! Histology is a science which studies the microstructure of human body and the relationship between the structure and function

Anhui Medical University Three Structural Levels Cells-tissues-organs systems 2016/10/19
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Cells-tissues-organs & systems 2016/10/19 8 Three Structural Levels

Anhui Medical University Cells The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit. There are many kinds of cells in human body such as epithelial cells,fibroblasts,plasma cells and nervous cells 1015 cells in the human body 200+cell types in the body Granular lay Purkinje cells cerebellum 2016/10/19 9
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Cells The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit. There are many kinds of cells in human body such as epithelial cells, fibroblasts, plasma cells and nervous cells . 1015 cells in the human body 200+ cell types in the body 2016/10/19 9 Purkinje cells cerebellum

Anhui Medical University Tissues Groups of cells and extracellular matrix that are similar in morphology and function make up the body tissues.There are four fundamental tissues: epithelial tissue connective tissue muscular tissue nervous tissue. (vellow). striation Skeletal muscle 2016/10/19
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Groups of cells and extracellular matrix that are similar in morphology and function make up the body tissues. There are four fundamental tissues: epithelial tissue connective tissue muscular tissue nervous tissue. Tissues Skeletal muscle striation collagen (yellow). 2016/10/19 1 0
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