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安徽医科大学基础医学院:人体胚胎学(讲稿)Human Embryology

 Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system  * Development of the heart  Fetal blood circulation and changes in the circulation after birth  Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system Anhui Medical University


1 Human Embryology

Anhui Medical University Development of the Circulatory System Dr.Lijie Feng Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medical science 422 School of International Education Anhui Medical University 2 2A

2 Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medical science School of International Education Anhui Medical University Dr. Lijie Feng Development of the Circulatory System Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medical science School of International Education Anhui Medical University Dr. Lijie Feng Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Development process of an embryo zygote blastocyst implantation amnion amnion amnion cavity umbilical -body stalk body stalk cord umbilical core blastoderm amnion chorion yolk sac yolk sac exocoelom chorion 20 weeks 4 weeks 3 weeks Question:How embryos receive oxygen and nutrients? 3

3 Question: How embryos receive oxygen and nutrients? zygote Development process of an embryo blastocyst implantation 3 weeks 4 weeks 20 weeks amnion cavity umbilical cord amnion chorion amnion umbilical cord amnion body stalk body stalk chorion yolk sac yolk sac exocoelom blastoderm Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Sperm and egg Stoge of unite and implant Stoge of embryonic development fetal development Fetal oge weeks 8 16 38 合 蜕膜 Maternal blood diffusion idua Circulatory system development 内细胞团 羊膜腔 内胚层 Inner cell mass Amniotic eavity Endoder 胚盘 胚泡腔 Embryonic disc 卵黄囊 Yolk sac 子宫内膜上皮 滋养层 Epithelium of endometrium Trophobiast 4

4 Maternal blood diffusion Circulatory system development Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Content Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system Development of the heart Fetal blood circulation and changes in the circulation after birth Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system ESSENTIALS OF HMA EMB OLOGY 5 W I L LIA M LA R S E N

5 Content  Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system  * Development of the heart  Fetal blood circulation and changes in the circulation after birth  Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Content ● Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system Development of the heart Fetal blood circulation and changes in the circulation after birth Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system EMB OLOGY 6

6 Content  Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system  Development of the heart  Fetal blood circulation and changes in the circulation after birth  Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system Period:in the 3rd-7th weeks of embryonic development ●Origin:mesoderm Significance:provide nutrition and oxygen and remove wastes and carbon dioxide

7  Period: in the 3rd-7th weeks of embryonic development  Origin: mesoderm  Significance: provide nutrition and oxygen and remove wastes and carbon dioxide Establishment of the primordial cardiovascular system Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system 1)Extra-embryonic blood vessels o The 15th day,mesenchymal cells in the wall of yolk sac proliferate to form isolated cell clusters -blood islands body stalk amnion cavity ectoderm endoderm Primordial heart Yolk sac extra embryonic mesoderm Blood islands

8  The 15th day, mesenchymal cells in the wall of yolk sac proliferate to form isolated cell clusters -blood islands 1) Extra-embryonic blood vessels Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system Blood islands Yolk sac Primordial heart body stalk extra embryonic mesoderm ectoderm endoderm amnion cavity Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system Peripheral cells endothelial cells endothelial tube Central cells primitive blood cells(blood stem cell) Endothelial tube approach and fuse with each other to form an endothelial tube network Mesenchymal cell body stalk ectoderm endoderm Primordial heart endothelial cell Yolk sac extra embryonic mesoderm Blood islands primitive blood cell

9  Peripheral cells endothelial cells endothelial tube  Central cells primitive blood cells (blood stem cell)  Endothelial tube approach and fuse with each other to form an endothelial tube network Mesenchymal cell endothelial cell primitive blood cell Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system ● Endothelial tube network appears in chorionic membrane and body stalk,and connect to vitelline circulation. villi amnion cavity amnion Blood vessel Primordial heart Allantois body stalk Yolk sac chorionic membrane Blood islands Blood vessel 10

10 • Endothelial tube network appears in chorionic membrane and body stalk, and connect to vitelline circulation. chorionic membrane body stalk Establishment of the promordial cardiovasular system Blood islands Yolk sac Primordial heart amnion cavity Blood vessel Blood vessel villi Allantois amnion Anhui Medical University
