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安徽医科大学基础医学院:血液学(讲稿)Hemal biology

1. blood components 2. hematopoiesis 3. blood function 4. white blood cell count 5. White blood cell differential 6. homework 7. case study

Practice 4 Hemal biology Department of parasitology,AHUM

Practice 4 Hemal biology Department of parasitology, AHUM

Definition Hemal biology:Study of normal and pathologic aspects of blood

Definition • Hemal biology:Study of normal and pathologic aspects of blood

Contents 1.blood components 2.hematopoiesis 3.blood function 4.white blood cell count 5.White blood cell differential 6.homework study

Contents 1. blood components 2. hematopoiesis 3. blood function 4. white blood cell count 5. White blood cell differential 6. homework 7. case study

1.Blood components Adults have 4-6 L of blood A liquid connective tissue plasma-matrix of blood a clear,light yellow fluid formed elements-blood cells and cell fragments red blood cells,white blood cells,and platelets

1. Blood components • Adults have 4-6 L of blood • A liquid connective tissue – plasma – matrix of blood • a clear, light yellow fluid – formed elements - blood cells and cell fragments • red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

1.Blood components Blood cells(formed elements)suspended in plasma Plasma (55%of whole blood) Buffy coat: leukocytes and platelets (<1%of whole blood) -Formed ①Withdraw blood ②Centrifuge Erythrocytes elements and place in tube (45%of whole blood)

• Blood cells (formed elements) suspended in plasma 1. Blood components

Withdraw blood Centrifuge -Plasma (55%of whole blood) Buffy coat:leukocytes and platelets (<1%of whole blood) Erythrocytes Formed (45%of whole blood) elements Hematocrit

Centrifuge Withdraw blood Plasma (55% of whole blood) Buffy coat: leukocytes and platelets (<1% of whole blood) Erythrocytes (45% of whole blood) Formed elements Hematocrit

Percentage by body weighr Plasma (percentoge by weight) Albumins 58% Proteins 7% Globulins Percentage by 38% volume Other fluids Fibrinogen and tissues 92% Water 91% lons Nutrients Oher solutes2 Waste producis Gases Formed elements (number per cubic mm) Regulatory substances Plartelets 250-400 fousond Leukocytes Leukocytes Neutrophils 5-9 thousand 60-70% Lymphocytes 2025% 24 Basophils 0.51% Components of blood

Components of blood

1.Blood components plasma (55%): 一 water(90%of total plasma) protein (7%) albumen,globulin (antibodies),hormones,enzymes,cytokines blood coagulation factor:prothrombin,thrombin,fibrinogen other (3%) nutrients:fats,vitamins,carbohydrates(glucose) electrolytes gases:oxygen,carbon dioxide metabolic waste products:creatinine,urea nitrogen,uric acid, etc

• plasma (55%): – water (90% of total plasma) – protein (7%) • albumen, globulin (antibodies), hormones, enzymes, cytokines • blood coagulation factor: prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen – other (3%) • nutrients: fats, vitamins, carbohydrates (glucose) • electrolytes • gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide • metabolic waste products: creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid, etc. 1. Blood components

1.Blood components formed elements (45%) -red blood cell(RBC,erythrocyte):male:4- 5×10/μl,female:3.5-4.5×106/ul hemoglobin (Hb,male:12-16g/dl,female:11-15g/dl, newborn:17-20g/dl) hematocrit (Hct,male:42-52%,female:37-47%): reticulocyte(Ret,immature erythrocyte):adult:0.5- 1.5%,newborn:2.0-6.0% Mean Corpuscular Volume:MCV,80-100 fl Mean Cellular Haemoglobin Concentration:MCHC,32- 36 g/dl

• formed elements (45%) – red blood cell (RBC, erythrocyte): male: 4- 5×106 /µl, female: 3.5-4.5×106 /µl • hemoglobin (Hb, male: 12-16g/dl, female:11-15g/dl, newborn:17-20g/dl) • hematocrit (Hct, male: 42-52%, female: 37-47%): • reticulocyte (Ret, immature erythrocyte): adult: 0.5- 1.5%, newborn: 2.0-6.0% • Mean Corpuscular Volume: MCV, 80-100 fl • Mean Cellular Haemoglobin Concentration: MCHC, 32- 36 g/dl 1. Blood components
