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Copy Righ Fudan University Bones of the trunk 51 Intercostal space In adult Costal cartilage Vertebrae 24 Cervical 7 True ribs I-VII Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5 Sacrum 1 Coccyx 1 Sternum 1 False ribs VIll-XII Rib 24 Floating ribs Costal margin Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 2 In adult Vertebrae 24 Cervical 7 Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5 Sacrum 1 Coccyx 1 Sternum 1 Rib 24 Bones of the trunk - 51

The joints of bones of the trunk躯干骨的连结 Ant.view of Post.view of Lat.view thoracic cage 3 thoracic cage Ant.view Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 3 The joints of bones of the trunk 躯干骨的连结 Ant.view Ant.view of Lat.view thoracic cage Post.view of thoracic cage

Copy Ri University Articulation of trunk bones 1.脊柱Spinal Column 椎骨间的连接the joints among vertebrate 椎体间连接the joints among the vertebral bodies 椎弓间连接the joints among the vertebral arches 脊柱的整体观及运动vertebral column as a whole and its movement 寰椎与枕骨及枢椎的关节 2.胸廓thoracic cage 肋椎关节costovertebral joints 肋头关节joints of costal head 肋横突关节costotransverse joints 胸肋关节sternocostal joint 胸廓的整体观及其运动。Thoracic cage as a whole 4 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 4 4 Articulation of trunk bones 1.脊柱 Spinal Column 椎骨间的连接 the joints among vertebrate 椎体间连接 the joints among the vertebral bodies 椎弓间连接 the joints among the vertebral arches 脊柱的整体观及运动 vertebral column as a whole and its movement 寰椎与枕骨及枢椎的关节 2.胸廓 thoracic cage 肋椎关节 costovertebral joints 肋头关节 joints of costal head 肋横突关节 costotransverse joints 胸肋关节 sternocostal joint 胸廓的整体观及其运动。 Thoracic cage as a whole

Combination of vertebral bodies椎体间的连结 -外耳门 关节突关节 -乳突 前纵韧带 项韧带 椎间孔 -椎动脉 后纵韧带一 棘间韧带 棘上韧带 椎间盘- 棘间韧带 黄韧带 一前纵韧带 隆椎- Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudn University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 5 Combination of vertebral bodies 椎体间的连结

Combination of vertebral bodies椎体间的连结 1-Ant.longitudinal lig.前纵韧带(Foramen magnum to S.~S2) 2-Post.longitudinal lig.后纵韧带(C2 to sacrum) 3-Intervertebral disc椎间盘(23).-between neighbouring bodies 3 2】 Post.view Lat.view Ant.view Lat view Body removed Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudn University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 6 1- Ant.longitudinal lig. 前纵韧带 (Foramen magnum to S1~S2 ) 2- Post.longitudinal lig. 后纵韧带 (C2 to sacrum) 3- Intervertebral disc 椎间盘 (23). - between neighbouring bodies Combination of vertebral bodies 椎体间的连结 1 2 3 3 Lat. view Post.view Body removed Ant. view Lat view 1

Copy Right- University Intervertebral disc椎间盘 Between vertebral bodies Nucleus pulposus髓核 an inner soft,pulpy, highly elastic structure Anulus fibrosus纤维环 an outer fibrous ring consisting of Lat.view fibrocartilage Annulus itervertebral toramen Fibrous Nucleus 纤维环 IV disc pulposus Anulus Nucleus /ertebra rosus ody Pulposus 髓核 D Lateral view of disc E Lateral view of disc wh when recumbent erect(weight bearing) Intervertebral disc HANG-Departmenmy-Fudersity 平躺时 7站立时 侧屈时

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 7 Intervertebral disc 椎间盘 Between vertebral bodies Nucleus pulposus 髓核 an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic structure Anulus fibrosus 纤维环 an outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage Lat. view Intervertebral disc Nucleus Pulposus 髓核 Annulus Fibrous 纤维环 平躺时 站立时 侧屈时

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 什么是椎间盘突出 intervertebral disc protusion or herniation 。腾讯视频 腰推间盘突出症动画演示 仅供学变流 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudn University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 8 什么是椎间盘突出 intervertebral disc protusion or herniation

Copy Right- -Fudan University Intervertebral disc INTERVERTEBRAL DISC HERNIATION 盒客宫 -Annulus fibrosus Nucleus pulposus Disc Herniation -Nerve root Spinal cord Type I Hansen's Disc Herniation Type ll Hansen's Disc Her Intervertebral Disc Herniation -Spinal Cord Disc Annulu niated Dis ched Nerv Spinal Nerve Vertebral Body .qi ZHANG-Department of Anatc

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Intervertebral disc

Copy Function of longitudinal lig. vertebral disc前纵韧带后纵韧带及其功能 ◆Ant.longitudinal lig.前纵韧带 Contact vertebral body intervertebral disc together Prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column ◆Post.longitudinal lig.后纵韧带 Contact vertebral body intervertebral disc together Prevents hyperflexion过度屈曲of the vertebral column& post.protrusion of the discs ◆Intervertebral disc.椎间盘 make the movement of vertebral column flexible and make the vertebral column with elasticity Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-FudUniversity

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 10 Function of ant. & post longitudinal lig. & vertebral disc 前纵韧带后纵韧带及其功能 ◆Ant.longitudinal lig.前纵韧带 Contact vertebral body & intervertebral disc together Prevents hyperextension 过伸 of the vertebral column ◆Post.longitudinal lig.后纵韧带 Contact vertebral body & intervertebral disc together Prevents hyperflexion 过度屈曲 of the vertebral column & post. protrusion of the discs ◆Intervertebral disc.椎间盘 make the movement of vertebral column flexible and make the vertebral column with elasticity

Ligs.associated with vertebral arch椎弓间韧带 1-Yellow lig.(ligamenta flava)黄韧带2-Intertransverse lig.横突间韧带 3-Interspinal lig.棘间韧带 4-Supraspinous lig.棘上韧带 epartm Lat.view (half body removed) Ant.view of vertebral canal

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 11 1-Yellow lig.(ligamenta flava)黄韧带 2- Intertransverse lig.横突间韧带 3- Interspinal lig. 棘间韧带 4- Supraspinous lig.棘上韧带 Ligs. associated with vertebral arch 椎弓间韧带 1 2 4 Ant.view of vertebral canal Lat.view (half body removed) 3 1 3 3
