
English to Chinese epart Chinese to English ersity SE-E- 1.Sympathetic trunk 1. 椎前节 2.Cillary ganglion 2.内脏大神经 3.Glossopharyngeal n. 3.副交感神经 4.Accessory n. 4.节前纤维 5.Submandibular ganglion 5.腹腔神经节 1.交感干 1.Prevertebral ganglion 2. 睫状神经节 2.Greater splanchnic n. 3.舌咽神经 3.Parasympathetic n. 4.副神经 4.Preganglionic fiber 5.下颌下神经节 5.Celiac ganglion Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University English to Chinese Chinese to English 1. Sympathetic trunk 2. Cillary ganglion 3. Glossopharyngeal n. 4. Accessory n. 5. Submandibular ganglion 1. 椎前节 2. 内脏大神经 3. 副交感神经 4. 节前纤维 5. 腹腔神经节 1. 交感干 2. 睫状神经节 3. 舌咽神经 4. 副神经 5. 下颌下神经节 1. Prevertebral ganglion 2. Greater splanchnic n. 3. Parasympathetic n. 4. Preganglionic fiber 5. Celiac ganglion

中枢神经系central nervous system 3
3 中枢神经系 central nervous system

中枢神经系central nervous system 端脑Telencephalon 端脑 间脑Diencephalon 小脑Cerebellum 脑干Brain stem 中脑Midbrain 脑桥Pons 间脑1 延髓Medulla Ablongata 脑干 脑桥 小脑 延髓 脊髓Spinal cord 脊髓 Median sagittal plane
中枢神经系 central nervous system 端脑 Telencephalon 间脑 Diencephalon 小脑 Cerebellum 脑干 Brain stem 中脑 Midbrain 脑桥 Pons 延髓 Medulla Ablongata 脊髓 Spinal cord Median sagittal plane 脊髓

Median sagittal section of the brain 1.Frontal lobe额叶 2. Occipital lobe枕叶 3.Corpus callosum胼胝体 4.Ant.Commissure前连合 5.Lamina terminalis终板 6. Optic chiasma视交叉 7.Hypothalamus下丘脑 8. Thalamus&3 rd ventricle丘脑与3脑室 9.Colliculi of midbrain中脑丘 10.Midbrain(inf.portion)中脑 11.Cerebellum小脑 12.Pons脑桥 13.4 th ventricle第四脑室 14.Medulla oblongata延髓 15.Central canal中央管 16.Spinal cord脊髓 Median section through the head.Regions of the brain.Falx cerebri removed
Median sagittal section of the brain 1. Frontal lobe 额叶 2. Occipital lobe 枕叶 3. Corpus callosum 胼胝体 4. Ant. Commissure 前连合 5. Lamina terminalis 终板 6. Optic chiasma 视交叉 7. Hypothalamus 下丘脑 8. Thalamus & 3rd ventricle 丘脑与3脑室 9. Colliculi of midbrain 中脑丘 10. Midbrain (inf.portion) 中脑 11. Cerebellum 小脑 12. Pons 脑桥 13. 4 th ventricle 第四脑室 14. Medulla oblongata 延髓 15. Central canal 中央管 16. Spinal cord 脊髓

中枢神经系 脊髓 Central nervous system Spinal cord
Central nervous system Spinal cord 中枢神经系 脊 髓

Contents 1.脊髓的位置Location 2.脊髓的外形External appearance 3.脊髓节段与椎骨位置关系Relative relation 4.脊髓的灰质Gray matter 5.脊髓的白质Vhite matter 6.脊髓的功能Function 7
7 1. 脊髓的位置 Location 2. 脊髓的外形 External appearance 3. 脊髓节段与椎骨位置关系 Relative relation 4. 脊髓的灰质 Gray matter 5. 脊髓的白质 White matter 6. 脊髓的功能 Function Contents

脊髓的位置一Location Location::椎管内 Length:约45cm Sup.end:平枕骨大孔 lnf.end:成人一第1腰椎 新生儿一第3腰椎 Sexual difference:女略低于男 Clinic:麻醉-多在第1腰椎以下 脊膜膨出 脊柱裂 Meningocele Cleft spine 脊膜膨出 Meningocele
8 脊髓的位置-Location Location: 椎管内 Length: 约45cm Sup.end: 平枕骨大孔 Inf.end: 成人-第1腰椎 新生儿-第3腰椎 Sexual difference:女略低于男 Clinic: 麻醉-多在第1腰椎以下 脊柱裂 Cleft spine 脊膜膨出 Meningocele 脊膜膨出 Meningocele

Copy Univ Anaesthesia麻醉in the vertebrae Skin皮肤 Subcutaneous fascia皮下筋膜 L1 Supraspinal lig.棘上韧带 Interspinal lig.棘间韧带 Yellow lig.黄韧带 Lower end of spinal cord Draw cerebrospinal fluid Needle From the vertebral canal puncture For lab examination Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Anaesthesia 麻醉 in the vertebrae canal L1 Draw cerebrospinal fluid From the vertebral canal For lab examination Lower end of spinal cord Needle puncture Skin 皮肤 Subcutaneous fascia 皮下筋膜 Supraspinal lig. 棘上韧带 Interspinal lig. 棘间韧带 Yellow lig. 黄韧带

脊髓的外形一External Appearance 形态前后略扁圆柱形 沟裂六条Sulcus fissure 膨大是该处神经元与神经纤维增多所致。 膨大两个Enlargement 脑桥臂 延髓 brachium pontis 颈膨大C4T1:腰骶膨大L2-S3 medulla oblongata 一枕骨大孔 圆锥Conus medullaris foramen magum 颈膨大 终丝Filum terminale cervical enlargement 一前外侧沟 anterolateral sulcus 马尾Cauda equina -腰骶膨大 一前正中裂 神经31对 脊髓圆锥 anterior median fissure 、后外侧沟 posterolateral sulcus 终丝 后正中沟 posterior median sulcus 尾 一腰骶膨大 lumbosacral enlargement 终丝 filum terminale 前面(anterior) 后面(posterior)
10 脊髓的外形-External Appearance 形态 前后略扁圆柱形 沟裂 六条 Sulcus fissure 膨大 两个 Enlargement 颈膨大 C4 -T1 ; 腰骶膨大L2-S3 圆锥 Conus medullaris 终丝 Filum terminale 马尾 Cauda equina 神经 31对 膨大是该处神经元与神经纤维增多所致

Spinal nerve&spinal enlargement脊神经与脊髓膨大 11
11 Spinal nerve & spinal enlargement 脊神经与脊髓膨大
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