安徽医科大学基础医学院:肌肉组织(讲稿)Muscle Tissue

Anhui Medical University Musce Tissue Xie Fenfen Email:xff2005024@126.com Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medicine Anhui Medical University
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Muscle Tissue Email:xff2005024@126.com Department of Histology and Embryology School of Basic Medicine Anhui Medical University Xie Fenfen

Anhui Medical University Key points The structural differences(LM)of 3 types of muscle fibers Molecular structure of thick filaments and thin filaments 。Sarcomere 。Intercalated disk
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University • The structural differences (LM) of 3 types of muscle fibers • Molecular structure of thick filaments and thin filaments • Sarcomere • Intercalated disk Key points

Anhui Medical University 1.Overview 1)components: -muscle cells:muscle fibers 。Sarcolemma 。Sarcoplasm SER-sarcoplasmic reticulum -CT with vessels and nerves
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 1. Overview 1) components: -muscle cells: muscle fibers • Sarcolemma • Sarcoplasm • SER - sarcoplasmic reticulum - CT with vessels and nerves

Anhui Medical University 2)classification According to the structure and function skeletal muscle:striated,voluntary cardiac muscle:striated,involuntary smooth muscle:unstriated,involuntary Skeletal muscle Structure Cross sections Function Strong,quick discontinuous voluntary contraction Nuclei Cardiac muscle Strong,quick continuous involuntary contraction Smooth muscle Intercalated disks Weak,slow involuntary contraction
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 2) classification According to the structure and function • skeletal muscle: striated, voluntary • cardiac muscle: striated, involuntary • smooth muscle: unstriated, involuntary Structure Function

Anhui Medical University 1.Skeletal muscle LM: Long,cylindrical cells Multinucleated,with nuclei lying beneath sarcolemma ·Many myofibrils Having cross striations of alternating dark and light bands Skeletal muscle Cross sections Strong,quick discontinuous voluntary contraction
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University LM: • Long, cylindrical cells • Multinucleated, with nuclei lying beneath sarcolemma • Many myofibrils • Having cross striations of alternating dark and light bands 1. Skeletal muscle

ersity Transverse Longitudinal
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University collagen fibers collagen fibers Striated skeletal muscle in longitudinal section(special staining)
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University collagen fibers collagen fibers Striated skeletal muscle in longitudinal section (special staining)

Anhui Medical University Skeletal muscle -Myofibrils 。The structural and functional subunit of the muscle fiber. They contribute to the Muscle fibre Myofibrils formation of transverse- striation. 。They have A bands,H bands,M lines,I bands and Z lines
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Skeletal muscle -Myofibrils • The structural and functional subunit of the muscle fiber. • They contribute to the formation of transversestriation. • They have A bands, H bands, M lines, I bands and Z lines

Anhui Medical University Skeletal muscle -sarcomere The sarcomere is the segment of the myofibril between two adjacent Z lines. It is the basic contractile unit of striated muscle U ·》 ·龄渗婆鞭H
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University Skeletal muscle - sarcomere • The sarcomere is the segment of the myofibril between two adjacent Z lines. • It is the basic contractile unit of striated muscle

肌带 暗(A)带 明()带 IBand H带 Z线 M线 ⅓I+■1A+%I
Anhui Medical University Anhui Medical University 肌 节 暗(A)带 明(I)带 H 带 Z 线 M 线 ½ I + 1 A + ½ I
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